Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 323 S-level skills! Body of steel!

In the end, Qin Ming let go of Genryusai Maki. After all, his skills were inferior and he couldn't beat the opponent. He had nothing to say.

As long as he wants to come back and mess around in the future, he will have no choice but to let him go before he can't defeat the opponent.

The Shenglong Fist from Gang Fist finally made Qin Ming realize the reality and understand how far behind he is from a top plot character.

He can crush the little soldiers to death, these big bosses can crush him to death.

Therefore, Qin Ming decisively chose to give in. After all, he couldn't beat him, so there was no shame in giving in.

As for what the other party said about his mind being affected by power? In fact, Qin Ming also noticed that since he acquired the S-level skill Flesh Absorption and his body has been in a state of congestion all year round, his personality has become more and more irritable.

He likes to use force to solve any problem he encounters, and is unwilling to use his brain. His methods become extremely cruel, and even the various means that he once relied on for survival begin to become unwilling to use.

It seems that he only takes a fancy to it, or is instinctively only willing to use the newly acquired S-level skill Flesh Absorption.

Maybe the other party was right, and his mind was really affected by this power.

But so what? Do you know why you don't need it?

Between being assimilated by power and becoming a thug, or being beaten to death by other adventurers, what would you choose? The answer is self-evident, isn’t it! Qin Ming has no choice at all!

Not to mention that it was just the power that affected his temper. Even if he was told directly now that using this power would make him gay, he would have no choice but to grit his teeth and continue using it until there was no alternative ability!

In the nightmare space, losing power equals death! Qin Ming has no choice at all!

Picking up the card in his hand and looking at it, Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh.

"Gonken? One of the strongest men in the Street Fighter world. I will go to you next time we meet..."

Putting the card away casually, Qin Ming chose to return without hesitation!

After all, he couldn't run away quickly. He was afraid that the old man Gouken would come and kill him after learning what happened to Genryusai Maki.

.........This time the world is: Fighting the whirlwind......Reward statistics are in progress......The statistics are completed!

Completing the main mission (killing a plot BOSS alone) will reward you with 5,000 points and 5 free attribute points.

Completing the optional task (increasing the reputation value of any lineup to 500 points) will reward you with 5,000 points and 5 free attribute points.

Completing the hidden mission (prompting the mayor to cooperate with the Crazy Gear Gang) will reward you with 5,000 points and 5 free attribute points.

A total of 15,000 points and 15 free attribute points were obtained in this world.

The adventurer is detected and becomes the leader of the Crazy Gear Gang, officially taking control of a force. Quickly beat the whirlwind world and officially clear the level, and will be rewarded with a treasure chest for completing the level!

As the voice in his ears fell, a familiar slide appeared in front of Qin Ming's eyes.

At the end of the scene, the scene was frozen in the moment when he glided and rushed, trying to compete with Gouken's ultimate move.

In the picture, he is full of murderous intent, and his body size can hold two powerful fists. He looks like he has every advantage.

Only he knew that in the next second he was crippled by Gouken's Shoryuken, leaving him unable to fight back.

Looking away from the screen, Qin Ming looked at this harvest and nodded slightly.

He found that since becoming an intermediate adventurer, not only the welfare benefits have been improved, but the rewards of this task have also increased a lot.

The reward of one mission, if both can be completed, is as good as the previous two missions.

And in addition to rewards, there are also a lot of treasure chests obtained this time.

There is Kai, Cody, Eddie, the gangster, Berg, the big boss, and his loyal follower, Abigail, who is also the strongest.

This time Qin Ming got five keys! And all of them are of brilliant silver quality or above!

Especially the Abigail Key! It has even reached the dim golden level!

I don’t know what level of key he can give if Gouken dies...

He quickly allocated all his attribute points to his physique, which enhanced his ability to withstand blows.

Qin Ming, whose physical fitness reached 33 points on the spot and even reached 58 points with the equipment, nodded with satisfaction.

Then he opened the treasure chest without hesitation!

As the light flashed again and again, Qin Ming's eyebrows gradually wrinkled.

What the key gave him this time did not exceed his expectations.

As the key to the fighting world, many of the books released this time are skill books.

Cody's Judgment of Sin, which is the move to throw away the storm, and Kai's Fighter style eight pairs of punches.

These are B-level skills, and the price is not very high, but Qin Ming has no use for them.

What is truly valuable to him are the other three.

Name: Eddie Gum (Quick Fight Tornado World)

Category: Consumables (Bright Silver Quality)

Effect: When chewing in the mouth, 1 point of mental power is restored every three seconds.

Introduction: This is imported super chewing gum, and it is also Eddie’s favorite. It is also called by players as the most outrageous health-recovery item in the whirlwind of fast fighting, because it comes from the mouth of Eddie, the gangster who is chewing gum. of.

Name: Wave of Air (Street Fighter World)

Category: Skill Book (B-Level Passive Skill)

Effect: After use, you can learn the fluctuation of Qi (level B)

Introduction: One of the core strengths of Street Fighter warriors is also the most basic version of energy fluctuations, which is far inferior to the killing intent fluctuations.

Name: Berg's bulletproof suit (Street Fighter World)

Category: Upper body + lower body (Brilliant Silver Plot)

Effect 1: Defense +20

Effect 2: Constitution +10

Introduction: This is a super bulletproof suit that Berg built for himself. It has first-class impact resistance, but unfortunately it is not resistant to blood sucking.

Brilliant silver level, a one-piece suit with super strong upper and lower body defense.

