Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 32 Breakout

Looking at the revolver flashing coldly in the moonlight, Feishe's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt his scalp tingling. The corpse of the heavy-armored swordsman leader Kaido, who died with his eyes wide open, and the bullet holes on the corpse quickly emerged in his mind.

Therefore, without any hesitation, he turned around and started to flee almost immediately.

While fleeing, he even did not forget to pull two swordsmen and force them to block behind him.

Feishe's decisive escape behavior stunned the three people on the opposite side, especially Qin Ming, who had just taken out his gun, who was even more confused.

Watching Feishe disappear in the melee crowd in an instant, Qin Ming couldn't help but look down at his pistol.

Hiss? He didn't shoot here? What is he afraid of? Could this kid see the properties of his gun?

Qin Ming, who didn't understand, shrugged helplessly, watching the surroundings completely become a mess, and the original plan to mix in with the adventurers was canceled on the spot.

It's like this! What the hell are you touching! Take the opportunity to kill!

Qin Ming raised his revolver and started firing at close range in front of the shocked eyes of the adventurers next to him.

If he hit a common swordsman in the vitals, he would be killed with one shot.

Elite monsters like heavy armor swordsmen can barely withstand two or three shots due to their thick skin and flesh, but that's all.

And while shooting, Qin Ming did not forget to attack the guy who was close to him.

He picked up a dagger from the ground, relying on his terrifying strength and physique now! He really shot with both hands! He cut down anyone he saw!

Waving the dagger in his left hand! Fighting in close combat! Firing with the revolver in his right hand! Every shot was killed!

Even as he blew a whistle, a roar suddenly came from the distant jungle. The elite thug, the fat man, led a remaining minion brother, and rushed into the battlefield with weapons in hand, and began to join him.

With one man and one gun, Qin Ming was like a man in an empty space, and he fought his way through the crowd.

The members of the militia, who had been fighting hard, saw Qin Ming's great power and hurriedly gathered around him, trying to rely on him to break through.

The chaotic shouts and killings were continuous, and people kept falling in a pool of blood.

After fighting for more than ten minutes, Qin Ming finally led his men out of the battlefield with his pistol.

The remaining militiamen began to flee towards the village desperately. The enemies behind them tried to chase them, but Qin Ming, who was behind them, shot and killed two of the people in the front on the spot with six bullets, scaring the others to stop in a hurry.

Amid the chaotic sounds, Qin Ming and others quickly rushed into the woods and disappeared, leaving only corpses on the ground.

It was not until this time that Feishe, who was hiding behind the bunker and watching Qin Ming and his men run away, dared to show his head.

Looking at the unlucky people on the ground who were killed by bullets, he couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead with his hand.

Too fierce! That guy is so fierce!

Not only is his weapon fierce! He is also fierce!

He can kick an elite monster like a heavy-armored swordsman several meters away with one kick! Is he really a newcomer?

Fortunately, I reacted quickly just now and was careful in advance. I ran away immediately when I saw that the situation was not good.

Otherwise, if he shot me, I would be crippled if not dead!

Just when Feishe was stunned, footsteps suddenly came from the side, and the temporary leader of this team, the heavy-armored swordsman Kailai, came over with a stern face.

Although they failed to wipe out all the enemies as planned, the nine militiamen who came to help this time left six bodies, and the others were also seriously injured.

There are only 21 militiamen in the whole village, and there are still some who can't fight.

It can be said that after this battle, the village's combat effectiveness has been completely destroyed, and they can launch an attack on the village at any time.

The only regret is that the most capable militia captain did not die! He escaped back!

Looking at Feishe, the heavily armored swordsman Kailai suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

"What should we do next? Should we attack the village immediately? You are smarter, so you will be in charge this time."

Originally, Kailai was just a small leader, and it was obvious that he was not very proficient in giving orders, so he simply handed over the command to Feishe.

Feishe's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded quickly.

"Okay! Gather troops and attack immediately! Don't give the other side a chance to breathe!"

"I understand. By the way, didn't you say that you have a companion who is a spy in the village to pass on information? Where is he? After conquering the village, he will have a share of the rewards."

"He died in the melee just now. When I found him, it was too late. I don't know if his identity was discovered, he died in the hands of the enemy, or he was killed by his own people by mistake."

"…………Okay, just pretend that this person never existed, and his credit belongs to you."

After taking a deep look at Feishe, Kailai led the soldiers to turn around and leave.

When Feishe heard this, he saw his contribution value increase a lot on the spot, and he couldn't help but smile.

His contribution value reached 649! Just increase it a little more! As long as it can reach 1000! Then his title mission is completed!

Take the risk to kill that collaborator! It's really a good move!

Just when the soldiers here began to gather and prepare to enter the village.

At the entrance of the village, the remaining Qin Ming and others also stumbled back.

Of the nine militiamen who went, only three are left, including the militia captain.

Of the original four adventurers, only two are left now, one is Qin Ming and the other is Bai Lang.

As for Black Bear? He was seriously injured by the sneak attack and failed to break out of the encirclement alive. Instead, he died under the joint attack of two heavily armored swordsmen.

There were more than a dozen people when they went, but only a few were left when they came back, and almost everyone was injured.

This made the other militiamen guarding the village entrance see this scene, and they couldn't help but change their faces. They quickly moved the barricades and welcomed the few people in.

After learning about the incident from the survivors, the whole village was completely blown up and fell into chaos.

The old village chief came quickly with a cane, and as soon as he squeezed into the crowd, he hit the militia captain's head with a wooden stick.

"You damn things! Not only did you offend Sir Scone's people! You also exposed your identity! Isn't this bringing the war to our village! The other side will massacre the village!"

Hearing the words of the village chief, the villagers who rushed over quickly became more agitated.

The militia captain, who was covered in injuries, stood there expressionlessly and spoke in a deep voice.

"Everyone is responsible for their own actions. I caused the trouble. At most, they can tie me up and use my life as a sacrifice."

"You bastard! What can you do alone? If you die, will they let the village go? They have always had ideas about our village!"

The village chief hit the ground with his crutches, gritted his teeth, turned his head and looked at the people around him, and suddenly yelled.

"What are you all doing? Are you waiting to die? Take out the barrels and wood in your home! You must stop them! At least buy time!"

"Buy time?"

"Yes! Wait for reinforcements! With the character of that bastard Scone, the people and villages he targets will never have a good end, so I have secretly contacted the Knights of the Round Table! As long as we can hold out until they arrive, there is still hope! Arm yourself! No matter what, we must hold out until they arrive! Do you hear me!"

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