Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 350 Take Action

Although Qin Ming's boxing style was fierce, it did catch King off guard.

But King was a senior fighter after all, with rich combat experience.

Therefore, it only took a moment for her to recover from the shock and immediately made the most reliable response, which was to block!

That's right! Block!

She had been forced into a dead end and was completely at a disadvantage. The more she rushed out at this time, the more miserable she would die.

So she had to hold on until the opponent's attack stopped or the moment when there was a flaw in the action.

Fortunately, in the violent boxing style of Muay Thai, anti-strike training is also an important part of it.

Therefore, although King is good at leg skills and is known for her fierce attacks, her defensive ability is actually not bad!

King kept punching and raising his legs, relying on his arms and calves to desperately resist Qin Ming's attack, and King, who was curled up as much as possible with his back against the wall, gritted his teeth and supported himself.

She fought desperately, and Qin Ming fought desperately. His two arms were like sledgehammers, and they brought violent wind when they were swung.

Because there were adventurers around, Qin Ming did not reveal too many cards, but only showed his fighting skills and defensive ability.

The upgraded version of Bai Yan was useless, and the blood-sucking rage was not turned on, and even the Qi wave was not used.

But even if it was just an ordinary fist and foot attack, with the bonus of his terrifying steel body, the fight was still unstoppable.

Defense can not only be used for defense, it can also be used for attack!

With the blessing of terrifying defense! Qin Ming's two arms are like two maces! Every time King raised his arms to block! He would feel a sharp pain in his arms after being hit! But Qin Ming had no reaction!

Using flesh to resist steel, this is simply a matter of life and death.

From the beginning! Qin Ming, who has the blessing of steel body! He has almost been invincible! Especially when King is good at combos! And he is least afraid of combos!

After more than 40 consecutive punches, King's tuxedo, which was originally very neat, was completely torn.

The two arms exposed were full of bruises and red marks. Under the torn clothes, the well-trained body and the chest wrapped tightly with white cloth were also exposed.

King, who could be called scarred, held his arms tightly, and his eyes were still sharp and fierce.

Even though she was beaten like this, even though she was completely at a disadvantage, she still did not admit defeat.

Or in her dictionary, there is no word "admit defeat"!

You can lose! But you must not admit defeat! Those who practice Muay Thai are all crazy! Especially those who specialize in ancient Muay Thai!

The practice method of relying on constantly destroying oneself, constantly destroying the body, and giving up future health in exchange for a short-term strong combat power has created Muay Thai, a boxing style that is obviously very rough, but has a prominent reputation.

In everyone's impression, Muay Thai has left a reputation as a killing skill that can easily break bones.

King chose to practice Muay Thai and practiced it to the pinnacle, which in itself proved that she had a very competitive personality.

It was absolutely impossible to expect her to surrender! Not to mention that she never thought she would lose!

Now she just lost in the fighting style! She was restrained by the opponent's fighting style!

Now that she has figured out the opponent's routine, as long as she can open up the distance! As long as she opens up the distance once! The opponent will never be able to touch her again!

And this opportunity! You need to create it yourself!

Looking at the iron arm sweeping at full speed again, King's eyes suddenly widened, and the arm that had been raised actually took the initiative to put it down and gave up blocking.

At the same time, at the moment when the fist hit, he desperately shook his head and twisted it in the same direction as the fist hit, so as to relieve the impact as much as possible.

With a loud bang, King, who turned his head in advance, was hit on the cheek by Qin Ming, causing the whole person to spin on the spot, and his facial features were instantly distorted.

She did not fall down even though she was spinning. Instead, she roared and used the power of the rotation to turn around and kick. A high side kick hit Qin Ming's neck accurately! There was also a loud noise!

Opportunity to counterattack! Here it comes!

Qin Ming, who suffered a sudden counterattack on his vitals and did not expect the opponent to give up defense and forcibly exchange injuries, was kicked with eyes wide open and staggered to the side for several times.

And it was these two uncontrolled steps that gave King the opportunity to counterattack.

With a flash of white light all over his body! Super kill! Silent flash! Activate!

Flying knee strike! Hit the jaw! Then use all his strength to lift his leg up!

The only skill King has that is not a combo! It is an explosive skill! Use it!

The violent air wave spread out in all directions, shaking the tables, chairs and benches. Qin Ming, who took the blow on his head, was directly blown high up.

King, who had used his ultimate move, rushed forward the moment he landed, kicked out while flying, and kicked Qin Ming in mid-air.

Next! Tornado Kick!

After a series of moves, he ended with a sweeping kick. Looking at Qin Ming who was kicked out, King flew to the ground and once again took the Muay Thai starting position, tapping his feet and holding his fists, looking forward breathlessly, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

King took a big swing punch from Qin Ming, and the damage he suffered was not low.

