Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 316 Warlord Rolando

On the boat, the two looked at each other silently several meters apart. After a few seconds, Rolando spoke first.

"You have good strength, and your woman's marksmanship is also very good. She looks like an elite warrior at first glance. What? She has been a soldier?"

Qin Ming's lips curled up when he heard this.

"More than just a soldier, she is the king of soldiers and a member of the special operations team."

"Very good! I currently lack experts like you! So how about joining us?"

As soon as these words came out, Eddie, the black policeman next to him, changed his expression and hurriedly spoke to stop him.

After all, when he came this time, he had agreed with Berg that he would take the heads of the two terrorists, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Miles, and go to Mayor Mike Hager to claim credit.

At that time, I will help Berg by pulling the strings, so that Berg can return the kidnapped Jessica, so that the two sides can cease the war or something like that.

The Crazy Gear Gang really can't bear to continue fighting like this, not to mention that there are two terrorists under their control now. What will Mayor Mike Hager do if he really asks for support from above and brings in the army to attack them?

Eddie was naturally extremely happy that there were benefits to be gained, so he brought people over to block the boat.

Now seeing that the benefits promised to him were gone, he quickly spoke loudly.

"Rolando! What are you doing! He is the target of this hunting! You recruited him! How can we complete the boss's mission... Poof!"

Before Eddie could finish his words, Rolando slapped him in the stomach with a stick without looking back. In pain, Eddie clutched his stomach and knelt on the ground.

Rolando took back the special iron rod, his face expressionless.

"That's your boss, not mine. I'm just a mercenary. I just collect money to do things. At worst, I won't need the money this time."

After dealing with the annoying guy next to him, Rolando looked at Qin Ming again.

"How about it? Do you want to join?"

Qin Ming had no expression on his face when he heard this, but slowly raised his fists.

Looking at Qin Ming's extremely obvious military fighting skills, Rolando shook his head and raised the iron rod in his hand.

"Since you insist on seeking death, then I will grant you permission! I will allow you to die gloriously in battle! Haha!"

While he was talking, Rolando rushed towards him, waving the iron rod in his hand continuously. Qin Ming had to raise his hands to block the attack.

One of the two fought hard, and the other defended quickly. Amidst a burst of clanging sounds, they were evenly matched for a moment.

During the continuous blocking, Qin Ming seized the opportunity and used a sonic hand knife. The bloody air wave turned into a cyclone and slashed at Rolando at high speed.

Rolando was startled and rolled away, not forgetting to throw several grenades while rolling.

All kinds of martial arts! This is a grenade!

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the continuous explosions, Qin Ming, who was trying to catch up, was forced back. Before he could struggle to stand, Rolando, who was rolling up, suddenly swung his stick and threw a large number of flying knives at him.

All kinds of martial arts! Throwing knives!

The shimmering flying knife was wrapped in special energy, and its lethality was astonishing, fast and cruel.

Qin Ming raised his hand to block, and the golden armguards that were pieced together were filled with blades for a while.

Before he could shake off the flying knives, Rolando on the opposite side suddenly swung the iron rod, and the end of the rod shot out on the spot, dragging a steel wire around Qin Ming's ankle at high speed.

Then, amidst Rolando's roar, he actually swung the iron rod to lift the burly Qin Ming and swept it towards everything around him.

All kinds of martial arts! Tightrope!

Amidst the crackling sound, Qin Ming, who continuously smashed a lot of things, hugged the railing and finally stopped moving after forcefully pulling the railing until it was severely deformed.

Before Rolando could retract the wire, he suddenly broke off the railing with force, swung his hand and shot it towards Rolando like a javelin, causing Rolando to dodge in a hurry as he was retracting his weapon.

Looking at Qin Ming, who jumped up and rushed towards him with great momentum, he understood that Rolando had encountered a tough opponent this time, so he jumped back to the patrol boat without thinking.

The next second, a large number of red beret mercenaries on both sides stood up at the same time and pointed their guns at Qin Ming.

Under Qin Ming's shocked eyes, Rolando waved his hand without hesitation.

