Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 238 Purchasing Power of Gold Coins

Accompanied by the sound of a ding-ling wind chime, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri, who had changed into cowboy clothes, left the tavern with pistols on their waists.

There were only a lot of cowboys left in the room, looking at each other, and there were two men and women wearing only underwear.

In the end, Qin Ming bought the cowboy clothes of the two with a gold coin worth 100 points, and successfully completed the transaction.

As for where this gold coin came from? Don't forget that in the Dragon King Warrior World, he still had a gold coin worth 6,500 points that he had not used, but had kept in the inventory.

Since we have come to the Western World, these gold coins can come in handy.

After all, the so-called cowboys have another nickname, which is the Western Gold Diggers.

They like gold the most!

Seeing the two gun kings who changed their clothes finally leave, everyone in the tavern finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they looked at each other, and their eyes suddenly shifted, looking at the two cowboys who were almost naked together.

The two who noticed their gazes froze on the spot, not understanding what everyone was planning.

With a clatter, everyone almost drew their guns at the same time, pointed them at each other and began to confront each other.

"Hand over the gold coins!"

"Come and take them if you can!"

"The rules of the underworld! We split it in half when we meet! Man!"

"Then how about you give me half of your life!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't fight in the tavern! You have to pay for broken things! Also, the two guests just drank but haven't paid yet, don't you two have to pay for them?"

As they talked, the atmosphere between the crowd gradually became stiff.

Just as they were on the verge of a fight, the sound of wind chimes suddenly rang out.

Everyone who heard the noise turned their heads in unison, only to find that the two gun kings, Kasamoto Eri and Qin Ming, had returned again!

This froze the cowboys' faces, and they quickly put down their pistols.

Qin Ming, who pushed the door open and walked in, stood at the door, smiling and raising his pirate hat, which he had not changed.

"Gentlemen, may I ask how to get to the police station?"


As soon as the words fell, everyone in the room raised their hands and pointed to the left, and spoke in unison.

"Turn left!"

"Thank you!"

Qin Ming, who bowed and saluted again, backed out of the room and closed the door.

When they heard the door close, many cowboys breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then looked at each other fiercely.

The next second! The harsh and chaotic sound of gunfire immediately rang in the room!

Outside the door, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction after hearing the movement inside, turned around and walked towards the police station with Kasamoto Eri.

Of course, those two pieces of clothing could not be worth 100 points.

Let alone 100, even if he gave them 10 points, Qin Ming would feel a loss.

The reason why he gave the gold coin worth 100 points was mainly to confirm the value of this kind of gold coin in this world.

Now seeing that everyone was fighting on the spot for a gold coin.

Qin Ming was basically certain that the 100-denomination gold coin he synthesized was very valuable!

In the eyes of the nightmare space, it might still be worth only 100 points.

But in the eyes of these plot characters, it was already very expensive.

In this way! That would be easy!

In the police station, as the door opened, two cowboys, a man and a woman, walked in from outside.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Qin Ming leaned on the counter, looked down at the police officer behind the counter and said.

"Where is your sheriff? I have something to do with him."

As soon as these words came out, the police officer was obviously stunned, and his eyes gradually became weird when he looked at Qin Ming, and he even reached out to press the weapon on his waist.

"What do you want to do with the sheriff? The sheriff doesn't have time to meet with bounty hunters."

"I have a deal to discuss with him, a big deal."

As he spoke, Qin Ming had taken out a gold coin from the inventory and gently bounced it up.

Looking at the gold coins that were spinning and flying in the air, shining under the light, the police officer's eyes were straight for a moment.

He swallowed his saliva and quickly stood up and walked towards the room in the distance.

A moment later, with the sound of footsteps, a tall sheriff led several police officers out and came to Qin Ming with a stern face.

After looking Qin Ming up and down, especially the gold coins in Qin Ming's hand, the sheriff couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

"You want to talk to me?"


"What is your identity?"

"Bounty hunter, um, to be precise, a low-level bounty hunter."

Qin Ming took out the medal that he had brought with him from the beginning and looked at it, and shrugged slightly.

When he heard that he was just a low-level bounty hunter, the sheriff couldn't help but laugh.

Just as he was about to speak, Qin Ming shook his hand, and the gold coin in his hand had changed from one to three.

Seeing this scene, the sheriff was stunned, and the smile on his face faded, and he suddenly turned his head.

"Let's go in and talk."

He took the lead and walked into the room, unhooked the pistol from his belt and placed it on the table.

The sheriff leaned on the chair with his legs on the table, expressionless.

Qin Ming, who followed him in, closed the door and turned around with a smile and spoke.

"Mr. Sheriff, I'm going to hunt down the famous bandit leader on the bounty list, so I need intelligence urgently. I wonder if you can provide it? If you can, I can give you all the credit for killing them after the task is completed. I just want the bounty."

After saying this, the sheriff's expression finally became serious, and he sat up straight.

"Just the two of you want to kill the bandit leader?"

"It's none of your business how we kill him. We just want intelligence. Oh, and it's better to have a gun, a good gun."

"You don't even have a handy weapon? Dare to deal with the bandit leader?"

The sheriff, whose eyes gradually became weird, opened his mouth and was about to continue talking, but he didn't expect that with a snap, Qin Ming had already slapped the three gold coins on the table.

"Stop talking nonsense, intelligence and guns!"

Looking at the gold coins on the table, the sheriff's eyes flickered, and in the end he didn't say anything, but turned around and opened the cabinet.

Took out a map from it, threw it to Qin Ming, and then picked it up in the cabinet, took out a revolver, and put it on the table.

After doing all this, the sheriff leaned back on the chair and crossed his legs, speaking expressionlessly.

"The map shows the activity areas and territorial divisions of several bandit leaders who are wanted for bounty. This revolver is also very practical. I seized it from a master robber. It belongs to you. I wish you success."

Qin Ming nodded when he heard this. He first opened the map and took a look. After confirming that it was correct, he picked up the pistol on the table and fiddled with it for a while.

He skillfully disassembled the weapon, checked the various parts, and then put them together, turning the wheel and listening to the movement.

After confirming that there was no problem, he looked down at the attributes.

Name: Western Revolver (Sunset Knight Act 1)

Category: Weapon (Blue Quality)

Attribute 1: Fixed attack power 20-25

Attribute 2: Ignore defense 5

Introduction: Although it is not exquisite, it is practical. You can always believe in the quality of the revolver, just like believing in the purchasing power of the US dollar in the West.

(Note: Plot equipment, cannot be taken out of the current world)

Three hundred points in exchange for a blue plot weapon and a map, which is a good deal.

Even if you don't ask for a map, the three gold coins may be exchanged for a real weapon that can be taken out of the plot world, but it is not certain whether the quality is so high.

He put the pistol into his waist and picked up the map at the same time.

Qin Ming grabbed the pirate hat and nodded slightly, with a bright smile on his face.

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation, Sheriff."

The sheriff also grinned when he heard it, and his smile was also very bright.

"Happy cooperation, bounty hunter."

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