Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 216 Infiltration Plan

Lambertburg, a town seized by the rebels, is also a fortress close to the front line. The railroad tracks inside are important waterways used by the rebels to transport weapons to the front line.

But now, there is no equipment transported to the front line, on the contrary, the trains in the city are transporting equipment outward.

What they transported this time was the wreckage of the regular army's aerial battleship Zhexue.

The giant energy cannon on top of Zhexue is extremely powerful and has always been the equipment that the rebels envy.

This time, relying on a surprise attack, they forcibly shot down Zhexue at all costs, and immediately prepared to dismantle the energy cannon of Zhexue and take it back to study and copy it.

According to the original plot, it should be at the last moment that the Peregrine Squadron successfully arrived and quickly disintegrated the troops who were dismantling the energy cannon, destroying the opponent's conspiracy.

However, with the involvement of adventurers, the original plot has undergone tremendous changes.

First, the rebels, who were supposed to have a great advantage, were suddenly defeated by Qin Ming and his men at the front line and had to retreat to the city.

Secondly, with the assistance of the King of Fighters, the Zhexue energy cannon, which was supposed to be destroyed by the Peregrine Squad alone, had been dismantled in advance by special means and transported to the rear city.

This led to the four members of the Peregrine Squad, who followed the clues and chased into the city from afar, directly engaging in a confrontation with the enemy in the city.

With the assistance of adventurers, the combat effectiveness of the rebels has been improved by more than one level, so even if all four protagonists are dispatched this time, Kasamoto Eri and Fio, who were supposed to appear in Metal Slug 2, entered the scene in advance, and still fell into danger.

At this moment, the city is full of rebel soldiers searching back and forth, constantly looking for the traces of the four protagonists.

There are even many adventurers among them, and they are the most diligent in finding the four protagonists in the crowd.

After all, the four protagonists are equivalent to four BOSS-level characters! If they can be eliminated! That would definitely be a big gain!

The King of Fighters team has been planning for this operation for a long time and has spent a lot of points.

As a result, the front line collapsed first after entering, and the troops sent to the front line were completely wiped out.

Then they tried to hunt down Admiral Jamie Fox and forcibly destroyed the front-line troops of the regular army, so that the trump weapon Sky City Fortress, which reversed the situation, was taken away.

It can be said that their plan has been completely disrupted, which has caused them to urgently need to recover.

The four protagonists who went deep into the enemy's territory alone are obviously the perfect hunting targets.

It's just that the original perfect hunting plan, for some reason, still had problems this time.

Logically speaking, with the intelligence provided by the adventurers on the regular army side who followed the four protagonists and took the initiative to apply to participate in the battle, hunting them should be a sure thing.

But who would have thought that as soon as those adventurers turned against them, the one who seemed to be prepared in the four protagonists, Eri Kasamoto, directly attacked them.

And the power of the guns in that guy's hand is simply outrageous! And those grenades! The destructive power is also terrifying! It is completely different from the intelligence collected in the past!

Especially when seeing that Kasamoto Eri holding a hand axe and chopping four adventurers at close range, the other adventurers were already dumbfounded.

That level of speed and strength! It doesn't look like a character in a shooting game at all! When did this Kasamoto Eri become so strong!

After killing more than a dozen people single-handedly, the four protagonists broke through the encirclement and killed their way out.

The King of Fighters team, whose plan was disrupted again, was completely anxious and began to search the city for the traces of the four people.

However, what is more embarrassing is that the four protagonists are either agents or members of the special forces, and their anti-reconnaissance awareness is terrifying.

And the strongest investigator in the King of Fighters team, that is, the blindfolded girl, betrayed again in the last mission! I heard that she has escaped to the enemy team! Became a small high-level!

Without her special talent lock, everyone couldn't catch the trace of the protagonist group at all, and the two sides just played a game of hide-and-seek in the town.

You look for me, I hide, the people of the King of Fighters team were all confused for a while.

But the real headache for them was still behind, because another trouble had just entered the scene...

At the entrance of the city, a team of rebel soldiers were guarding here with live ammunition, vigilantly observing anyone entering and leaving.

Just as they were looking for all suspicious objects, a figure in the crowd queuing to enter the city also raised his head silently.

And he was the front-line commander of the regular army, Qin Ming.

At this moment, he came alone, wearing ordinary clothes and dinosaur sunglasses on his face.

Originally, after receiving the distress call from the protagonist group, he was going to send people directly to press the border, but after learning that the city was an important town with extraordinary defense facilities, he immediately gave up the original plan of strong attack.

In terms of ground warfare, the combat effectiveness of more than 10,000 troops in Qin Ming's hands is definitely not weak, but the problem is that his front-line troops lack air force.

And this important town has three battalions of air forces! That is more than 200 fighter planes!

Facing this level of firepower coverage and the extremely solid town fortress, a strong attack is no different from seeking death. Even if it can be taken down, it will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, Qin Ming decided to apply for air support from the top, mainly to communicate with the old man Jamie Fox who had just left.

Among the four people in danger, one was his daughter, his only daughter, and Qin Ming didn't believe that he would not help.

After Jamie Fox got the news, he did agree to send air force troops to reinforce, but it would take two days to send them.

In order to avoid accidents, Qin Ming did not choose to wait for reinforcements in the army, but prepared to go deep alone and come alone to support the protagonist group.

Then when the air force arrived, let them cooperate with their ground forces to attack, and then he could bring the protagonist group to a joint attack inside and outside, and completely take over this area!

Such a perfect plan, of course, was not his own idea. These were all countermeasures discussed by his two adjutants and some staff officers.

That's right! Qin Ming now has staff under his command!

As for where these staff came from? Of course, they all defected from Major General Collins.

The other party has lost power, they will not continue to hold on to the other party and wait for death. If they don't surrender to the new leader at this time, how can they make military achievements!

Especially when the new leader has many soldiers and generals, and lacks everything except think tanks, isn't it the best time to surrender!

Don't look at the high-ranking officials of the regular army who are very afraid of death and seem to be very useless.

But they are just greedy for life and afraid of death, which does not mean they have no ability. If they really have no ability, they can't climb to such a position in the front line.

When you don't give them real power and only let them provide plans, their abilities are actually very outstanding.

What's the saying? There are no incompetent people in the world, but no one puts them in the right place.

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