Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 321 Miles’ Revenge


With a crisp sound, Genryusai Maki chopped the cabinet with one hand, relying on the crutches on his arm to completely smash the cabinet, and turned his head fiercely to glare at Kasamoto Eri who dodged flexibly.

Looking at the woman in front of him who was not good at close combat, because she lost the first-hand advantage, she was dragged into the home court by herself, resulting in being beaten and scarred.

Genryusai Maki held the crutches in her hands, and murderous aura spread all over her body.

The tragic death of her senior brother made her completely fall into a state of rage, especially after she saw her senior brother's body that was sucked to the skin and bones, the anger in her heart could not be suppressed at all.

Therefore, Genryusai Maki started to fight at this moment, which can be said to be ruthless, and every move was harmful.

Genryusai Maki once again raised his crutches, roared in his mouth, and rushed towards Kasamoto Eri again.

This made Kasamoto Eri, who saw this scene, hold a one-handed axe, wipe the blood on his face, and then raised the axe and rushed up.

The sound of ding-dong-dang was continuous again, and the two women who kept fighting with their weapons fought for dozens of rounds in a blink of an eye.

In the end, Kasamoto Eri, who still failed to win the fight, was hit in the abdomen by a kick and flew backwards on the spot.

She fell heavily on the cabinet and smashed it directly, and was immediately helped up by Jessica who ran over.

Looking up at Yuanliusai Maki who was walking towards her aggressively, Kasamoto Eri, who was helped to stand up, moved her ears slightly and suddenly grinned.

This scene made Yuanliusai Maki stop instinctively, and her eyebrows were frowned.

"You are about to die, what are you laughing at?"

Kasamoto Eri heard this and leaned her head on Jessica's shoulder, and said weakly.

"I am laughing because I am waiting for reinforcements. What are you waiting for standing there like an idiot? Waiting to die?"

Hearing this, Yuanliusai Maki's pupils shrank, and before she could react, the wall next to her suddenly exploded.

An extremely thick arm, probably thicker than Genryusai Maki's thigh, broke through the wall and directly pinched Genryusai Maki's neck! The force was so strong! Genryusai Maki's eyes widened on the spot!

The next second, without giving Genryusai Maki a chance to struggle, the arm had already retracted with all its strength, and actually pulled Genryusai Maki and forcibly broke through the wall and dragged her out!

In the next room, Qin Ming, who had violently pulled Genryusai Maki over, was now more burly.

And in his other hand, he was holding a dead body.

The extremely shriveled body, the facial features like dried bones, and the severely shrunk weight.

The protagonist Cody, who once weighed nearly 200 kilograms, was now sucked by Qin Ming to less than 60 kilograms! The shape looks like a long-dried corpse!

Looking at Cody's terrifying shape at this moment, Genryusai Maki was so scared that his eyes suddenly widened.

Before she could struggle hard in shock, Qin Ming, who was holding her neck with one hand, had thrown away Cody's body, picked up Yuan Liusai Maki, and punched her in the abdomen!

A muffled bang spread out, and Yuan Liusai Maki, who was punched into a lobster shape on the spot, and her body was completely bent into a C shape, spewed bitter water directly from her mouth.

But she was a martial artist after all, and her strength might not be as strong as Kai and the others, but her will was pretty good.

Enduring the severe pain in her abdomen, she swung the Bu-shaped crutch in her hand, raised her elbow and swept it hard, and hit Qin Ming's face with a crutch.

Qin Ming, who was attacked on the face, was hit and his head was tilted, and his eyes were widened on the spot.

After glaring at Yuan Liusai Maki, he punched again without hesitation! Hit Yuan Liusai Maki in the abdomen again!

Qin Ming was madly hitting his abdomen! Yuan Liusai Maki was desperately hitting his head! The two of them were exhausted for a while!

Under normal circumstances, in such a reckless fight, it is natural that Genryusai Maki, who is holding a weapon and attacking the vital points, has the advantage. If the fight continues like this, Qin Ming will definitely fall first!

But the problem is! Qin Ming can not only fight! He can also suck blood!

With the activation of the skill, Qin Ming, who pinched Genryusai Maki's neck tightly and began to suck her blood crazily, began to recover from his injuries in the shocked eyes of Genryusai Maki.

The bruises and wounds on his face recovered rapidly, and the strength in his hands, which had been slow, began to become strong again.

Compared with Qin Ming's increasingly fierce fighting, Genryusai Maki's side was different.

She had already been injured, and now her blood was sucked crazily. She couldn't break free from Qin Ming's palm, and her strength was getting weaker and weaker.

In the end, she couldn't fight anymore, and began to tear and push Qin Ming's face desperately, trying to make him stop attacking.

The result was a more fierce punch!

Holding Yuan Liusai Maki with one hand, Qin Ming pushed the heroine who should appear in the second part against the wall. After punching her more than twenty times, Qin Ming stopped attacking breathlessly.

