Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 29: Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

"It's not good! Ambush! Someone attacked the outpost! Come quickly!"

Outside the largest outpost, a miserable cry suddenly sounded, and two soldiers wearing swordsman leather armor rolled and crawled over from a distance.

Hearing the noise here, the soldiers in the outpost quickly became agitated and immediately began to gather here.

One of the heavily armored swordsmen even grabbed the collar of one of the soldiers and lifted him up.

"What? Say it again? Ambush? How many people came!"

"No! I don't know! After discovering the enemy! Our captain asked us to come over for help! But when we left, at least a dozen people appeared outside!"


The heavily armored swordsmen who heard the news looked at each other in shock.

At this moment, heavy footsteps suddenly came from the side, and a big man in heavy armor led several followers to break through the crowd and walked over.

Staring at the two soldiers kneeling on the ground in front of him, the leader of the heavy-armored swordsmen, Kaido, could not help but frown. He suddenly turned his head to look at the heavy-armored swordsmen next to him and said in a deep voice.

"Didn't you say they would come at night? What's going on?"

Hearing this question, the adventurer Feishe standing next to him couldn't help but change his expression, and at this moment he was also tangled.

"This............ Sir, please believe me, these are definitely not the people I mentioned!"


"Yes! There are not more than a dozen of them! The militia would never dare to be our enemy in broad daylight! These are other people!"

"............ Forget it, who cares who he is, Kailai, take twenty brothers to deal with them."


"By the way, you will go with me, remember to do things beautifully, don't make any more accidents, I hate accidents, I chose to give you a position because you said you could help me deal with the militia in the village. If I find out that you are lying to me, you will not only not be an official, but you will also die!"

"As you say!"

The adventurer Feishe quickly bowed his head and clasped his fists, and with a gloomy face, he immediately followed the team next to him and rushed towards the outpost that was attacked in the distance.

The reason why he was able to join the team of the Terror Duke was mainly because he dared to fight and take risks.

After confirming the current situation, he came here to recommend himself and promised to help the heavy-armored swordsman leader easily take the village and quickly get rid of the militia, so that he could become one of them.

He had already planned how to act, and was waiting to close the net at night.

But now this unexpected situation has occurred, which made his mind very confused for a while.

He ran through the woods and quickly ran towards the distant outpost. He finally arrived near the outpost after climbing mountains and wading through rivers, but his steps suddenly stopped.

Because they were surprised to find that the outpost had not been attacked at all. The soldiers at the door were looking at them curiously at this time, standing there.

The outpost is okay? !

Looking at the soldiers coming out of the outpost in front of him, Feishe's mind suddenly buzzed, his face suddenly changed, and he turned around and looked around in a hurry.

"Where are the two swordsmen? Where are the swordsmen who came to report the news!"

Hearing his shout, the heavy-armored swordsmen next to him looked at each other, and finally one of them spoke up and gave an answer.

"The two of them were injured and didn't come with us. They are recovering in the camp."

"It's bad! It's bad! Those are not ours! They are fake! They are luring us out! Come back for help! Come back for help! Their target is the leader!!!"

With a scream, the adventurer Feishe knocked away the crowd and ran desperately in the direction they came from.

Seeing him running, the others hurriedly followed him.

Even the soldiers at this outpost, after asking about the situation, hurriedly put on their armor and followed.

More than 30 people rushed towards the direction of the big outpost at full speed. At the same time, inside the big outpost...


A sharp gunshot suddenly rang out! A swordsman standing guard at the door fell to the ground!

Seeing that a group of people from the outpost had left here, Qin Ming immediately led the elite fighter Fatty to charge towards the camp after confirming that they had gone far away.

Hearing the noise, the dozen soldiers remaining in the camp immediately rushed to the door, ready to meet the enemy.

They had just gathered together and were mixed in the crowd. The two boxing thugs pretending to be swordsmen had already drawn their knives and hit the other two swordsmen next to them, and they fought with them on the spot.

The sudden internal strife immediately caused a disturbance among the other soldiers. They couldn't tell who was their own people at all, and they had no way to start for a while. In the chaos, they were directly knocked out of the formation by the fat man and killed.

The shouts and screams were continuous, and more than a dozen people at the door were completely fighting. One of the boxing thugs even threw a torch and set the tent on the spot!

Just as the fire was raging, the largest tent was pushed open by someone, and Kaido, the leader of the heavily armored swordsmen, who was hurriedly wearing armor, rushed out with a fierce expression and a big sword.

"What's going on!"


Kaido had just shown his head when a loud noise was heard.

He was shot in the shoulder and staggered, almost falling to the ground.

He turned his head quickly after being attacked, and saw a man on the opposite side holding a strange weapon with an expressionless face, pointing it directly at him.

Looking at the smoking weapon in the opponent's hand, and then looking at the shoulder that was pierced, Kaido suddenly roared, and rushed forward with the big sword regardless of anything!

He rushed! Qin Ming retreated! He fired while retreating!

Bullets kept shooting at Kaido's armor! Blood arrows burst out one after another!

Kaido, who was still alive after being shot six times, finally closed the distance and accelerated with a charge! He hit Qin Ming with his shoulder!

C-level skill! Charge slash!

With a loud bang! The two collided! As a result, Kaido, who activated the skill, failed to knock Qin Ming to the ground!

After all, Kaido is a small BOSS! The strength value is only 20 points! But Qin Ming's strength value is now as high as 22 points!

He slid on the ground with his legs to forcibly withstand the impact, and hugged Kaido's waist tightly.

Qin Ming, who didn't give the opponent any space to swing his sword, took two punches from the opponent, and then roared and exerted force! He lifted Kaido up directly!

The next second! He rotated his waist and exerted force! The arch bridge fell!


A loud noise spread, and Kaido's head hit the ground heavily, and the big sword in his hand fell out of his hand.

Before he could struggle to get up dizzy, Qin Ming had already turned over and rode on him, pinched his neck tightly, and began to use all his strength!

Kaido, who was pinched by the neck, backhanded two punches, and Qin Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

Qin Ming, who recovered from the shock, was also unceremonious, and immediately returned two punches to the opponent... and then hammered on the opponent's helmet!

He found that he was at a disadvantage by beating like this, so he began to take out the pistol and tried to load the bullets with numb hands and feet.

Kaido, who saw this scene, although he didn't know what the thing in Qin Ming's hand was, he had already experienced the power of this thing.

If he had not been crippled by this weapon, he would not have been pinned down so easily by Qin Ming!

So seeing Qin Ming reloading, Kaido began to struggle and snatch without hesitation, and shot all the bullets Qin Ming took out.

And seeing that the other party did not give him a chance to reload, and took the opportunity to punch him twice.

Qin Ming, who was completely furious, also went crazy on the spot, and did not even reload the bullets. He directly grabbed the metal revolver without bullets, used it as a brick, and hammered Kaido's big face hard...

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