Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 265 Sea Chase

The box containing Zhou Dun's body was secretly thrown into the sea by Qin Ming and his female soldiers.

A fleet commander, a senior family general who was ordered by the King of Wu to bring the young lady home, died in the hands of his own young lady, simply because he saw something he shouldn't have seen.

Although Zhou Dun was dead, Qin Ming and his team's plan to return to Shu was still not going smoothly.

The reason was very simple, because there was not only Zhou Dun as the commander in this fleet!

Seeing that the main warship actually deviated from the plan and headed in the direction of the way it came.

The other Wu warships that found that the situation had changed did not care so much, and they turned around and chased after it.

In an instant, the warships started a chase on the sea, and more than a dozen warships rushed towards the main warship in a double-team.

But the main warship was the main ship, with the fastest speed and the strongest defense.

Now that the distance has been completely pulled away, it is not easy for other ships to catch up with it!

Seeing the main battleship running farther and farther, they found that they could not catch up with other battleships at all, so they immediately changed their strategy and put down the Mengchong boats on both sides!

The so-called Mengchong boat is actually an ancient assault ship, which is roughly in the shape of a shuttle. It has given up its defense and size, and pursues a small, light and amazing speed.

It is generally used to assault enemy ships and forcibly board ships. It is considered a standard offensive speedboat.

At this moment, the Mengchong boat, which was untied, rushed towards the main battleship madly under the desperate paddling of a large number of soldiers.

The main battleship, which saw this scene, immediately gathered soldiers and tried to block them.

A large number of sailors holding longbows shot madly at the fleet rushing over. These Wu sailors were actually very confused at this time, and they had no idea why their own people would fight each other.

Anyway, according to Miss Sun, it seems that there are Shu troops lurking in the opposite fleet, trying to wait for an opportunity to intercept and kill them, and they were discovered by Miss in advance.

Miss Sun is the sister of the King of Wu, and she is of high status. Since she said that the enemy was on the other side, the soldiers could only obey orders and attack.

After all, as ordinary soldiers, they only need to execute orders, and they don't care about so many things.

Amid the flying arrows, the Wu soldiers on the Mengchong boats were constantly shot and fell into the sea.

But a large number of Mengchong boats that resisted the arrows have now been close to the side of the ship.

The Wu soldiers holding weapons in their mouths swung out their claws and tried to climb onto the warship along the rope, and what awaited them was the stabbing of a large number of spearmen.

The tragic boarding battle started on the sea, and the two sides fought back and forth and directly into a ball.

There were a lot of Mengchong boats rushing over, and the number of soldiers on top was naturally amazing.

However, it was not easy for them to attack at this time because they had an absolute advantage in numbers.

Let alone the soldiers on the main warships, they were all elite soldiers and very good at fighting.

Just the machine gun mounted on the stern now! It's enough to give them a pot of fire!

At the stern of the ship, Kasamoto Eri, who had been summoned, was now driving his light machine gun and firing wildly at the incoming Mengchong boats.

Seeing some ships approaching, he would even pull out grenades to reward them.

Huge explosions were heard one after another, and Mengchong boats were constantly burning, forcing the soldiers on them to jump into the sea.

Especially the Molotov cocktails mixed in, which were extremely powerful and best at destroying wooden bunkers.

Basically, any Mengchong boat that was thrown by it would be engulfed by flames in an instant.

Those soldiers hiding in the cabin and rushing over with oars would be burned into firemen and die tragically on the sea if they did not jump off the ship immediately!

Facing the fire suppression of Kasamoto Eri, the armor of the Mengchong boat, which could only be used to defend against arrows at most, had no effect at all and would be easily penetrated by bullets.

And next to Kasamoto Eri at this time, there was a war horse squatting.

Behind the war horse, Sun Ji, the first act big boss, was holding an energy machine gun and was shooting at the warship below. From time to time, she would control the double-barreled energy cannon next to her to shoot at the enemies.

Sun Ji, who was holding the energy machine gun and shooting wildly, was extremely excited at the moment, and her body was shaking with the machine gun.