All kinds of martial arts! This is my little brother!

Da da da da da!

A net of crossfire from all directions was formed again. This time, Qin Ming had no time to control his blood to protect his whole body. He was hit by countless bullets and was splashed with blood.

Seeing this scene, Rolando couldn't help but reveal a ferocious smile on his face.

He never cares about the rules of fighting. He only knows that the winner is king. As long as he can achieve his goal and establish his own military country, he will dare to do anything! Also willing to do anything!

A fair duel? joke! Why would he, a warlord, challenge a warrior to a duel?

No need to have a younger brother! You go up and fight alone! There is a hole in your head, right?

Just when Rolando was commanding his younger brother, trying to cover Qin Ming alive with firepower, a violent blood energy suddenly spread in all directions with Qin Ming as the center.

Everyone enveloped in blood energy was stunned for a moment at first, and then they felt their faces getting cold.

They subconsciously reached out and touched their faces. When they lowered their heads, they found that their palms were covered in blood.

In their eyes! In the nose! In the ears! Even under the skin! They are all leaking blood!

Qin Ming dared to ignore the trap and come to take the boat this time! The reason is actually very simple!

Because of this fixed space on the ship! But it has always been Qin Ming’s home court!

S-level skills! Flesh sucking! with full force!

Group blood sucking!

It must be said that the red beret soldiers around were quite elite. Even though they saw blood oozing from their bodies and were shocked by the strange situation, they still did not give up shooting.

It's just that they are shooting at this moment! It’s no longer possible to hurt Qin Ming!

The blood pouring from all directions turned into a huge bloody whirlpool around Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who was standing in the middle, took a deep breath and suddenly roared and waved his arms.

The next second! As the blood turns into a torrent, it flows out! A giant blood ball that is four to five meters in size! Just tear the deck apart with a bang! It hit a patrol boat on the opposite side hard!

The patrol boat that was hit by the heavy bombardment was knocked over on the spot and fell directly into the water.

Before the red beret soldiers above struggled to climb out of the water, the second giant blood ball was shot out again, heading towards the second patrol boat.

There was a continuous roaring sound, and one patrol boat after another was overturned on the sea.

At the ship where Qin Ming was, the policemen who were still fighting passionately with Miles Kasamoto had stopped firing at this moment, and were running around while screaming and bleeding.

If you run away, someone will fall to the ground and lose all movement. Only the body will continue to float with blood, causing it to gradually wither.

Looking at the scene in front of him that looked like a scroll from hell, even Rolando, who had traveled extensively and was well-informed, was dumbfounded at this moment.

He hurriedly jumped up from a patrol boat that was hit and jumped to another boat. He looked at Qin Ming opposite, who was now covered in blood, with shock in his eyes.

"What kind of monster is this! Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Waving hurriedly, Rolando saw that something was wrong and decisively controlled the soldiers to escape by boat.

Because he has discovered that the opponent's move seems to be limited to a certain distance, and it should be safe as long as he escapes.

Seeing Rolando trying to escape, Eddie, the black policeman who was also scared to death, rolled and crawled towards the boat where he was, screaming as he ran.

"Wait for me! Wait for me! Rolando! Wait for me!"

Seeing his little brother being sucked alive into a mummy, and the other party firing at a patrol boat, he was about to pee with fear at this moment.

Didn't we agree to just deal with a terrorist? What kind of terrorist is this? I'm afraid this is not a devil from hell!

Arriving at the edge of the boat, Randy jumped up.

But before he could jump to the opposite boat, Qin Ming, who noticed the movement, had already grabbed him.

The next second! Blood surges! The violent blood actually gathered crazily towards Randy in mid-air! Wrap him up on the spot! He was forcefully dragged back again!

There was a roar, and Black Police Randy was thrown away by the blood. He hit the wall like a cannonball, directly penetrated the iron plate and flew into it.

Remote capture! This is after Qin Ming completely activated his flesh-absorbing skills! The ability to activate!

The reason is very simple! Because he is in normal condition! Even if the body is full of blood! And release all this blood! It’s not enough to use this move!

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