Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 337 The intrigue between the boss and his subordinates

"What are you doing! Stop!"

Seeing Jack coming over, Kasamoto Eri, who was leaning against the door, raised the wooden-handled grenade without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, Jack stopped and looked gloomy.

"I ask you! Where is Hannah?"

After being notified by the adventurer that Hannah had come here in the middle of the night, Jack immediately felt uneasy.

Knowing that things were going to get bad, not only would his garage be bombed, but his designated wife might also be gone, he immediately ran over and tried to take Hannah away.

Hearing Jack's angry tone, Kasamoto Eri was stunned, and after reacting, he hit his head with a wooden-handled grenade, turned his head and pouted behind him.

"In the room, I'm making love with my man."

"What! Get out of the way! Let me in!"

"Oh, then go in."

As Jack roared, Kasamoto Eri did not stop him, but instead stepped aside.

Seeing this scene, Jack was confused. It was obvious that Kasamoto Eri's reaction was completely beyond his expectations.

After all, in his eyes, Kasamoto Eri has always been Qin Ming's follower, and he listens to him in everything.

At this moment, he actually didn't stand on the other side to stop him. This is a bit wrong!

He looked at Kasamoto Eri with a puzzled look. Although he didn't understand what Kasamoto Eri meant, Jack still walked towards the door very decisively.

Just as he reached out to grab the handrail of the door and prepared to open it, Kasamoto Eri's slow voice suddenly sounded.

"By the way, let me remind you that the two guys inside may have rolled up at this time, and my boss is relatively large, so you should be mentally prepared before you go in. The last one found that his wife was abducted and forced his way in, but he was almost crazy because of the stimulation."

As soon as these words came out, Jack, who was holding the door handrail, froze on the spot.

Seeing that he was stunned, Kasamoto Eri continued to speak with gloating.

"One is a little beauty of only 1.7 meters, and the other is a giant of 2.3 meters. They are a combination of beauty and the beast. Do you know what the picture is when the two are put together? It's like a corgi with a Tibetan mastiff, a house cat with a cheetah, and you know a kettle, right? They are like a kettle, the kettle on top is very big! The base below is very small!"

"Enough! Shut up!"

"Or maybe an elephant and a rhino! Do you know elephants? When a male elephant can't find a wife during a special period, he will go to steal the rhino's wife! No matter whether the other party is willing or not!"

"I told you to shut up!"

A roar sounded, and Jack, who could no longer bear it, turned around and pointed at Kasamoto Eri angrily.

Seeing that the other party was pointing at him, Kasamoto Eri also showed an angry expression on his face on the spot, and raised the wooden-handled grenade in his hand.

"What are you doing! I'm trying to persuade you with good intentions! It's fine if you don't appreciate it! You still dare to point at me? Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"


Looking at the aggressive Kasamoto Eri, and the large number of bombs on his body, Jack gritted his teeth and finally put down his hand.

He glanced at him in the room, with veins bulging on his forehead, and suddenly turned and left.

Kasamoto Eri, who watched him leave, snorted coldly, and put the grenade back on his waist.

When Jack was about to walk away, he suddenly raised his hand and waved it vigorously.

"Hey! Come and play again tomorrow when you are free!"

Jack paused slightly when he heard the words, and walked faster the next second.

Watching the other party disappear around the corner, Kasamoto Eri silently lowered his shaking arms, and the smile on his face collapsed.

"Bah, you dare to ruin my good deeds? Steal my woman? If I'm not busy now, I'll put a grenade in your crotch! You won't need to steal in your life!"

Pulling the collar hard, Kasamoto Eri drove away the troublemaker with a few words, turned around and walked towards the door happily.

After driving away the competitor, it was time for her to enjoy the fruits of victory.

With a bright smile on her face, Kasamoto Eri grabbed the door and pushed hard, but found that it couldn't be pushed open, and the door didn't move at all.

Seeing this scene, Kasamoto Eri was stunned, and pushed again in disbelief.

After finding that it still couldn't be pushed, her face suddenly changed.

"Damn! The door is locked? Who is so wicked? Are you the boss? You want to eat alone again! Let me in!"

Kasamoto Eri grabbed the door and shook it hard, but couldn't pull it open no matter how hard she pulled, so she ran over and pushed the window.

But she found that the door and window were also locked, and there was really no way for her.

This made Kasamoto Eri completely furious.

"What are you doing! How can you be so wicked! I gave you all the good things! Why don't you give me half! I worked so hard, but I have done my best! Mr. Qin! You are so wicked, aren't you afraid of impotence! Open the door! Let me in quickly! Let me in!!!"

Outside the door, a shrill scream sounded, and a woman who was blocked outside was completely crazy at this moment...

In a blink of an eye, it was the second early morning. Qin Ming and others who had rested for a night were finally ready to set off.

Qin Ming, who was fully armed, had a blank expression on his face, while Kasamoto Eri was radiant.

Only Hannah, who was following the two of them, had a dull expression for some reason.

Turning around and seeing Kasamoto Eri trying to reach out to hug her, she was even more frightened and ran away in a hurry.

