Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 346 The Invincible White Flame Azure Dragon!


As the treasure chest opened, Qin Ming took out an item from it expressionlessly and put it aside.

And there were already dozens of identical items piled up there.

[Name: Imperfect Genetic Potion]

[Category: Consumables (Dull Silver Quality)]

[Effect: After injection, the body will undergo an uncertain evolution, the evolution effect is unknown, and it is very likely that it will not be able to maintain the human shape]

[Introduction: A unique product that combines dinosaur genes and alien genes, full of uncertainty]

More than forty heads, the things opened are exactly the same, all blue and mutant potions.

This made Qin Ming's expression very helpless for a while. What should he say? Should he scold this monster's explosive equipment mechanism for being a rip-off? Or should he be glad that his professional counterpart is right for him?

Fortunately, his talent and skills are special! Otherwise, others have obtained so many mutant potions! I'm afraid I have to lose a lot!

After all, who would dare to use a potion that might affect one's appearance? If the mutation fails, one might become a half-human, half-ghost, and then one might not even be able to return to the real world, or else one would be discovered.

This thing can't even be sold! Because no one dares to buy it! And no one will buy it!

Shaking his head, Qin Ming sighed and raised his hand to start the fusion.

With the light flashing continuously, bottles of potions were pieced together.

Two bottles of dim-level fusion were normal-level, and two bottles of normal-level fusion were bright-level.

Then it was breaking through the limit and entering the golden stage, and then it was continuing to improve and break through.

Finally, Qin Ming had two more bottles of brand-new potions in his hand, sublimated potions.

[Name: Perfect Gene Potion]

[Quality: Brilliant Gold Quality]

[Effect: After use, the body will undergo a perfect evolution, while maintaining the integrity of the appearance, it will gain powerful strength]

[Introduction: Dr. Calamity has been pursuing the perfect potion for his whole life, but it was not born from his hands in the end]

Two bottles of potion, one is Brilliant Gold Grade, and the other is Ordinary Gold Grade, both are named Perfect Gene Potion.

Obviously, while fusion evolution, the shortcomings of this potion have also been made up.

If Qin Ming gets an ordinary gold quality consumable, he can even force out a bottle of epic potion, and the effect is absolutely terrifying!

However, after hesitating again and again, Qin Ming sighed fiercely and still did not choose to continue to find ways to improve.

Kasamoto Eri is his helper and his wife. He must find a way to strengthen Kasamoto Eri's strength. After all, as Qin Ming's strength continues to improve, Kasamoto Eri's combat power has begun to fail to keep up with him.

Otherwise, he would not be forced to tie a bomb to his body and engage in terrorist attacks with others.

Of course, if you don't want to strengthen, there is a better way to deal with it, that is, to replace the head of a stronger person with Kasamoto Eri, which will save more money and effort.

But is Qin Ming likely to do this? He is a vengeful person, but he is also very protective of his shortcomings.

A bottle of potion for himself! A bottle of potion for Kasamoto Eri! Double strengthening!

Qin Ming, who quickly made a decision in his heart, picked up the brilliant potion without hesitation and stabbed it hard in his neck, and chose to strengthen on the spot.

Because he didn't dare to delay, and couldn't delay.

If he didn't strengthen directly, he was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the temptation after returning, and give up injecting Kasamoto Eri and turn to fuse a higher-level potion.

After all, he didn't think he could keep his determination in the face of the temptation of epic potions.

What's more, with Kasamoto Eri's character, if the woman knew that she had two potions in her hand, she would definitely refuse to use them.

Cut the Gordian knot! Since it's decided! Just use it directly! Don't give yourself any chance to regret it!

As the medicine was injected into his body, Qin Ming's veins suddenly bulged all over his body, and he gasped uncontrollably.

He knelt on his knees in pain and supported the ground with his hands.

His forehead was sweating, and his expression became very ferocious for a moment.

And his original human body also changed in the next moment.

The skin began to harden! Even the stratum corneum grew!

The forehead began to swell! A single horn slowly emerged from it!

The eyes turned into dinosaur vertical pupils! The teeth in his mouth also swelled! Turned into a mouthful of fangs!

It was just a blink of an eye! The burly man just now disappeared! In his place was a monster more than three meters tall! With horns and a huge tail! A half-human, half-dragon monster!

Dinosaur form! Formed!

This brilliant perfect gene potion! Did not enhance Qin Ming's attributes! Or generate any new skills!

He enhanced Qin Ming's bloodline! The bloodline called the Dreamy Unknown Fire!

This bloodline, which originally relied on mutation, has undergone a secondary mutation!

[Name: Fantasy Dragon Bloodline]

[Grade: A-level]

[Effect 1: Fantasy Fire (can control white dragon flames, which have the properties of weakening the target's defense and high temperature, and the dragon flame's defense breaking value is half of its own strength value)]

[Effect 2: Fantasy Dragon (when the bloodline is fully opened, it will transform, and all attributes will be increased by an additional 50%, but it will burn the blood in the body at a very fast speed)]

[Introduction: Nine-tailed fox fire, dream island water, dinosaur genes, alien blood, what kind of fusion monster is this? ]

Slowly stood up, raised his arms, closed his eyes, and faced the sky.

