Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 282 Benefits for Intermediate Adventurers

The adventurers have returned, and the data is being counted...the statistics are complete!

This world is: Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms 1 (promotion to the world)

Main mission completed! Congratulations to adventurer 441985 for successfully being promoted to an intermediate adventurer!

Adventurer treatment has been improved!

Improved benefits 1: The rest period is extended from one month to three months (the task can be started in advance midway, and the unused rest period will be added to the next rest day)

Improved treatment 2: Adventurers can receive 5,000 nightmare points every month, which can be exchanged for special items in the nightmare space.

Improvement treatment 3: The room is expanded from 50 meters to 500 meters, the room layout can be changed freely, and furniture can be added freely.

Improved treatment 4: Adventurers can spend points to customize their favorite androids to accompany them in the room. The androids cannot learn skills, wear equipment, be brought into the mission world, or be brought into reality.

Improvement treatment 5: Adventurers can voluntarily apply to evade a promotion mission without being punished, and instead directly start accumulating worlds for the second time.

The large amount of data that emerged in his mind stunned Qin Ming, who had just returned from the mission world.

He knew that the benefits of being promoted were very great, but he never expected that the benefits would be so great.

The nightmare space actually provided him with five privileges!

Free props! Free queen size room! Even a free wife! All provided!

Good guy! The treatment of these employees is so good! If it weren't for the fact that the mission inside the nightmare space would be too dangerous! If the mortality rate is too high! Nightmare Space is definitely a good boss!

In this promotion mission, Qin Ming did not receive any attribute or point rewards, or it could be said that these rewards had all been converted to him through another method.

I have completed two title tasks, both with green titles. Unfortunately, they are of no use to Qin Ming. They can only be kept as base materials, waiting to be used for fusion.

Qin Ming quickly looked away from the data and looked around.

I found that my room had become extremely spacious now.

If his room was once just a small dwelling, now it is a large villa.

And in the most conspicuous position in front, there is a huge TV hanging with a pattern of the nightmare space printed on the front.

This is the redemption platform of Nightmare Space. Usually, if Qin Ming wants to buy the special props provided by Nightmare Space here, he must go to the designated place to buy them.

He never thought that after he was promoted to an intermediate adventurer, the nightmare space would actually install a small independent platform for him!

He quickly moved over and raised his hand to open the nightmare platform.

As the light flashed, a large number of redeemable items appeared in front of Qin Ming.

The number confirmer and tracking ticket that I had purchased before appeared directly on the screen.

In addition, there are many new props that have never been seen before. These are the items that only intermediate adventurers are eligible to redeem.

Selling for 3,000 points, this is a single-player game ticket that can be forcibly prevented from being tracked by others.

The price is 5,000 points, which can restore 50% of one's own status, and have enough blue-quality Nightmare Blood Bottle and Nightmare Blue Bottle.

The price is 5,000 points. After purchasing, you can postpone the start of the task and get an additional three-month leave request.

There is also a one-time item worth 10,000 points, which allows you to choose where in the world your next mission will be, a VIP nightmare card!

Oh, by the way, there is a special redemption option at the bottom of the redemption items, and that is the human creation option!

Here, you can spend 2,500 points to create a bionic man.

This bionic man is absolutely loyal, and can customize his appearance, appearance and personality. If you want, you can even copy the big BOSS in the mission world!

Not to mention Mai Shiranui! You just want to sleep with Orochi, the sun god of the King of Fighters world! It can also be pinched for you!

It's just Orochi's personality and appearance, not his abilities.

There are many new items that can be redeemed on the Nightmare Platform, and they are all very valuable. The only flaw is that the items inside are too expensive.

But it doesn't matter. As an intermediate adventurer, you can receive 5,000 nightmare points every time you return from the mission world.

These points cannot be traded to others or used to buy other items, but they can be exchanged for any items on the Nightmare Platform.

You can use them to get a bottle of blue-quality consumables for free, or exchange them for a tracking item.

Even if you want! Can come back every time! Just get two more wives!

As long as you live long enough! Your wife can become infinite!

Looking at the dazzling array of items on the platform, Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh.

He was originally dissatisfied that this extremely difficult promotion task did not give him any reward in the end.

Now it seems that all these rewards are thrown here!

Basic salary of 5,000 per task! Quite a few! Quite a few!

Looking at the platform in front of him, although Qin Ming wanted to try this so-called ability to create humans, he still suppressed his impulse after hesitating for a while.

The reason is very simple. He has no shortage of women now, so there is no need to spend this wasted money.

As soon as the small gun went off, Miles Kasamoto could come out to accompany him.

In addition, there are three fish and a little boy on Dream Island. You can also use the key to find them.

Then soaking in the hot springs and playing with fish and elves will be no more interesting than here.

What’s more, this time…

Take out an item from his arms, look at the item in his hand, Qin Ming raises his eyebrows with a strange expression.

And the item in his hand is the token of love that Sun Ji gave to him, the adulterer.

Name: Puppet Doll (Three Kingdoms War Chronicle 1)

Category: Special Item (No Grade)

Equipment Requirements: Number 441985

Effect: After use, Sun Ji’s clone can be summoned.

Introduction: This is a token of love given to her pretty boy by a dissolute woman. It is said that it is an evil item made by Yu Ji Yaodao. No matter how far apart, once it is opened, it can create a clone and transfer the soul of the original owner. It was originally used to capture souls, but now it is used for adultery.

A special item that can summon Sun Ji’s clone. This is the gift that Sun Ji gave to Qin Ming. Qin Ming has tested the effect. The clone summoned is no different from the original.

It’s just that the strength is far inferior, only equivalent to an elite monster with 20 points of all attributes.

In fact, it is a good thing that the clone's attributes are weak. At least it can prevent Sun Ji from always trying to force Qin Ming to play according to her wishes when they can't play together.

He raised his hand and threw the little rag doll in the shape of Sun Ji in his hand. After catching it, he casually placed it on the table next to him.

After doing all this, Qin Ming took out some keys from his arms and placed them on the table.

And these keys are all the spoils Qin Ming got this time.

A shrunken key of the small boss Zhou Dun, which is of dull silver quality.

A dull silver quality key fused by the soldiers.

There is also the highlight of this time, the key of the hidden big boss Gan Ning.

Although the quality of his key was also affected because of Zhao Yun's participation in the battle, it was just an ordinary silver key, but the silver color was very deep, so it should be able to open good things, not a fake.

In addition to the keys dropped by these plot characters, there are four blood-red keys, which are the keys of the hunting team members, all of which are here.

Looking at the large number of keys on the table, Qin Ming's eyes flickered, and he immediately chose to open them all.

With a flash of light! A large number of spoils! Appeared!

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