Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 225: Railway Racing

Completely pinning Li Wang under him, the high-speed rotating airflow fiercely cut into his neck.

As blood splashed, Li Wang, whose body was quickly penetrated by the white flame, had his defense completely wiped out.

Li Wang screamed, swung his hand and chopped off his arm, using the signature skill of Goro Daimon: Jade Collapse!

Accompanied by a powerful impact, this move, which was rarely a killing move that was not a throwing skill, instantly blasted Qin Ming away.

However, Qin Ming, who was blown away, did not let go of his arm, but instead held on to his opponent tightly, causing Li Wang to be carried away as well.

The two were thrown several meters away at the same time and landed again with a bang.

Even before he could get up, Qin Ming, who stretched out his hand to hold Li Wang's arm tightly, had already swung his hand and chopped off with all his strength.

With a click, blood sprayed in the air, and Li Wang, whose defense was wiped out, had his arm that he had just used to chop Qin Ming's neck cut directly from the middle!

The severe pain from his arm distorted Li Wang's expression for a moment. Before he could adapt to the pain, Qin Ming had already thrown him to the ground again.

With high-speed rotating airflow wrapped around his hands, Qin Ming's eyes widened, and he aimed at Li Wang's face and hit him in a series of blows.

In the end, he pinched the opponent's face with one hand and forced him to face him with a set of seven consecutive sonic hand knives!

The buzzing sound of breaking through the air became one, and Li Wang's head was pierced by the air blade on the spot. His whole head was directly split into countless pieces and completely lost his movement.

Qin Ming, who relied on a series of consecutive attacks to deal with him, was riding on the corpse and panting heavily. He raised his hand to wipe the blood splashed on his face, with a fierce look in his eyes.

He stood up and kicked Li Wang's body off the train with force. Looking at the headless body that disappeared in the rolling, Qin Ming gritted his teeth fiercely.

To be honest, the opponent's series of explosive throwing skills just now really knocked Qin Ming unconscious.

It was the first time for him to encounter such a throwing enemy. His small combo was so smooth!

It was a pity that it was useless even in the energy flow, because Qin Ming was not afraid of this trick at all. The reason was very simple. He was not afraid of multiple injuries!

Qin Ming dared to use his body to block even the A-level super-kill of Goenitz's True Eight Girls.

It was just a set of throwing combos by Goro Daimon. It was a miracle that he could be killed!

This powerful king did not die because of his weak moves, but simply died because of the attribute restraint.

Looking at his body covered with scars, Qin Ming, who almost blew himself up with a suicide self-explosion attack, took out the consumables and was about to recover.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a roar from the back of the locomotive.

Hearing the noise, he looked up quickly and found that a strange tank was actually chasing him along the rails at a high speed!

Why is this tank weird? Because this tank is more like a turret than a tank! There is a thick gun barrel on the top! The wheels below are completely strange turrets with rail pulleys!

The funniest thing is! This thing actually has no cover at all! And it relies on burning coal to provide power!

Following the gap above the steel shell, Qin Ming can even clearly see several rebel soldiers inside, sweating profusely shoveling coal and throwing it into the furnace desperately.

This caused the strange steel tank with billowing smoke to continue to speed up and chase the locomotive.

In the second level of Metal Slug 1! The little BOSS that will appear! Appeared!

Name: Mini Bart (Metal Slug 1)

Weapon 1: Railway gun (attack power 80-100)

Weapon 2: Fully automatic light machine gun (attack power 20-35)

Defense power: 20

Armor value: 1000/1000

Introduction: It is modified by splicing and modifying the abandoned old railway gun and the locomotive, and is an important protective weapon for the rails.

Looking at this strange-looking steam tank, it rushed towards him frantically, and fired as it approached.

Qin Ming didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment.

It seems that this group of rebels were really driven to desperation. In a panic, they even threw this antique onto the battlefield.

Did they think that they could stop the locomotive or kill them with this strange thing?

The lethality and protection of this thing are far inferior to the previous Gu Wang tank... Fuck!

Qin Ming, who had originally dodged the bombardment and was casually ready to take action to solve it, suddenly widened his eyes before his thoughts fell.

Because behind the locomotive, accompanied by bursts of roars, several steam tanks with almost the same shape rushed from the surrounding rails!

This little BOSS Mini Bart! There is not only one!

On several parallel rails, this kind of tank appeared above each railroad.

They surrounded them in a double-teaming manner, constantly controlling the main gun of the train above, aiming at the locomotive and launching crazy bombardment.

The rebel soldiers who poked their heads out from the gap above were still constantly controlling machine guns and rifles, aiming at this side for coordinated shooting.

Qin Ming naturally didn't care about a mini Bart, not to mention that it didn't even have a top. As long as Qin Ming jumped in from above, he could easily kill all the enemies inside.

Even if it was fully armed and protected by a cover, Qin Ming didn't care about this level of defense and attack power.

But the problem is that now it's not just one! But six!

Six small BOSSes beat you together! Who can withstand this!

Hurriedly dodging the bombardment, Qin Ming turned and fled into the cockpit.

Looking at Kasamoto Eri and others who turned their heads to look at him, he opened his mouth and yelled.

"Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up! Several tanks are catching up behind us!"

Feeling the violent vibration of the locomotive, Talma knew that there must be a strong enemy approaching. He nodded quickly and increased the speed of the locomotive to the extreme.

Kasamoto Eri and others who were holding guns and shooting at the enemies rushing around also hurriedly grabbed the train to avoid being thrown out.

The locomotive, which soared to the extreme speed, was now billowing thick smoke and rushed out along the rails, leaving behind several mini-Bat tanks that were desperately burning coal behind them.

Even the armored vehicles and troop carriers chasing on both sides were gradually pulled away.

However, although this desperate speed-up can throw off the enemy, it will also cause the vehicle to completely lose control.

Especially when the locomotive came to an extreme turn, the whole train tilted seriously, and one wheel was lifted on the spot, which frightened Qin Ming and others and hurriedly ran to that side and pressed it back with their body weight.

With a bang, the locomotive slammed back onto the rails, shaking everyone in the car to the ground.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the second corner had arrived...

In the city, on the rails, a locomotive was racing!

Talma, the vehicle expert, drove the locomotive like a sports car for a while!

The scenery on both sides whizzed by, almost connected into one piece, and the locomotive was also tilting all the way, moving forward desperately and perseveringly.

Talma, who was holding the joystick tightly, now had an extremely ferocious expression. Even with sunglasses on his face, it was difficult to cover his severely deformed facial features.

As he completely got rid of the enemy, he didn't want to slow down the vehicle.

But the problem is that it is easy to speed up this locomotive, but it is difficult to slow down.

The locomotive was speeding up! It was completely out of control!

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