Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 339 The wind is strong and the

The tank, whose blood was constantly being sucked, also noticed that his condition was not right.

He found that the defensive ability he relied on for survival was actually ineffective, and his face changed, and he finally chose to let go.

At the moment he let go, Qin Ming, who felt this scene, kicked out and kicked him four or five meters away on the spot.

This tank is a solid weight, which is ridiculously hard. Even if it has the ability to suck blood to break his defense, it is not easy to kill him.

So don't worry about him first! Go and deal with others first!

Qin Ming, who quickly analyzed the battle situation, was surrounded by blood mist. He caught Mustafa's long leg with one hand and hammered it with all his strength with the other hand.

A sharp bone cracking sound rang out, and Mustafa, whose leg was hit hard, was so painful that his facial features twisted on the spot.

Before he could scream, Qin Ming had already lifted his thigh with force, and kicked him in the middle of the crotch, kicking Mustafa out again.

Just as Mustafa rolled to the ground and Qin Ming tried to pursue him, Qin Ming suddenly felt a tightness behind him. It turned out that Jack had rushed up from behind and strangled his neck with his arm, trying to perform a naked choke.

Strangling is indeed the best solution for lightweights to defeat heavyweights.

After all, heavier weight means more resistance to blows, but the ability of the human head to withstand blows is innate, and there is no way to train it.

The neck, especially the blood supply channel, is extremely fragile. Even if you weigh twice as much as the opponent, you can't stand it for a few seconds if you are successfully choked.

Jack is indeed a good fighter, with quick, accurate and ruthless moves, going straight to the vital points.

It's a pity that he is not facing a normal person this time! But a monster with long-term congestion in his body!

With the S-level skill of blood and flesh absorption! What blood is filled in Qin Ming's body! It's clearly a buffer! It's a bulletproof vest!

The double protection of injury-free + congestion made him look like a heavy infantryman wearing three layers of heavy armor, a human tank.

The impact of Jack's sneak attack naked choke was offset by the blood in his body. Qin Ming didn't even cough, but grabbed Jack's hair from behind, pulled him hard while he screamed, and dragged Jack up.

With a bang, Jack, who had been swung in the air, fell heavily to the ground.

Before he could struggle to get up in front of Qin Ming, Qin Ming, who was still pulling the other's hair, had already pulled the hair and swung it hard.

Another loud bang was heard, and Jack flew up on the spot and fell horizontally on the big tree next to him.

The leaves were hit and scattered all over the sky, and Jack, who groaned, rolled out.

As for Qin Ming?

Looking at the large piece of hair that was violently torn off in his hand and the piece of scalp connected to it, Qin Ming's eyes flashed red.

He has been trying to control his temper during this period to avoid being affected by his own abilities.

But now it seems that the control has failed.

So in this case...



He suddenly raised his hands and slapped the ground heavily. As Qin Ming's roar spread, violent blood spurted out in all directions, forming a blood-colored shock wave.

Imitation-fighting storm!

Under the violent air wave, trees were broken, the ground was lifted up, and a ten-meter-wide open space was blown out with Qin Ming as the center.

Without waiting for the debris to fall, Qin Ming, dragging a red light on his body, had already accelerated and rushed out, and shot at Mustafa, who was injured in the leg.

Control emotions? Control your ass! Kill them!

Heavenly Slide!

Grabbing Mustafa's head and pushing him forward, Qin Ming shuttled wildly in the woods and broke more than a dozen big trees.

After sprinting four times in a row, the blood in Mustafa's body exploded, and then he did not forget to kick him in the face.

Just when Qin Ming was madly performing war trampling, the tank that was thrown out next to him finally rushed up again, and hit Qin Ming from behind like a bull, knocking him out violently.

But before he could stop, he pulled Mustafa up. Qin Ming, who stabilized his body while sliding, had already opened his arms and started bombing wildly.

The blood and flesh absorption skill is fully activated! Infinite bombing mode! Deploy!

One after another huge blood ball sprayed out, blowing up the big tree, blowing away everyone, and bringing one wave after another.

Qin Ming, who turned into a human turret on the spot, fired more than 40 blood balls in one breath, and then stopped the offensive as his mental power was completely exhausted.

When he stopped shooting, the surrounding woods had completely turned into ruins.

There were broken trees and broken rocks everywhere.

Mustafa, who had been hit by a series of moves before, was completely killed at this moment, and even his whole body was blown into pieces.

Originally, he didn't have to die, mainly because Tank failed to resist the blood ball bombing, and after discovering that this thing could break the defense, he actually pulled him up and used him as a shield.

This caused Mustafa to become the main target of attack, and he was killed by his own people in such a frustrated way.

In addition to Mustafa's death, the other three people were also in trouble.

Jack was blown up hard, and although Tank had terrible defense and a meat shield to block the damage, he also suffered some damage.

Only Monkey, a woman, relied on teleportation, a displacement skill of up to A level, to avoid all attacks almost without injury.

Space teleportation is really unsolvable.

In the ruins, Qin Ming, who stopped shooting, stood up slowly, his eyes still flashing red.

