Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 313 City-wide Wanted

The high-level meeting of the Crazy Gear Gang ended quickly.

As the crowd dispersed, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri, who had caused a big incident and were wanted by the whole city, immediately completed the handover with BOSS Abigail.

Looking at Jessica, who was sitting in the car, looking at this side reluctantly, being driven away.

Kasamoto Eri, who was beside Qin Ming, couldn't help but wipe his eyes.

"Jessica is a good child, but it's a pity that she is too clingy and too naive. With such a simple personality, I'm afraid she can't even tell who is a good person and who is a bad person. She will be deceived in a few words. It's easy to be bullied when she enters society."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Ming couldn't help but fall in color and glared at her fiercely.

It only took half a month for Kasamoto Eri to successfully take down Jessica, the hostage. When the two sides got together, they were inseparable.

And Qin Ming took half a month, let alone being inseparable, he almost became a positive and negative magnet with this hostage!

As soon as she saw Qin Ming, Jessica ran away. As soon as she saw Qin Ming, Jessica ran away, as if she would die in his hands if she ran a second slower.

Such different treatments made Qin Ming feel very unbalanced. After thinking about it for several days, he still couldn't figure out where he was wrong!

…………Until one time when he was taking a shower, he wiped the mist on the mirror casually, and then was frightened by his reflection in the mirror...

If blood is not stored in the body, then the S-level skills cannot be used.

But storing blood in the body will cause Qin Ming's body to become larger and his appearance to become extremely terrifying.

How did you say that? No matter what it is, as long as you enlarge it to a certain extent, it will become unrelated to cuteness.

Not to mention that Qin Ming originally had nothing to do with cuteness!

Between strength and popularity with women, Qin Ming finally gritted his teeth and chose the former.

Let's be a pervert, everything is fake anyway, only strength is real.

Not to mention that he looks like a pervert, even if he really becomes a pervert! As long as he is strong enough! Run fast enough! No one can do anything to him!

After sending away Jessica, the hostage, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri looked at each other, quickly returned to the room, and began to prepare for the action at night.

What? Smuggling to Japan? What a joke! In two days, they will be forcibly extradited back to the nightmare space! How can there be time to travel to Japan!

Although Qin Ming's main task this time has been completed with the killing of Kai.

But no one would complain about too many points. If possible, Qin Ming would certainly seize the time to earn more points.

It's just that there is no need to continue to cooperate with Feng Mo and Huo Niao. In other words, even if Qin Ming still wants to continue to cooperate at this time, I'm afraid there is no chance.

Because with the exposure of Qin Ming's hunting action, the two guys Feng Mo and Huo Niao's double-five behavior will definitely not be hidden.

Now it's a question whether the two of them live or die. I'm afraid that they have been kicked to death by Mayor Mike Hag and a large number of policemen. If they don't die, they will be thrown into prison.

Being a traitor is like this. The characters in the mission world are not rigid programs, but living people. Once they find that something is wrong, if they meet a smart guy, they will react quickly.

Unfortunately, Mayor Mike Hag is a very smart wrestler.

While sorting out their belongings in the room, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri discussed the next countermeasures.

They planned to board the ship arranged by the gangster boss Berger first to paralyze everyone, and then sneak back halfway to find out if there is any suitable opportunity to start.

Whether hunting the protagonist group or hunting the villain, as long as it is a BOSS, it is within their hunting range.

And compared to the protagonist who has been alert, the Crazy Gear Gang is easier to start.

After all, if the two of them got on the boat in front of everyone, who would have expected that they would jump into the sea halfway and swim back by themselves.

Swimming hundreds of miles hard just to kill someone? What kind of hatred is this!

In the eyes of adventurers, they can understand all the weird actions each other takes to get the key, after all, profit comes first.

But in the eyes of the characters, the moody and changeable adventurers are a group of complete lunatics.

You were still sharing life and death in the previous second, and the next second the war was finally over, and everyone was going back to get rewards. As a result, you turned around for no reason and stabbed your comrade who had just fought side by side with you.

When asked if there was any hatred before? No.

Was there any resentment before? No.

What about the motive for murder? Still no.

What else is this if not a lunatic!

Just when Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri were discussing which guy to attack first after they came back secretly, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri were stunned when they heard the sound. After reacting, Kasamoto Eri quickly drew out his double guns, hid against the wall on the side of the door, and gently pressed down the safety hammer of the revolver.

Qin Ming, who was standing on the other side of the door, had a ball of blood in his palm.

Looking at the door, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri, who were standing on both sides of the door, exchanged glances silently and finally nodded at the same time.

At the moment of nodding, Kasamoto Eri had already pulled the door open with force.

Qin Ming then stretched out his hand and forcibly pulled the guy who was knocking on the door into the room and lifted him up high.

The cooperation between the two can be described as flowing water, that is called tacit understanding, showing the style of a fierce bandit!

Qin Ming, who was holding the knocker with one hand and raising the other hand high, was suddenly stunned when he saw who was coming.

Kasamoto Eri, who had separated the two guns beside him, one against the back of the knocker's head and the other pointing at the door, was also stunned.

At this moment, Du Yao, whose legs were hanging in the air, was dragged high by the collar just because he knocked on the door a few times. Don't mention how helpless his expression was.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was stunned on the opposite side, she couldn't help rolling her eyes and sighing.

"You two are really good, you are quite vigilant. You have such a big reaction to knocking on the door. What's wrong? You were often chased by people before? I wonder if you two are really international bandits!"

Seeing that the person coming was Du Yao, Kasamoto Eri rotated the two guns in his hands, put the two revolvers back into the holsters, and closed the door.

Qin Ming put down the poison in his hand and coughed awkwardly.

"Special treatment for special times. Isn't this a wanted order? There's nothing I can do. I thought the police came to my door."

After landing on the ground, Du Yao kept reaching out to pull at her belly-exposing vest. Hearing this, he couldn't help but pout.

"If it was really the mayor who brought people here, he wouldn't have knocked on the door politely. It's good that he didn't throw a grenade directly into your house."

"Why are you here? Didn't you just take over the slum area and have a lot of things to do?"

Qin Ming, who found that his reaction was indeed a bit too big this time, hurriedly changed the subject.

Mainly because it was the first time in his life that he appeared on TV and was wanted by the whole city, it was inevitable that he was a little nervous.

Qin Ming's way of changing the subject was not very clever, and it could even be said to be very rigid.

But after hearing Qin Ming's words, Du Yao's expression suddenly became serious.

"I just came here to remind you."

"Remind? What do you mean?"

"Don't take the boat arranged by the boss at night! Absolutely not!"

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