Qin Ming silently felt his new state, and the corners of his mouth gradually curled up.

His whole body was covered with stratum corneum, and a huge horn even emerged from the middle of his forehead. He also had a huge tail behind him. As his blood vessels were activated, white flames suddenly burned on his body surface.

And this time, the white flames were no longer as usual, without any temperature and power.

This time, the temperature of the flames was extremely high! It even caused the air around Qin Ming to show signs of distortion!

He raised one hand and gently grabbed the broken tree beside him. With a creaking sound, the trunk that was burned by the white flames began to rot and carbonize rapidly.

In just a blink of an eye, the part that Qin Ming grabbed had turned into ashes.

High temperature + corrosion! The evolved white flame! It has full offensiveness! It is no longer the flame that can only play auxiliary!

Qin Ming grinned and showed a mouthful of fangs. He couldn't help but show excitement on his face. He suddenly opened his mouth and roared.

The next second! A white dragon flame was ejected from his mouth! It spread out more than ten meters! It burned all the trees along the way!

Even the burned stones began to calcify into powder quickly.

When Dr. Calamity transformed into a dinosaur, the biological flame he developed was perfectly inherited by Qin Ming, and it mutated stronger and more fierce.

Qin Ming closed his mouth and stopped spitting fire, looked down at his claws that had mutated to be extremely ferocious, and smiled in admiration.

"Is this the legendary perfect gene? It's really good!"

As he spoke, Qin Ming raised a claw and looked at it carefully, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he was.

Just as he was sighing at his new form, there was a slight movement behind him, and at the same time, there was an extremely excited voice.

"What is this state? What is this state? Why has it never appeared in my experiment! How did you do it! How did you evolve like this!"

Hearing the familiar voice behind him, Qin Ming was slightly stunned and quickly turned his head to look.

As a result, he found a severely mutilated body struggling to crawl towards him.

He was none other than Dr. Scourge, who was stripped away by his own body as inferior genes. Now only a small part of his body and a shriveled arm remained.

He was stepped on by the gene body! He was not dead yet!

Struggling to crawl towards Qin Ming with his only remaining arm, Dr. Scourge spoke excitedly while climbing, and his eyes flashed with excitement that was almost crazy when he looked at Qin Ming.

"You just took out another bottle of potion, right! Give it to me to study! With it! I will definitely break through the bottleneck! I will definitely create a more perfect gene! Definitely!"

Looking at Dr. Scourge crawling excitedly on the ground, and looking at his miserable appearance now, Qin Ming couldn't help but frown.

"You're not dead?"

"Give me the potion! Give me the potion!"

"You've become like this, and you're still thinking about the potion? And you dare to approach me? Do you really not want to live?"

Looking at Dr. Calamity, who has studied genes to the point of magic, Qin Ming couldn't help shaking his head. Just as he was about to go over and kill him, he heard footsteps in the distance.

As the sound approached, a figure ran over from a distance. It was Eri Kasamoto.

Looking at Eri Kasamoto approaching, Qin Ming was happy at first, and then his expression suddenly became serious.

"Stop! Let's exchange the secret code first!"

Qin Ming still clearly remembered that there was an adventurer in this world who could become someone else.

So in order to prevent him from pretending to be one of his own and causing trouble, Qin Ming deliberately made a secret code just in case.

After hearing Qin Ming's scolding, Eri Kasamoto quickly stopped and showed a helpless look on his face.

"The code is no code, boss, are you satisfied now?"

"Yeah! That's right! Come over!"

Qin Ming nodded vigorously after getting a satisfactory answer, and finally agreed to let him go.

Kasamoto Eri, who ran over quickly, slowly raised his head after approaching, looking at Qin Ming's three-meter-tall and extremely terrifying body, and his eyes suddenly twitched uncontrollably.

"I say, you guys have to grow up, right? Your physique is seriously over the standard!"

Hearing Kasamoto Eri's complaints, Qin Ming grinned and quickly turned around to embroider his biceps.

"Big! Is justice!"

"I warn you, don't think about touching me before you turn back to a normal person."

"But small! There are advantages too!"

As soon as Kasamoto Eri finished speaking, Qin Ming on the opposite side quickly lifted the transformation, and immediately degenerated from a three-meter-tall dinosaur man to a two-meter-tall, equally burly human form.

Looking at Qin Ming who shrank on the spot, Kasamoto Eri's expression was full of disgust.

How come this guy is like a balloon, expanding when he says to expand and deflated when he says to deflate.

Who would have thought that this thing that can become a giant over three meters tall is actually just a normal person over 1.7 meters tall? This increase in size is too big!

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