Although the situation has been successfully resolved, King still has not gained any advantage. Both sides can only be said to be back to the same starting line.

Under King's nervous gaze, an arm suddenly struggled out from the ruins of the bar counter that was smashed by the flying body in the distance, and grabbed the bar counter next to it fiercely.

With the force of his fingers, five scratches were directly made on the top. Qin Ming slowly stood up from it, twisted his neck hard, and raised his hand to pry his jaw.

Looking up and looking at King who was glaring at him, Qin Ming suddenly grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

At the same time, he spread his hands, dived slightly, and posed a classic wrestling start.

"You fought well. I admit that I am not your opponent in fighting fists and feet, so now the fist and foot round is over, and the second round begins! Throwing skills!"

As he said this, with a flash of blood, Qin Ming had once again activated the incomplete version of the Heavenly Kingdom Slide skill and rushed out fiercely.

Looking at Qin Ming who was rushing at her at high speed, King gritted her teeth and quickly dodged, but she didn't expect that as her body moved, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in one of her legs.

Looking down, she found that the surface of her left leg was already covered with bruises and had suffered serious damage.

During the fight just now, she was defending with all her strength, and this left leg that she often raised for defense had become Qin Ming's main attack point without knowing when, and had already been seriously damaged.

But because she was too nervous just now, and because of the severe pain all over her body, she didn't notice it at all.

At this moment, as her body was no longer attacked and tried to move at high speed, the injury on this injured leg finally broke out and seriously affected her flexibility.

King, who staggered due to the severe pain, turned pale after reacting, and knew that things were going to get bad.

Before she could take emergency countermeasures, Qin Ming who was rushing at high speed had hit her body.

He lowered his head and hugged King around the waist, his head against the opponent's abdomen, which was not soft but rather resilient. Qin Ming lifted King up by force and slammed him into the wall at high speed like a bull.

With a bang, Qin Ming, who allowed King to hammer and attack his head and back, and even raised his knee to hit his jaw, took King through the wall. Under the shocked gaze of all the guests in the bar, he rushed out more than 20 meters away and slammed into the wall next to the door.

The whole wall was violently shaken by the impact, and King groaned from being pushed. Without waiting for her to struggle, Qin Ming, who had thrown King up with all his strength, had already begun to sweep her around everything.

In order to avoid being completely thrown into the air and hitting objects in a large area, King, who reacted very quickly, instantly coiled his legs tightly, locked Qin Ming's waist, and even locked Qin Ming's neck with both hands, and the whole person was completely hung on Qin Ming.

With his arms in a cross shape, King gritted his teeth and tried his best to use the lock technique.

Qin Ming, whose head was locked, kept hitting the wall, cabinets and tables with King hanging on him, and randomly hit everything around him that could be hit.

If the two of them were fighting with standing strikes, pure boxing and kicking skills, and King's Muay Thai skills.

Then the two of them at this time have entered Qin Ming's home court, the home court of throwing and locking techniques!

At this time, the two of them are no longer competing in skills, but in endurance and resistance to blows, that is, who can bear more.

And in this regard! Qin Ming is definitely a real first-tier member!

With a bang, Qin Ming lifted King hanging on his chest, lifted her up and smashed her on the bar, and squeezed King, who was holding his head, on the table. When he looked at King fiercely, his head suddenly shook violently.

There was a deafening sound in his ears.

And this sound! It's called gunshot!

Qin Ming, who was hit by a bullet in the head, stopped fighting suddenly. King, who was struggling with him and trying to break his neck, also glared and stopped fighting instantly.

The fight was interrupted, and the scene suddenly became silent. Qin Ming raised one hand to rub his head, and slowly turned his head to look at the side.

Looking at an adventurer who was holding a sniper rifle and aiming at him with a look of astonishment on his face, Qin Ming's eyes trembled uncontrollably.

And he was shaking, and the adventurer who saw that he fired a bullet and the bullet was forcibly deflected by the opponent's head was also shaking.

Just as the two sides looked at each other silently, seeing that someone had already taken action, several other adventurers finally stopped being silent and stood up one after another.

They had already seen that Qin Ming's strength was terrifying, and his combat power was even higher than King's. They quickly gave up the original plan to hunt King together, and instead prepared to cooperate with King to get rid of Qin Ming, the terrifying competitor first.

One of them set up a sniper rifle, one of them drew out two axes, one of them took a fighting stance, and one of them...


A sharp cracking sound attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

Amid the confused expressions of the crowd, the last adventurer, the burly man who had glanced at everyone at the beginning, suddenly stood up and ran towards the window.

After getting close, he flew out without hesitation, crashed through the glass, rushed out of the bar, and ran away without looking back.

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