It has a special effect, can continuously restore mental power, and can be used all the time.

There is also the most core and rarest passive skill in the Street Fighter world! Air Fluctuation!

Looking at the three things in his hand, Qin Ming couldn't help showing an ecstatic look on his face.

Especially the last skill book, which made his eyebrows jump, and he learned it without hesitation.

Afterwards, he immediately took out one of the other two skill books and merged it with it, strengthening the air fluctuation to A level.

After hesitating for a moment, he also strengthened the B-level ultimate move of Heavenly Kingdom Slide to A level.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Ming's skills have changed from the original 1S1A1B to a luxurious configuration of 1S 3A.

Standing in place, silently feeling the power flowing in his body, Qin Ming suddenly shouted and punched forward fiercely.

With the surge of the Qi fluctuations in his body, a visible airflow gushed out on the spot.

Qi fluctuations! A level! The effect is to attach the Qi to the skills! It can increase the power of any punches and kicks! Or strengthen your own defense!

The maximum increase is! 50%!

This is a kind of power amplifier! No wonder people in the Street Fighter world like to fight with fists and feet!

With this ability to amplify the body! You have to rely on fists and feet to decide the outcome!

Qin Ming, who was constantly familiar with the new power, suddenly roared in the next second and punched the ground fiercely.

With the surge of Qi fluctuations, a violent blood column gushed out directly in front of him, instantly destroying most of the room.

This time's skills! Finally, it is no longer an extension of fists and feet! The power is not enhanced at all!

With the increase of Qi! I dare not say that it can fight against the genuine energy fountain, but at least it can easily resist one or two.

The heavenly sliding, which has also been upgraded to A-level, has improved the sliding speed and distance.

Qin Ming, who could only slide five meters at most, can now slide fifteen meters, and the sliding speed has increased a lot.

It really has reached the point where as long as he sees you, he can rush to your face in the next second and drag you away!


"Not enough! Still not enough! Far from enough!"

Looking at his new skills, Qin Ming's mind flashed the rising dragon of Gangquan again, and his face suddenly turned livid.

Even with so many powerful new skills, he still didn't think he could withstand Gangquan's blow. The destructive power of that punch was too terrifying.

When he first came back, he wanted to upgrade his defensive A-level skill to S-level, so that it would definitely change qualitatively, just like the blood and flesh absorption skill.

But Gang Quan's punch actually made him lose confidence in defensive skills!

This is not a good sign!

With a flickering look in his eyes, Qin Ming took off his original coat and pants, changed into bulletproof clothes, and strode outside.

He was going to go out to spend some money to see if he could get some cheap skill books to upgrade the skill of thick skin and flesh to S-level.

With life-saving skills, he can have greater confidence. He doesn't care whether a rash upgrade will cause this skill to be directly useless, or whether the enhanced route will not even match the original version.

He was almost psychologically traumatized by a punch, and he urgently needed strength to support himself.

One blood and flesh absorption can't beat the opponent! Qin Ming doesn't believe that two S-level ones can't beat him!

If it doesn't work, three! Four! Five! He can kill him even if he piles them up!

As for whether it will be affected by power? Who cares! Just make sure you don't die first!

After strolling around for a whole day, Qin Ming finally returned to the room.

And after spending tens of thousands of dollars, almost all the points he cheated from the King of Fighters team, he finally pieced together an A-level skill, and then chose to merge it with the rough skin and thick flesh skill without hesitation.

With the flash of light, Qin Ming's second S-level skill! Descend!

(Ding! Skill mutation detected! Please choose the mutation direction! Direction one: Damage-free! Direction two: Defense enhancement)

"Choose direction one!"

(Selection completed! Officially evolving! Evolution completed! Congratulations to the adventurer for obtaining a new skill: Iron Body)

Name: Iron Body

Grade: S-level

Effect: Gain an injury-free effect equivalent to 1/5 of your own physique, and the defense attributes obtained by all means will evolve into injury-free attributes!

Introduction: What nonsense are you talking about? The so-called guns and magic! How could they possibly defeat my well-tempered body! Flesh! How could it be so inconvenient!

With the skill upgraded to S-level, the original damage-free effect did not increase at all, but a terrifying additional effect appeared, which was that physical defense could be converted into damage-free.

What is the concept? In other words, Qin Ming, who was wearing a bulletproof suit at this time, had a defense of 25 points, and his original damage-free ability reached 12 points.

Add the two together! Qin Ming can now ignore all attacks below 36 points!

And he changed his equipment! At this moment, his total strength is only 31 points!

He! He can't even beat himself!

Even he can't beat him! Then what about the others? !

Others... cough, I'm afraid they still can't face that tough punch.

Qin Ming felt a toothache when he thought of the scene where the opponent almost killed him with one punch.

No! He is most afraid of this kind of burst! Even if he takes ten sets of Dragon and Tiger Dance now! The damage he receives may not be as much as one move of Cosmic Phantom!

Machine guns beat soldiers! Tanks beat machine guns! But Iron Fist Bazooka beats tanks!

Qin Ming is now a heavy tank! When he encounters ordinary plot characters who can't beat him! I'm afraid he can chase a bunch of them!

But when he meets a natural enemy, he is still a living target.

How did he bully Kai and Cody before! People who play burst flow can bully him!

Then, those who play burst attacks are easily restrained by fast-speed scraping players. After all, no matter how strong your burst attack is, it is useless if you can't hit anyone.

This! It's called the food chain cycle!

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