Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 348 The King of Fighters!

[Name: Friend Invitation Letter]

[Category: Special Consumables (No Quality)]

[Effect: You can designate a plot character and transform him into an adventurer after obtaining the other party's permission]

[Introduction: What is the highest configuration for playing games? It is not some top-level equipment, but a friend who can play with you]

Looking at the scroll in his hand, Qin Ming looked at it carefully.

This is the first time he has encountered such a special prop.

You should know that the so-called adventurer is not as simple as being summoned like Kasamoto Eri. The plot characters who become adventurers will also awaken their special talents.

In other words, they will completely stand on the same starting line as adventurers, and they will start as sports cars.

They perfectly combine the advantages of both adventurers and plot characters. It is conceivable how terrifying their combat power is.

The most important thing is that the plot characters have clear personalities. As long as you choose the right target, they can become a reliable combat partner.

This is much easier to get along with those adventurers whose personalities are uncertain and you don’t know whether they are human or ghost!

Just relying on this one prop! Qin Ming's adventure this time has paid off! Even a huge profit!

After putting away the scroll with great satisfaction, Qin Ming took out the second item to check.

And this item is a Triceratops doll, which is also a prop dropped by Dr. Scourge.

A blue quality experimental dinosaur!

To ​​be honest, this level of loot is a bit unworthy of Dr. Scourge's identity, the level is too low.

But dinosaurs are cool mounts! Who can resist the temptation of becoming a dragon knight! Even Yin Zhiping can't resist it!

And dinosaurs! It's also a dragon!

Looking at the doll in his hand, Qin Ming quickly made a decision in his heart. He was going to spend a lot of money to train this dinosaur, and then merge it with his dark horse to make it a new mount.

He! He also wants to be a dragon knight!

And if you want to upgrade this blue dinosaur to the dim gold level, I'm afraid you have to sell everything you have, and I don't know if the money will be enough...

In a blink of an eye, another month passed. Qin Ming, who had been resting for a while, chose to take the initiative to start the task without waiting for his rest time to end.

Qin Ming worked hard to sell various unnecessary items in exchange for money, but he still failed to achieve his wish.

It takes too many points to get a dull gold-level item. Even though he has become an intermediate adventurer, Qin Ming still can't get it.

His new mount, the Triceratops, was only enhanced to the ordinary silver level, two levels lower than the original black horse.

However, as the trophy of the final boss, this Triceratops is obviously rarer than the black horse, and it is also enhanced by the dream water.

This results in the ordinary silver-level Triceratops having good attributes, and unlike the speed-oriented black horse, this Triceratops is a pure meat shield.

[Name: Triceratops-3]

[Strength: 30]

[Constitution: 50]

[Agility: 20]

[Spirit: 5]

[Skill 1: Genetic Flesh (Each point of constitution increases 1 point of defense)]

[Skill 2: Straight-line impact (When running in a straight line, the moving speed will continue to increase, up to three times)]

[Introduction: A mutant dinosaur that has integrated multiple genes. It is a pure war machine with strong strength. The only disadvantage is that its IQ is a bit low]

Super strong defense! Terrifying speed! It can be said that this Triceratops is a perfect dinosaur tank!

It's a pity that it is not perfect. This guy's mental strength is not just as simple as low value. Its IQ is really not that high.

Once the speed is soaring! It won't turn at all! If you force it to turn! It will swing its limbs on the spot! It can even flip over for you to see!

It can be said that its turning method is completely a rolling and crawling method! Or it doesn't brake like this at all!

The correct braking method for this dinosaur! It hits something! To stop it!

Qin Ming, who relied on his own invulnerability, tested the impact ability of the Triceratops on a whim and tried to stop it with brute force. He was directly pushed more than 20 meters away by the Triceratops weighing more than three tons!

The violent impact force brought by the super weight! It is simply not something that can be stopped by human power! It is completely different from the destructive power caused by the charge of a warhorse!

Qin Ming with a huge horn, Kasamoto Eri with two horns, and the standard three-horned Triceratops.

As the mission started, the dinosaur team attacked again and entered the mission world.

And this time the mission world is…………

[Ding! This world is: King of Fighters 96! 】

[Mission Difficulty: A]

[Mission Number: 1000]

[Main Mission: Participate in killing a main plot character]

[Mission Completion Reward: 5000 points, 5 free attribute points]

[Mission Failure Penalty: 1000 points]

[Optional Mission: Join the Three Artifacts Force or the Eight Heroes Force and officially become one of them]

[Mission Completion Reward: 10000 points, 10 free attribute points]

[Mission Failure Penalty: None]

[World Introduction: The grudges between the three artifact families, the ambition of the Eight Heroes to revive the gods, and the world-famous King of Fighters competition, with the top fighters from all over the world, a century-long war is about to begin...]