Looking at the three people who looked at him with astonishment, he suddenly grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, which looked extremely scary.

"Tank, you said that intermediate adventurers are all good, right? That's right, there are no trash among intermediate adventurers, but you are intermediate because your strength has reached the intermediate level, and I am intermediate! That's because the area I'm in is called intermediate! Can you, these broken toothbrushes, brush iron? Huh?"

Four against one! Within three minutes! One dead and three injured!

Looking at the messy battlefield around him, and then looking at Qin Ming who was almost unscathed on the opposite side, Monkey's face was pale at this moment.

At this time, she didn't understand that she and others had hit a steel plate this time.

Adventurers of the same level are also divided into three, six, and nine levels, and the guy in front of him is obviously a top-notch horse!

Although Monkey couldn't figure out why such a powerful and superior horse would become a lone ranger instead of being summoned by the team to go out on a mission with the team.

But she knew that she was definitely in trouble this time. She had originally thought of relying on the conflict between the protagonist and the other party to catch him and let this bastard who eats alone spit out the benefits.

Now it seems that this is not catching him at all! It's good enough if he doesn't catch him!

High defense! Fierce attack! Fast speed!

If he is caught! I'm afraid he will be squeezed out of water on the spot!

Monkey's face changed, and he suddenly retreated while speaking.

"Something is wrong! Everyone! The wind is tight!"

"Wait a minute! Monkey! Monkey!"

Tank's face changed when he heard this, and he turned around and hurriedly tried to stop it.

But before he finished speaking, Monkey's figure had disappeared strangely.

She ran away.

She who can teleport really can't beat Qin Ming.

But if she wanted to escape, Qin Ming would not be able to catch her even if he grew two legs.

Neither side could do anything to the other.

It was just that Monkey had special abilities, so she could escape very quickly, but her behavior made her teammates suffer.

How could Tank, who was not very good at speed, run!

Tank looked up at Qin Ming awkwardly, his expression was unusually stiff.

"Well, Hyena, there may be some misunderstandings between us. You can't beat me, and I can't beat you. We don't have to fight and kill each other, right? How tiring it is, or I can help you kill Jack, and we'll be even?"

Tank, who found that one of his teammates died and the other ran away, leaving only Jack, chose to admit defeat very decisively.

After all, it was not shameful to admit defeat if you couldn't win. This time it was a peaceful mode, and there was no benefit for the other party to kill you. It was normal to find that both sides were difficult to deal with each other and parted ways amicably.

Tank is also an old hand with accurate judgment. When facing an enemy that has no benefit to kill and is most importantly difficult to kill, there is really no need to fight to the end.

If it were Qin Ming in a normal situation, he would definitely agree with his opinion. Everyone should part ways in peace. After all, Qin Ming is still in a hurry to complete the task and complete the game.

Unfortunately, what Tank is facing at this time is not a normal version of Qin Ming, but Qin Ming who has completely activated his skills and no longer suppresses his blood, resulting in his emotions being affected by his abilities.

Still negotiating? Qin Ming was so excited at this moment that he had to break the electric pole and scold the other party for blocking his way without eyes! Passing dogs have to be slapped for no reason!

It's easy to get beaten even if you don't provoke him, and he wants to run after provoking him? !

"I'll talk to your grandma!"

Qin Ming, who didn't give Tank any chance to negotiate, poured a bottle of advanced mental power recovery potion into his mouth and instantly accelerated towards Tank.

Tianguo slid and started, pulling the opponent out more than ten meters away. After the blood exploded, he pinched his neck with one hand and started to hit his face frantically with the other hand.

After more than ten consecutive punches, the sound of hitting was banging, but Tank was almost not injured.

He was a meat shield flow. Not to mention that his equipment mainly increased defense, he also had a talent that doubled his defense.

This led to his defense reaching a terrifying 76 points now! Even if it was reduced by the corrosion of the white flame! It was still more than 50 points!

Let alone ordinary fist and foot attacks, even ordinary blood bombing, Qin Ming could not break the opponent's defense.

The only thing that could threaten him was the real damage of blood absorption and the super-large blood ball bombing after the complete rampage.

But the problem is that the former absorbs too slowly, I am afraid it is not as fast as the other party's recovery after drinking medicine.

The latter lasts too short, and it is difficult to kill the other party at once.

The situation is indeed as Tank said, he and Qin Ming really can't beat each other!

Qin Ming was stunned as he looked at Tank, who had taken more than a dozen punches from him but was almost unscathed.

This was the first time he had encountered such a tough enemy.

Tank, who had been hit head-on for a long time, was now picked up by Qin Ming with one hand and struggled to speak.

"Brother! We were taught by the same master! You can't break the defense! I think that's it! Let's just part ways in peace!"

Tank's words made Qin Ming's eyes twitch and veins bulged on his forehead.

"You want to part ways in peace after the sneak attack? I'll let you part!"

As he spoke, Qin Ming suddenly pinched Tank's mouth, raised his hand and pulled out a small black cloth bag from his waist, and stuffed it into his mouth with all his strength!

And this small bag is scientifically called: C4 bomb!

He wanted to see the inside of the tank! Is it that hard too?

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