At this moment, the wall behind Yuan Liusai Maki had been shaken into countless cracks. Yuan Liusai Maki, who was held on it, hung her head and her limbs drooped naturally, and there was no movement.

Blood mixed with some unknown liquid dripped down her thighs to the ground, and at this moment, a puddle had formed on the ground.

Looking at Yuan Liusai Maki who was completely knocked unconscious in his hand, Qin Ming pulled her over with a stern face, clamped her head with his arms, and prepared to forcibly break her neck.

Although his title favorability was applied to Genryusai Maki, it was obvious that this favorability was useless. The other party who had killed his brother would not like Qin Ming, let alone help him.

In this case! Then turn it into a trophy!

"Boss! Wait a minute!"

Just as Qin Ming clamped Genryusai Maki's head with his arm and lifted her up like a rag doll, Kasamoto Eri's voice suddenly rang out.

Qin Ming turned his head in confusion after hearing the voice and found that Kasamoto Eri was walking along the gap in the wall with the support of Jessica.

Looking at the scarred Kasamoto Eri, Qin Ming frowned and his eyes became colder for a while.

"What's the matter?"

"Boss, don't kill her yet. I haven't settled my grudge against her yet. She almost killed me twice. I have to take revenge."

"You've been beaten like this? You still have the time to mess around?"

"No, no, boss, you got the order wrong. It's because she beat me like this that I want to mess around with her."

Grinning and smiling, Kasamoto Eri, a woman who has been in the gang since she was a child, is obviously not a good person, let alone a good person.

Especially after entering the nightmare space and becoming Qin Ming's younger brother, she has become worse and worse.

Looking at Kasamoto Eri's silly smile, Qin Ming shook his head helplessly and threw the unconscious Yuan Liusai Maki over.

"Then she belongs to you. Be careful when playing, don't let her kill you."

"Don't worry, she can't kill me yet."

…………Night fell quickly, and in a luxurious villa, Yuan Liusai Maki struggled to open his eyes.

As a result, she found herself hanging in the air with chains, her hands and legs fixed.

Before she could figure out what was going on, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from the opposite side.

The next second, Kasamoto Eri and Jessica, who was obviously taught badly by her, appeared in special police uniforms with whips in their hands.

The two women, who looked very similar to Poison, looked at Genryusai Maki who was staring at them, and couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Hey! You're awake! Come here to avenge your brother, a great hero!"

Hearing Kasamoto Eri's teasing, Genryusai Maki immediately had an ominous premonition in his heart and began to struggle hard.

"What are you two doing? Let me go!"

"Hehe, what are you doing? You've severely injured me twice, so shouldn't I be severely injured twice as well?"

"A gentleman can be killed but not humiliated! Kill me if you two dare!"

Maki Genryusai, who already knew that things were going to go wrong, began to struggle desperately, but unfortunately, she was seriously injured and her strength had been greatly reduced, so she had no ability to break free from the chains.

Instead, her head was held tightly by Kasamoto Eri.

Staring at Maki Genryusai with wide eyes, Kasamoto Eri had a bright smile on her face.

"By the way, let me ask you one last question. Do you like women?"

"You like women! Let me go!!!"

"Oh, I don't like it. I waited in vain."

Kasamoto Eri, who immediately got a positive answer, couldn't help but sigh, turned around and shook his head at Jessica with a helpless look on his face.

"It seems that this heroine is not of our kind. In that case, Jessica, find her a man."

Jessica lowered her head and sent a text message happily, which made Yuan Liusai Maki's pupils shrink and his expression became very horrified.

"That's not what I meant! Let me go quickly! Otherwise, Wushen Liu will not let you go! Wushen Liu is very strong! It's very powerful! Let me go!"

"Don't worry, I will let you go, but not now. Now is called warm-up time."

Ignoring Yuan Liusai Maki's shouting, Kasamoto Eri has begun to take the initiative to unbutton Yuan Liusai Maki's Wushen Liu combat suit, causing her to scream desperately while being hung in the air.

At this time, outside the villa, an extended car rushed over.

Accompanied by two younger brothers who opened the car door with force, Qin Ming, who was wearing a black suit and his clothes were bulging with muscles, walked out with a cigarette in his mouth.

Shaking his shoulders, shaking off his coat, Qin Ming waved his hand with a cigarette in his mouth.

Seeing this, the younger brothers hurriedly got in the car and left.

Qin Ming, who watched them leave, raised his hand to wipe his big back hair, and took out his mobile phone to check.

Looking at the text message Jessica sent him, he put away the phone casually, raised his hand to throw away the cigarette, turned around and strode towards the villa.

The moment he entered the room, the screams that were originally looming in the room suddenly stopped.

After a full dozen seconds of silence, a sharper scream suddenly sounded, and this sound lasted for several hours...

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