[Tip: This world is in killing mode! Adventurers fight each other! You will get spoils! ]

Looking at the fonts appearing on the TV screen in front of him, Qin Ming frowned.

Because he had just returned from the real world, Qin Ming's body was not congested at this time, and he was still in the state of an ordinary person.

And the place where he appeared this time was actually in a bar.

Bar, this place is too familiar to him. His first world started in this way, and it was also in killing mode.

And this time...

Looking silently around, looking at the bar hall with a lot of people, Qin Ming silently took out his sunglasses and put them on his face gently.

With a quick scan, he immediately found out the surrounding situation.

Among the more than 20 guests! There are actually four adventurers!

It seems that things are just as he guessed. This time, the adventurers really landed near the plot characters, so they appeared in groups.

Under normal circumstances, this is naturally good news. After all, they are close to the plot characters and there are many of them, so they can better carry out hunting operations.

However, the problem is that this world is a killing mode, so not only the plot characters are prey, but adventurers will also hunt each other.

And everyone is already an intermediate adventurer, the items that explode will be better, so the benefits of hunting adventurers will be higher.

Therefore, compared with hunting difficult plot characters, the possibility of adventurers fighting each other will be greater.

Even if anyone dares to attack the plot characters rashly, they may become the target of group attacks!

The very complicated initial situation made Qin Ming's eyebrows frown more and more.

Just when he frowned, an adventurer next to him was also looking around expressionlessly.

His eyes swept over the other three adventurers one by one, and finally swept over Qin Ming.

Then he retracted his eyes, lowered his head and began to think about countermeasures, but he was suddenly stunned when he was thinking about it.

Then his eyes gradually widened, and he suddenly realized something. He looked up at Qin Ming in disbelief, his eyes widening like copper bells.

He shook his head vigorously, and after confirming that he was not mistaken, his eyes trembled wildly, and he suddenly lowered his head. The moment he lowered his head, his forehead was full of sweat.

His straight gaze also attracted Qin Ming to look up at him instinctively, and his actions even attracted the attention of several other adventurers.

Just when the atmosphere on the scene was very solemn, a very rhythmic footsteps suddenly came from the side.

The next second, a figure walked out of the side door.

Her appearance immediately caused the bar guests to cheer loudly, and some even whistled, until the other party couldn't bear it anymore and tapped the table with his fingers, and the guests around him shut up.

She came to the back of the bar, grabbed a glass and wiped it gently. She was gentle and professional, and her eyes were very sharp. She was stunned and frowned the next second.

She stopped her movements, and after some hesitation to confirm, she found that she was not mistaken. She picked up the bottle and quickly mixed a glass of wine. Then she carried the wine on the plate, straightened her waist, and walked out of the bar with elegant steps.

She walked through the crowd and came directly in front of Qin Ming. With one hand behind her back, she bowed gently and handed the mixed wine in her hand to Qin Ming.

"Sir, the cocktail you ordered."

Hearing the voice, Qin Ming, who was thinking about the problem with his head down, replied without even raising his head.

"No, no money."

Hearing this, the guy in the bar waiter's uniform quickly raised his mouth.

"Someone invited you."

"Invite me? Who?"

Hearing that someone was inviting him, Qin Ming immediately raised his head, but found that the person standing in front of him was actually a handsome guy wearing a waiter's tuxedo, who looked extremely handsome!

After a closer look, Qin Ming immediately overturned his judgment.

This is not a handsome guy! This is a woman!

After all, even if it is him! The pectoralis major muscle can't be trained so well! Even the tight tuxedo couldn't hold the outline!

Just as Qin Ming carefully looked at the waiter in front of him, the waiter, who had straightened his waist, squinted his eyes and suddenly showed a faint smile on his face.

"I treated you, for my friend. By the way, Mai Shiranui asked me to bring her to say hello to you. By the way..."

When he said the last two words, the waiter paused, and a cold light suddenly flashed in his smiling eyes, and he kicked sideways fiercely.

The long legs in suit pants moved as fast as lightning, and almost instantly kicked Qin Ming's head!

Hearing the sound of the wind exploding in his ears, Qin Ming's pupils contracted violently, and he raised his arm to block without thinking.

With a loud bang! Qin Ming, who forcibly blocked the attack! Sitting on the chair, was directly knocked several meters away!

As he pushed the ground with one foot, he stopped moving with a creak. Qin Ming, who was still sitting on the chair, felt the huge power on his arm, and silently lowered his arm with a stern face.

On the other side, the waitress, who was standing on one leg and kicking sideways, slowly retracted her bent leg with an expressionless face, and looked at Qin Ming with a very sharp gaze.

Her upper body did not shake, and she was even still holding the plate in her hand.

“You’ve come to the wrong place! Scumbag!”

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