Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 202: Battle with the boss (Oh, I feel weak and can’t explode anymore)

They were both sitting on the Alloy Slug tank, and they were also leading the charge.

Qin Ming, who was holding a machine gun, and O'Neill, who was also holding a machine gun on the opposite side, could not help but look at each other.

The next second, O'Neill suddenly roared and fired wildly at this side.

Qin Ming, who was shot by bullets, frowned for a moment, and did not hesitate to pick up the machine gun to fight back.

The flames gushed out, and the two guys shot at each other wildly without dodging. The bullets kept hitting the two of them, and sparks flew everywhere.

And at this moment, not only the two of them were shooting at each other, but the Alloy Slug tanks under the two of them and other tanks around them were also engaged in a crazy bombardment.

Beta, the adjutant who was controlling the tank, kept firing at the enemy while stepping on the accelerator and rushing towards the enemy's line at a high speed.

Several tanks lined up in a row, and just crossed with the enemy tanks rushing from the front! The most intense close-range dogfighting started!

The soldiers from both sides who followed them now found shelter and started shooting at each other.

The machine guns roared, the artillery fire continued, and the entire artillery camp fell into chaos.

In the middle of the battlefield, two alloy warhead tanks, one silver and one iron, were circling and fighting each other. The shells scraped past each other, causing loud noises.

Occasionally, they hit each other, and the tanks were shaken violently and slid backwards! Sparks flew!

Facts have proved that there is a reason why the regular army regards the alloy warhead tank as a hope of victory.

This alloy warhead tank is indestructible and powerful. It is a completely black technology product.

Other ordinary tanks basically collapse at the first touch when they encounter it, and there is no room for resistance.

If this kind of tank really appears on the battlefield in an organized manner, it will be everyone's nightmare.

But now, the highest black technology of the regular army has launched a fierce internal struggle, and for a while, no one can gain the upper hand!

On the tanks that were constantly circling and shooting at each other, Qin Ming and O'Neill, who were almost face to face, were still shooting at each other with heavy machine guns.

Seeing O'Neill on the opposite side taking two rounds of bullets from him, but still not falling down, and even being unscathed, Qin Ming couldn't help but show a look of seeing a ghost on his face.

Especially after seeing the attributes of the other party clearly, he was even more shocked.

Because in this world of Metal Slug where the average physique is weak! There actually appeared a monster whose attributes are completely inconsistent with the style of painting!

Name: Allen O'Neill (Metal Slug 1)

Strength 50

Constitution 50

Agility 20

Spirit 20

Skills: Super Soldier Serum (A-level) Firearms Mastery (B-level) Weapon Mastery (B-level) Fighting Mastery (B-level)

Introduction: A modern army warrior, a former senior officer of the regular army, and one of the members who participated in the regular army's genetic modification plan and successfully survived, invincible!

50 points of strength and body! A-level body strengthening skills!

In this gunfight world! There is such a humanoid beast? !

Just when Qin Ming was stunned, O'Neal, who was frantically pouring firepower on the opposite side and quickly emptied all the bullets in his machine gun, suddenly roared and threw the machine gun at Qin Ming.

After knocking Qin Ming's body to one side, he suddenly jumped out of the tank, pounced on Qin Ming fiercely, and directly pulled Qin Ming off the tank!

In the tumble, the two guys fell heavily to the ground.

O'Neal rolled with the momentum, suddenly stood up, raised his hand and pulled out the tactical dagger from his waist, and rushed towards the fallen Qin Ming like a tiger.

But before he could kill the flying Qin Ming with a knife, Qin Ming, who was lying on the ground, had already used a carp jump.

He raised his legs together and kicked O'Neal in the chest, kicking him out on the spot.

Qin Ming jumped up with his arms and charged in the opposite direction.

On the opposite side, O'Neal, who slid and quickly stood firm, looked at Qin Ming who was rushing over with a ferocious expression.

He turned the tactical dagger in his hand, stood up and stabbed three times in a row, and the attack was amazingly fast.

However, these three stabs were all blocked by Qin Ming with the help of the golden arm guard.

Sparks flew, the blade and the arm guard collided with each other, and no one could do anything to the other.

O'Neal, who did not expect that the enemy could block such a close attack, was shocked for a moment.

Before he could change his moves in a hurry, he was hit in the chest by Qin Ming with his middle door wide open, and the whole person was blown away on the spot.

Qin Ming, with white flames wrapped around his arms, shook his hands vigorously, looked at the enemy who was unscathed after taking his punch and stood up quickly, and raised his arms again with a stern face.

O'Neal, who covered his chest with his hands, looked at Qin Ming in shock, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

After all, this was the first time he had seen someone who could suppress him in close combat!

Gritting his teeth, O'Neal threw out another dagger, holding one in the right hand and the other in the wrong hand, and roared and rushed forward again.

Qin Ming's eyes flashed with fire when he saw this, and he also raised his fists on the spot and took a step to charge.

Indestructible arm guards and extremely sharp double knives! Another confrontation!

On the battlefield where artillery fire roared, the sound of ding-dong was endless. Qin Ming and O'Neal, who were in the middle position, had a brutal and rough close combat in the hail of bullets.

It must be admitted that O'Neal's fighting skills are really strong. As a fierce general in the army, he is a well-deserved soldier king.

The two military daggers in his hands were used so tightly that they would be cut open or stabbed with a hole if he was not careful.

Combined with his terrifying strength and invulnerable body, this is simply a human tank... No! It should be said that it is a humanoid Gundam!

It's a pity that he met this time! He is also an expert in close combat!

In terms of strength! Qin Ming is not much different from him!

In terms of skills! Qin Ming, who has A-level fighting skills! His skills are even better than O'Neal!

This caused O'Neal, who kept swinging his knife to attack, to be beaten more than beating others for a while, and was completely suppressed by Qin Ming, who was always defending and counterattacking.

Especially when he was a little careless and was grabbed by Qin Ming and bitten hard on his arm.

O'Neal, who felt that his physical strength was declining wildly, now even his only attribute advantage was gone.

While swinging his arms, he forcibly smashed the dagger that O'Neal used to block, and kicked the opponent in the chest.

Looking at the enemy who was kicked several meters away, Qin Ming, who landed on the ground, shook his arms, raised his fists and frowned.

In fact, although he had the advantage throughout the battle, Qin Ming was actually quite shocked at this moment.

Because he found that his Fantasy Shiranui! It actually didn't work on the BOSS in front of him!

No! It should be said that it has worked! But the opponent didn't fall for his defense reduction at all!

This O'Neal's A-level skill! It's actually similar to Qin Ming's thick skin skill! It's also a noble damage-free attribute!

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