Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 20 Hidden BOSS

"What's going on? Why haven't the first few groups who went out to hunt alone come back? The convoy that delivered the dinosaur carcasses hasn't come back either?"

Deep in the woods, a team of more than a dozen poachers were hiding in a bush and discussing things in low voices.

Most of these dozen people are poachers armed with rifles, but among them are four elite monsters like the knife throwers and the fat man from the first scene.

And their attributes are higher than those of the same kind in the first act. The reason is very simple, because they are the best among the gangsters in the first act, so they can follow the poaching team, which is equivalent to being promoted.

As for the leader of this team, he is an extremely burly man. He is even a little unusually burly, just like the boss Terhune in the first act!

He is more than two meters tall, has a short haircut, and wears a green military vest, military trousers and military boots. There are muscle knots on his two exposed arms.

The most important thing is that there is a rope hanging around this guy's waist, and at the end of the rope is a stone as big as a human head!

He is the hidden mini-boss in the second act of Dino Kombat! Rambo, the military bully!

Like Terhune in the first act, this guy is also a modified person who has been injected with dinosaur genes, so he can have such a terrifying body.

He was even the leader of the dinosaur hunting team before, but because Dr. Scourge was in urgent need of dinosaurs for experiments, he parachuted his proud subordinate Bloody Butcher over.

This forced him to take a back seat and temporarily became the second in command of the poaching team.

But when the bloody butcher completes his mission and leaves, he will still be able to resume his status as the boss.

At this moment, the big man with a flat head was looking at the target dinosaur in the distance with a sullen face, his eyebrows furrowed.

The two poaching teams suddenly lost contact, and the most important thing was that the convoy transporting the dinosaur carcasses did not come back either, which gave him a bad premonition.

But it was just a hunch. He still didn't give up the idea of ​​hunting the dinosaur in front of him.

After all, the bloody butcher who landed in the air took his position directly, which inevitably made him feel a sense of crisis.

He was afraid that his identity as the leader of the poaching team would be completely replaced, and he urgently needed to do something to prove himself to Dr. Scourge.

And hunting a T-Rex! Send the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex over there! It is undoubtedly a very good gift!

After taking a look at the boys around him, he felt that even if there were only a dozen or so people, he should be able to take down the behemoth in front of him. He suddenly stood up with his homemade stone meteor hammer.

"No wait! Act directly! Fatty and the knife thrower come with me! The others will fire their black guns from a distance!"


After hearing the boss's order, the boys around him nodded quickly, and everyone immediately separated to find a suitable shooting point.

After everyone was in their positions, the leading brother, Rambo, the bully in the army, suddenly shook the meteor hammer in his hand and roared, taking the lead and rushing out of the woods towards the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the distance.

Two fat men and two knife throwers followed closely behind, and violent gunshots rang out all around.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex, which had been shot several times on the spot, looked up to the sky and roared. It put down the food in its mouth, lowered its head crazily and rushed toward the crowd, with its mouth wide open.

But before it could get close enough to bite, a whooshing sound came out, and a stone meteorite the size of a human head had already hit its head hard with inertia.

With the loud noise, the huge Tyrannosaurus rex, which was more than four meters tall, was directly blown away by a hammer!

The military bully Rambo has been strengthened with the dinosaur potion! His physique has already exceeded that of ordinary people! Not under ordinary dinosaurs!


Rambo, who knocked down his target with one hammer, roared and rushed forward with his four younger brothers, preparing to hunt down the Tyrannosaurus Rex by force.

It's just that this dragon overlord is no joke. Although the hammer is very lethal, it is not fatal enough to be placed on it.

With a howl, it quickly raised its head and bit a fat man who rushed towards him in one bite. With a sudden shake of its head, it actually threw the elite monster seven or eight meters into the air! Screaming and hitting a big tree in the distance! Make a loud noise!

After struggling to get up from the ground, the extremely large Tyrannosaurus rex began to attack desperately, directly fighting with the poaching team.

Just as they were fighting madly, the poachers who were firing black guns in the distance suddenly heard chaotic sounds in the woods behind them when they lowered their heads to load their bullets.

When they heard the noise, they turned their heads in surprise, only to see the trees scattering, and three guys in leather jackets howling and rushing out!

And behind the three people who were running desperately, there was a man who was loading a revolver with a straight face and striding forward at the same time.

After closing the distance, raise your hand and shoot!

There was a continuous bang of gunfire, and the two poachers facing here died suddenly on the spot.

Qin Ming, who quickly used up all the bullets, loaded the bullets skillfully and continued to move forward while loading the bullets.

Seeing this, the other poachers quickly pulled the bolts of their guns and prepared to fight back, but as soon as they finished loading, the three minions had already rushed in front of them.

With no other choice, they could only choose to shoot at the minions, killing one on the spot and wounding two in a volley.

But that was all. They had no time to continue loading, and they were rushed in front of them by the minions. Instead, they were shot in the face by the two of them. The most important thing was that Qin Ming, who had completely closed the distance behind him, came up again. The bombing is complete!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

In the front battlefield, there was a sudden sound of gunfire from the woods behind. Rambo, the bully in the army, who was jumping behind the Tyrannosaurus Rex and hammering its head with a meteor hammer, couldn't help but be stunned and looked up in surprise.

Before he could figure out what was going on, the Tyrannosaurus Rex under him suddenly seized the opportunity to shake his head and threw him out.

Rambo had just rolled to the ground and hadn't had time to stand up. He looked up and saw the Tyrannosaurus Rex rushing towards him frantically.

Seeing this, Rambo's pupils shrank, and he threw the meteor hammer in his hand without thinking.

With a loud bang, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was hit head-on for the second time, and several teeth were knocked out of his mouth. He screamed and fell to the ground again.

Rambo jumped up from the ground with a carp, swinging the meteor hammer to attack frantically. After several hammers, he finally scared the Tyrannosaurus Rex and began to howl and turn around to flee.

Seeing this, Rambo, the bully in the army who had almost no injuries and crippled the opponent, could not help but grit his teeth.

In terms of direct combat power, he has terrifying brute force and can use weapons, which is definitely better than the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

But the problem is that he is not good at speed! If the dinosaur is determined to escape, he can't catch up with the opponent.

This is why he brought his brothers, especially the poachers, to hunt together.

He held the enemy back, and the poachers took the opportunity to break the opponent's legs with guns, thereby cutting off the possibility of the dinosaur's escape. This has become his usual tactic.

But he never thought that the original plan was good, but something went wrong with the poachers.

This caused the dinosaur, which was no longer suppressed, to go completely berserk, and bit the four elite brothers who rushed up to the scene to death and crippled them, losing their combat effectiveness.

After finding that he couldn't beat him, he turned around and fled without hesitation.

Now Rambo, who can only watch the Tyrannosaurus Rex stumble away, turned his head and glared at the distant jungle fiercely.

At the same time, a rustling sound suddenly came from the jungle where the gunfire finally stopped.

A moment later, two wounded minions strode out of the woods with rifles in hand, aiming at him.

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