Originally, this energy machine gun installed on the war horse was controlled and used by Qin Ming.

But Sun Ji, who watched for a while, was obviously interested in this weapon that she had never seen before.

After asking about the usage skills, she pulled Qin Ming away on the spot and used it herself! And soon succeeded!

Now at the stern, there are two machine guns firing crosswise. Under the strong firepower suppression, the Mengchongzhou suffered heavy losses for a while.

Even if there are soldiers who can rush onto the warship occasionally, they will be driven away quickly in the face of the garrison on the ship and Sun Ji's female soldiers and guards.

Not to mention that Qin Ming was also involved!

As long as he saw an enemy breaking through the defense line, he would immediately run over to support. Facing this invulnerable monster, the soldiers who had just barely stood on the ship would almost immediately be torn apart.

The corner that was finally taken down was lost again before the companions in the back climbed up to consolidate it.

The assault team composed of spearmen and sword and shield soldiers failed to successfully rush onto the warship.

The long-range firepower coverage of the archers was also forcibly disintegrated by two machine guns.

The Wu soldiers, who found that they could not attack by force, even formed an elite team, whose members were all elite monsters such as armored soldiers and Baiyue barbarians, and even mixed with several beasts trained by Baiyue barbarians!

They tried to force their way onto the warship, but they successfully broke through the defense line of ordinary soldiers.

However, what was waiting for them on the ship! Was a ball of fire!

Qin Ming, who used the high-temperature red flames with Kusanagi gloves, used the sonic hand knife crazily, and continuously threw balls of fire at the Mengchong boat.

After several consecutive strong attacks, Qin Ming's elite team failed to be eliminated, and finally the ship was forcibly chopped into pieces and sank to the bottom of the sea.

The charge of 24 Mengchong boats failed to intercept the main warship, but was completely annihilated.

Without speedboats like the Mengchongzhou, the soldiers on the other dozen large warships, who could not catch up with the speed of this side, could only watch the main warship leave and quickly disappear on the sea.

Qin Ming, who finally got rid of the enemy's pursuit, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Shaking his sore arms, he turned to the stern and found that Sun Ji was still fiddling with his warhorse and the modern weapons on the warhorse.

Seeing Qin Ming coming over, Sun Ji, who was stroking the horse's head, couldn't help but sigh and said.

"What a good horse, the weapon is also very strange, it's a waste to let you ride it."


"Don't worry, I didn't say I wanted to rob it, I just said a few truths."

Patting the neck of the warhorse, Sun Ji finally withdrew her hand and suddenly turned her head to look at Kasamoto Eri next to her.

Looking at the modern beauty wearing a military uniform, carrying a light machine gun on her shoulder, and having a head of blonde hair, she was a tall and heroic modern beauty.

Sun Ji suddenly leaned close to Qin Ming's ear and whispered.

"Who is this girl? She's quite good at fighting, and she's pretty, with golden hair. Is she your mistress? Since she's your mistress, then she's also my mistress? How about you introduce her to me?"

Looking at Sun Ji, who was looking at Kasamoto Eri with her eyebrows slightly raised, it was obvious that something was wrong.

He turned around and looked at the female guards of Sun Ji around him.

Qin Ming's face was serious, and he couldn't help but lower his voice and said.

"Stay away from my people, don't develop your special hobby to me!"

"Hey you!"

Sun Ji's expression collapsed when she heard the words, and Qin Ming, who didn't give her a chance to speak, strode to Kasamoto Eri.

He was just about to remind Kasamoto Eri to be careful of Sun Ji, who had problems with her sexual orientation because she had been a widow for several years.

But before he could speak, Kasamoto Eri, who was chewing bubble gum, spoke first.

She raised her head and gestured in the direction of Sun Ji, chewing gum and speaking.

"Who is this woman in armor? Your new lover? She has a thin waist, it must feel good to hug her, Boss, don't eat alone, introduce someone to me when you have a chance?"

"…………You two are really hopeless!"

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