Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 319 Awkward Situation

Quietly withdrawing his gaze from the two of them, Qin Ming, who was wearing a neat suit on the upper body but nothing on the lower body, subconsciously stretched out his hand to scratch his leg, looking at the mayor Mike Hag opposite, and couldn't help showing a trace of embarrassment in his eyes.

In fact, it can't be blamed on him for not following the rules. It was clearly agreed that the hostages would be returned safely in exchange for the two sides to stop fighting, but before exchanging the hostages, he made the hostages look like this.

Mainly because he had acquired the flesh and blood absorption skill, his body was in a state of congestion all year round, which caused his self-control ability to become very poor!

That guy Kasamoto Eri kept fighting, saying, "When I have good things, I will share some with you. If you have a new lover, you have to share half of my ghost attention. He took Jessica to hug him all day long.

That Jessica was like a follower, doing whatever Kasamoto Eri said.

Then when one of them lost control, something would happen suddenly, which was also inevitable.

The good news now is that Jessica, who was tricked by Kasamoto Eri, finally no longer trusts Kasamoto Eri unconditionally and relies on her in every way.

The bad news is that this woman has changed to sticking to Qin Ming!

Maybe she has been a good girl for too long, and now she has entered the rebellious period.

At this moment, Jessica fell very fast.

Knowing that Qin Ming was about to have a video call with his father, she dared to accompany Kasamoto Eri to mess around at this critical moment. You can imagine how happy she is now.

But she is happy, but Qin Ming has to face a problem.

That is, if he returns Jessica in this state, will the middle-aged man on the opposite side really let him go? Will he really stop the war?

How to explain to the other party at that time? Say that he accidentally fell in love with Jessica at first sight? So the rice is cooked?

Is Jessica's current nymphomaniac state a manifestation of her deep love for herself?

From now on, we two fathers will talk about our own things, and I will call him dad? He called me brother?

If he dared to say that, why would he negotiate? If Mayor Mike Hager didn't strangle him to death on the spot, he would be lucky!

After trying his best to keep a straight face, Qin Ming finally agreed with Mayor Mike Hager to return Jessica to the police station at noon tomorrow. He quickly raised his hand and turned off the TV.

Then he got up and walked to the bedside, looked down at Jessica who was motionless, couldn't help sighing, and suddenly grabbed her and shook her hard.

Jessica, who was forcibly awakened from her coma, opened her eyes in confusion.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Is there an earthquake?"

"Don't fucking sleep! Wake up! I want to talk to you about business!"

As Qin Ming finished speaking, Jessica quickly turned her head to look at him.

Looking at the giant in front of her that could fit three of her, Jessica instinctively bit her lips, and her face was slightly flushed.

"I just rested for a while, and you forced me to wake up again, asking me to get up and do the work. I really can't do anything with you."

"It's not this work! Can you wake up first!"

Seeing that Jessica misunderstood, Qin Ming shook her hard again.

Seeing that Jessica finally woke up completely, Qin Ming, who put her aside, turned around and saw the culprit, Kasamoto Eri, still sleeping next to him, and slapped her hard.

This time it was fast and fierce, without any mercy, and Kasamoto Eri suddenly woke up from her sleep, holding her butt and jumping up directly.

"Don't sleep! Without you to stir up trouble! How can there be so many troubles!"

Looking at Kasamoto Eri, who fell on the bed again and huddled up in pain holding her butt, Qin Ming retracted his vicious eyes and turned to look at Jessica.

Looking at her who was also scared and holding her butt at the moment, and hurriedly distanced herself from him, Qin Ming pulled her back casually.

"You should know what to say when you see your father tomorrow, right?"

Jessica finally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that he was not going to teach her a lesson.

"I understand, dear, you don't have to worry about it, I'll handle it."

"Oh? So you already know how to do it? And you are very confident?"

"Yes, it's not easy to solve it. I'll tell my father when I go back that I have your child. We are all family, so won't all the conflicts be resolved?"

"The conflicts... your father solved them on the spot! And where is your fiancé? Where is Cody? If he knows about this, he will fight me to death!!"

Looking at Qin Ming with wide eyes and a look of shock, Jessica's expression froze.

"This... I'll just find a reason to break up the engagement with him when I go back? For example, he is not worthy of me?"

"Aren't you afraid that he will come back and fuck you in three years!"

"Then what do you say we should do? It's already like this now."

Stretching her legs straight, Jessica turned her head and pursed her lips.

"Yili and I had a good relationship, loving each other, but you suddenly appeared and forced me into this state, and now you start to dislike me for being troublesome. What? Do you want to leave after taking advantage of me? Oh, you are the new gangster boss, you can have as many women as you want, you can change eight in a day! But what should I do? Where can I find another one with your body shape?"

He snorted coldly with a straight face and turned his back to Qin Ming.

Jessica, who was sitting next to Qin Ming at this moment and was set off like a rag doll, suddenly spoke.

"I'm telling you, hyena, you'd better not think of me as a casual woman. I'm casual! But my dad is not casual! Don't think you're the only one who's strong! My dad is a wrestler! Be careful or I'll throw you and make you half-paralyzed! You'll never find a woman again in your life!"

After Jessica said this, Qin Ming couldn't help rubbing his forehead with a headache.

"That's not what I meant. I just hope you won't be too direct tomorrow! I'm afraid your dad won't be able to handle it!"

"Ah? What's so unbearable about that?"

"What's so unbearable about that? Go back and tell him directly that you found yourself in love with the big one? So you don't want your original boyfriend anymore? Instead, you plan to live with a gangster boss? Aren't you afraid of giving your dad a heart attack?"

"What's wrong with a gangster boss? You're a large-scale industry, okay? You also have some employment prospects! Not better than Cody, the street thug! My dad can even accept street thugs! Why can't he accept you!"

"Yes! From the surface! The protection fee collector is indeed a little better than the street thug! But the problem is that your dad is the police chief. ! His mission is to catch people like us who collect protection fees! You are like a kitten who sleeps with a mouse! And then takes the mouse home! What's the difference between this and showing it to the mouse catcher at home! He will kill me! "

"Then he hits you! Just hit him back!"

"That's your dad! How can you encourage others to hit your dad! You little kitten!"

"Huh? When did you become so respectful to the elderly and young? Now you know you can't hit my dad? Then when you half-forced me to hit you before! Why didn't you respect the elderly and love the young? "

"That's different!"

"Nonsense! It's the same! Anyway, I don't care! Either you deal with him! Or he deals with you! Anyway, don't expect me to hide it!"

Holding her hands on her chest and snorting coldly, Jessica looked very stubborn.

"I'll tell him when I go back that I have a boyfriend and a girlfriend now. One is a gang leader and the other is a terrorist. Whether he accepts it is his problem! I didn't find it for him!"

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