Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 284 Invitation from the King of Fighters

Gold level props! It’s still similar to the satellite phone in Qin Ming’s hand! Special items that can be used to directly win people by spending points!

The value of this item is definitely not low!

But in terms of practicality, this prop is far behind the satellite phone in Qin Ming's hand.

Of course, this is mainly because Qin Ming's younger brother has been specially strengthened by him, causing his combat effectiveness to seriously exceed the standard.

If it is an unenhanced version of the regular army, it may not be as cost-effective as these ninjas.

After all, although these ninjas lack frontal combat effectiveness, they are proficient in climbing and assassination, and are much more useful than a group of low-attribute soldiers.

The properties of this item seriously conflicted with the props in Qin Ming's hands, so Qin Ming planned to sell it as well.

And because he has become an intermediate adventurer, Qin Ming is finally not afraid that high-end goods will not be sold at a high price.

In the mid-level trading area, silver equipment is no longer rare, but has become ubiquitous.

Even gold-level props! You can occasionally see it in the market!

This made Qin Ming couldn't help but move Xiao Jiujiu in his heart. He was very covetous of the high-end equipment around him and wanted to use his special talent to buy low and sell high to make a lot of money.

But the problem is that with the increase in good products in the intermediate area and the increase in purchasing power, Qin Ming also discovered something big.

That’s the number of team members here! It also increased proportionally!

In the low-level adventure area, there may be only one team member among a hundred or even a thousand people.

But in this intermediate adventure zone! But it’s already one out of ten!

And from time to time you can see groups of three or five! In fact, there are more team members who stick together! Appear in the trading area together!

As he advanced to a higher-level fish pond, Qin Ming found that this place had completely become the territory of big fish and the territory of the team.

Looking at the team members everywhere and the various badges on them, some of which he had never even seen before, Qin Ming twitched his eyebrows and immediately suppressed the impulse in his heart.

Qin Ming has personally seen how terrifying the team's pursuit is, and he doesn't want to be pursued like this in every world.

Or they are forced to hide in the nightmare space, relying on points to delay rest time, and not daring to perform tasks.

The dream of getting rich overnight is just a dream after all. He sold so many high-quality props at one time, which already attracted many team members to check it out.

If we continue to take out several batches of goods of the same level, we may not know what they will attract.

After all, it is still too weak! If he could be so strong that they would not dare to provoke him! Then he would buy the entire nightmare space! No one dares to say anything!

Sighing, Qin Ming huddled behind the stall and silently started selling items.

Before he could finish selling all the items, he suddenly felt a large shadow appear in front of him.

Feeling this scene, Qin Ming huddled in place without even raising his head, and just waved his hand feebly.

"I don't join the team, nor do I cooperate with others. I only have these things in my hands. They are of the same price. If you want to buy them, just buy them. If you don't want to buy them, get out of here. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do. I tell you, don't expect to remember my number. , trouble me in the pursuit mission, the money from selling these things is enough for me to survive in the nightmare space for three years!"

The same words, the same tone, how Qin Ming was criticized by the bun king before, now he is criticizing others.

Just selling a few pieces of equipment, he was harassed by a large number of team members.

Qin Ming, who was constantly being tried to get involved, had already lost his patience.

If he hadn't been counting on someone to come up with weird props in exchange for something when he couldn't get the money, he wouldn't have been sitting there stupidly in the back and being disturbed, and would have run away long ago!

Qin Ming's words fell, but there was silence in exchange.

After ten seconds of silence, just when Qin Ming, who had his head lowered, vaguely noticed that something was wrong, the visitor standing motionless in front of him finally spoke.

"Mr. Hyena, congratulations on your successful promotion."

Hearing this, Qin Ming's expression turned solemn and he slowly raised his head.

As a result, he found that hundreds of intermediate adventurers were standing in front of him.

And above their shoulders! Without exception, they all have the logo of the King of Fighters team!

People from the King of Fighters team! Coming to your door!

Looking at the dark sea of ​​people in front of him, Qin Ming, who was sitting on the ground, couldn't help but sneer.

"There are a lot of people. You guys reacted very quickly. I just sat here for a while and you were able to find my place so quickly."

After hearing Qin Ming's words, the leading woman standing opposite chuckled, her eyes very gentle.

"This is what the Intelligence Department specializes in. If we weren't better informed, the team wouldn't spend money to support us."

"What? You want to come after me again?"

"Ah, no, no, no, it was just a misunderstanding before. It was just the arbitrary opinions of some members. It has nothing to do with us. Mr. Hyena, we have absolutely good intentions towards you. My family wants to talk to you. I don't know. Are you willing to show your face?"

While saying this, the woman had already moved sideways to make way for her.

The surrounding King of Fighters team members quickly dispersed and forcefully pushed aside other adventurers who wanted to come over to see what was going on.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming took a deep breath and slowly stood up from behind the stall.

Talk? It's time for him too! It’s time to meet the other person!

I was beaten several times and almost died, but now I don’t even know who is leading the fight. Isn’t it too passive?

Since the so-called adult wants to see him, then let’s meet him!

Qin Ming strode through the crowd and, led by the woman, passed through a transmission channel and finally arrived at the legendary team camp.

Looking around! In this small town! There are members of the King of Fighters team everywhere!

They even set up a small trading market inside, digesting all kinds of items they got internally.

Seeing that there was a special situation here, the people who were trading or chatting turned their heads and looked over, their expressions were very confused.

The woman who ignored everyone smiled and led the way in front, leading Qin Ming, escorted by a group of companions, directly to a hall.

The woman who stopped raised her hand to signal, and Qin Ming saw this and strode in with a stern face.

As a result, as soon as he entered, he saw that the hall was full of people.

Senior adventurers! All of them are senior adventurers!

There were hundreds of them standing in front of him, expressionlessly looking at him without saying a word.

There were several high-level members of the King of Fighters team sitting in the front, and in front of them, there was a lonely stool.

Atmosphere! Extremely depressing!

Seeing this, Qin Ming took a deep breath and strode into the silent hall.

After arriving in front of the stool, he sat down expressionlessly and confronted the people on the opposite side.

As he sat down, the hall returned to silence again.

After staring at each other for more than ten seconds, a big man sitting in the middle finally raised his head and spoke.

"You, are you the hyena?"

As the voice fell, the glowing lines gradually lit up from his chest, and finally outlined a sun pattern.

Seeing this iconic sun tattoo, Qin Ming's eyes trembled violently.

"Sun God! Big Snake!"

"You can call me, King of Fighters."

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