Yesterday, Kasamoto Eri finally entered the room, but it was not Qin Ming who went over to open the door for her, nor was it that the woman blew the door open with a grenade.

But when she heard the noise outside, Hannah couldn't bear it and chose to open the door and let her in.

Miles Kasamoto is Qin Ming's announced girlfriend, so Hannah still felt guilty when facing Miles Kasamoto.

After letting Mile Kasamoto in, she accepted whether the other party hit or scolded her. After all, who asked her to come here and be a mistress?

It's just that Hannah is obviously not clear about one thing, that is, Kasamoto Miles' goal is not to rob Qin Ming, but to rob her...

The plot unfolded unexpectedly. What was thought to be a group attack on Qin Ming turned out to be a group attack on herself. Hannah has not been able to recover until now.

Sitting together with a blank expression, Hannah now felt that her world view was about to collapse.

And Mile Kasamoto, who was proud of the spring breeze, sat arrogantly on the chair, crossed his legs, and assumed a victor's posture, looking at the dark-faced Jack opposite him with a proud face, even though Jack had never looked at it. Qin Ming was also glaring at her.

+1 for special trophy photos!

Qin Ming, who ignored Jack's hostile gaze, suddenly stood up and said when the time was almost up.

"Then we'll set off. Everyone, please wait for our good news."

Hearing this, Hannah stood up quickly and opened her hand towards Qin Ming.

After giving Qin Ming a hard hug, she turned around and saw Miles Kasamoto opening his arms towards her. She hesitated a little, then blushed and hugged Miles Kasamoto again.

"Qin Ming, pay attention to safety...and you too, Miles."

"Don't worry, you won't die."

"Let's go, baby!"

After getting into the car, the two people quickly rushed into the distance in the car, leaving only people with different expressions behind, watching in silence as they went away.

Qin Ming, who was driving the car on the highway and acted as the driver, glanced sideways at Kasamoto Miles.

Seeing this woman smoking a cigarette coolly, he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Noticing his gaze, Miles Kasamoto leaned over proudly.

"Hey, some guy who wants to eat alone doesn't want to do it? Look at how stingy you are. Isn't it your men's dream to sleep with a big man! I'm helping you realize your dream, okay! What are you unhappy about? "

Qin Ming, who was driving, twitched his lips when he heard this.


"Uh, this... Oh! I understand! So you are angry because of this! That's easy to handle! I'll sleep with you first next time! Try to get even the rain and dew!"

"I think you are just looking for trouble!"

After hearing what Miles Kasamoto said, Qin Ming became completely anxious. His hands left the steering wheel and instantly strangled Miles Kasamoto's neck.

Even though Kasamoto Miji was picked up and shaken, he didn't show any fear at all. He took out a grenade with a wooden handle and started hitting Qin Ming's head hard, making a banging sound.

When there is no one else around, these two guys are still partners and work together tacitly.

But once someone else appears in the middle, the two of them will no longer be partners! But competitors, there is never a time when they don't fight.

At this moment, the two of them started fighting because of Hannah, and they were fighting fiercely in the car, causing the car to spin around out of control.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the side of the road. As soon as it showed its head, it began to shake its arms vigorously.

"Wait a minute! Qin Ming! Miles!"

Qin Ming and Kasamoto Miles turned their heads almost simultaneously when they heard the sound, only to find that the person who appeared was no one else! It's Hannah!

Seeing the two of them looking over, Hannah had a bright smile on her face. Just as she was about to speak, she saw the car that no one was controlling, rushing straight towards her with a whoosh!


.........A minute later, the vehicle stopped, and Qin Ming and Miles Kasamoto stood in front of Hannah with embarrassed expressions.

Hannah, who was knocked several meters away, was dealing with the scratches on her body and glared at Qin Ming fiercely.

"Hannah, why are you here?"

"I'm worried about you guys. I want to see if I can be of any help. Even if I can't follow them in, I can just rush outside to help."

While speaking, she stretched out her hand to straighten Qin Ming's messy collar, her eyes blurred.

"Promise me that you will come back alive, okay?"

Qin Ming grinned when he heard this.

"I have already promised you, and I will keep my word."

Looking at the loving look of the two of them, Miles Kasamoto stood beside him and couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said with a sharp mouth.

"Hey! There's another one here! Pay attention to the impact! I won't be happy!"

As soon as these words came out, Hannah's expression suddenly froze, and she turned to look at Miles Kasamoto in embarrassment.

"Sorry, Miles, I didn't mean to steal your man on purpose, I... I'm sorry."

After saying that, Hannah bowed vigorously, her face full of apology.

Seeing Hannah, who was a mistress, showing such an apologetic expression, Miles Kasamoto couldn't help but be stunned.

Without responding, she suddenly slowly turned her head and glanced at Qin Ming.

However, he found that Qin Ming was looking at him strangely at this time.

The two parties did not speak, but their eyes had already communicated.

Something is wrong! There’s something wrong with what Hannah said!

What does it mean to be a man who robbed Kasamoto Miles? Aren't Miles Kasamoto and Qin Ming robbing her now?

Miles Kasamoto is jealous of her, okay? How could she still understand that he was jealous of Qin Ming?

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