Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 290 Bloody Slide!

In the howling wind, Du Yao had already launched a violent and violent attack on Qin Ming.

Her legs kicked sideways in a series of movements, and her attack movements were extremely coherent.

Although she was wearing high heels, her long legs kicked people quickly and fiercely, forcing Qin Ming to retreat continuously while raising his hands to block.

Facing Du Yao's crazy attack, he immediately felt a fighting style that was completely different from the King of Fighters world.

If the fighting style of the characters in the King of Fighters world is gorgeous! Then the fighting style in the Street Fighter world is simple!

The former has a lot of skills, and fighting often takes advantage of the opportunity, and then a set of combos and a killer move, which instantly bursts out and kills you.

The latter has no skills, or their skills have been integrated into their fists and feet, and any random move is a skill! The basic skills are extremely solid! What stands out is simplicity!

Seeing that a series of kicks were ineffective, Du Yao frowned, and seeing Qin Ming once again distanced himself from her, she did not choose to chase him this time, and suddenly swung the long whip in her hand.

The whip whistled out, bringing a white light, and wrapped around Qin Ming's arm like lightning.

In fact, she originally wanted to wrap around his neck, but Qin Ming reacted quickly and raised his hand to block it, so she was forced to move the binding position.

Du Yao, who locked Qin Ming's arm with a whip, suddenly showed an excited expression on her face, and the next second she suddenly pulled the whip with all her strength.

Seeing this, Qin Ming hurriedly kicked the ground with his legs, and at the same time, he used force in his arms, preparing to resist the whip and pull the other party in the opposite direction.

However, before he could exert all his strength, he suddenly felt a strange numbness, spreading along the whip on his arm towards his body.

Qin Ming, who was paralyzed on the spot, couldn't help but show a look of surprise on his face. The next second, his body was temporarily out of control, and he was pulled over by Du Yao with the whip!

B-level super kill! Whip of love!

"Ah, ah!"

Looking at Qin Ming, who was hit in front of him, Du Yao couldn't help but cover his mouth with one hand and laughed.

Then he swung the whip in his hand with all his strength and swept it towards Qin Ming madly!

The crackling sound was continuous! The violent whip shadows were dense!

Du Yao gave Qin Ming more than 20 whips in one breath, and finally raised his leg and kicked fiercely, ending with a high kick, and kicked Qin Ming out again.

Looking at Qin Ming who was rolling on the ground opposite, Du Yao, who had taken back the whip, put his hands on his waist, leaned forward with his upper body, and leaned forward completely at a 90-degree angle, with a teasing expression.

"Yo, yo, you kill people with one move, and you are so big. I thought you were very strong, but it turns out that you are not that good. After all, you are just a silver spear. Boy! Remember to respect ladies next time! Don't question the other person's gender casually! Don't ask about weight and age casually!"

Poison finished speaking, but Qin Ming, who fell to the ground opposite, did not move.

Looking at Qin Ming lying on the ground, face down and motionless, Poison could not help but frown and slowly stood up.

Could it be that I was too cruel and accidentally killed him?

He looks scary and so big. I originally planned to take him in as a younger brother and form a duo with my good buddy Hugo. If he died, it would be troublesome.

He is so big, he should not be so fragile, right?

While frowning, Poison walked towards Qin Ming, who fell to the ground opposite, wanting to check on his condition.

But before he took two steps, Du Yao's footsteps suddenly stopped, and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

Feeling the slightly trembling earth and looking at the trembling gravel on the ground, Du Yao took a step back vigilantly and raised the long whip in his hand.

On the opposite side, Qin Ming, who was lying face down on the ground, had a thick blood mist on his body, which was spreading in all directions.

S-level skill! Blood and flesh absorption! Open!


A shrill scream suddenly sounded, and the members of the Crazy Gear Gang who were sitting in the car and watching the excitement suddenly felt a little cold on their faces.

They subconsciously reached out and wiped it, looked down at their palms, and found that their hands were full of blood!

Not only on their hands! At this moment, blood was flowing out of their eye sockets! In their noses! Even in their ears! Turned into blood mist and oozed out uncontrollably! And gathered in the direction of Qin Ming!

Large-scale AOE indiscriminate bloodsucking! Open!

Hearing the screams of fear from the younger brothers around him, Du Yao was also startled.

She reached out to wipe her face and found that blood mist was also oozing out of her face. She quickly retreated and tried to distance herself from Qin Ming.

On the opposite side, Qin Ming, who had already condensed a vortex of blood mist around him, also roared at this moment, and with his fists hanging on the ground, his whole body actually bounced up straight with the help of the impact!

After standing firm! He even opened his arms vigorously! Controlling the countless blood and water around him to condense!

Imitation! Caesar Emperor Wave!


Accompanied by the sound of a strong wind! A giant blood ball more than two meters in size! Like a cannonball, it shot towards Du Yao on the opposite side at a high speed!

This scared Du Yao's face and changed, and she jumped away in a hurry.

She quickly fled from the spot, turned her head and looked at the car behind her that was hit by a cannon and rolled up on the spot, and the unlucky guys in the car who were directly blown away, and her face changed drastically.

After all, in the world of Street Fighter, it was rare to find someone who could release their internal energy on such a large scale, and those who could do it were all masters! How could she not be surprised!

After reacting! Poison flicked the whip in his hand with all his strength! Shooting towards Qin Ming again! Trying to tie him up by force! Prevent the other party from continuing to bombard you from a distance!

However, before the whip shot this time had time to get close to Qin Ming, it was hit by a blood ball thrown by Qin Ming, and was blown back on the spot.

Followed by the third shot! The fourth shot! The fifth shot!

As Qin Ming pushed hard with both hands, huge blood balls were shot out at high speed one after another, causing the vehicles on the opposite side to roll and fly.

Poison, which did not have any long-range bombardment capabilities, was instantly blown up and rolled around, scurrying around.

After running around Qin Ming for a full circle, she finally found the opportunity to close the distance. She rushed to Qin Ming with a sliding shovel. When she got close, she jumped up without thinking and kicked Qin Ming in the face with all her strength. !

Seeing this, Qin Ming, who finally stopped bombing, suddenly flashed red in his eyes, and the next second he advanced instead of retreating, rushing directly towards the poison that was kicked with all his strength.

And during the charge, a flash of blood flashed on the left arm raised high.

B-level super must-kill! Glide to heaven!


A loud noise was heard, and Poison hit Qin Ming's chest with all his strength, but it was completely unable to kick him.

Instead, Qin Ming grabbed his neck and dragged him upside down!

Qin Ming, who held on to the poison tightly and his body was shining with blood, slid with the poison at high speed. After sliding more than ten meters away, he threw out the poison fiercely.

Poison's body was tumbling in mid-air. Before he could take a breath, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body.

The next second! The blood that was injected into her body along the way! It has been forcibly detonated!


A huge explosion sounded! Poison screamed in mid-air! The clothes on the upper body were blown to pieces! The whole person flew backwards like a cannonball! He hit a car hard!

With a crunching sound, the car that was hit hard slid several meters away. By the time it stopped moving, one side of the car was completely dented.

The poison that hit it was completely embedded in it with the upper body naked! His body is covered in scars! They are all wounds that burst from the inside out!

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