Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 353: Newborn Shiranui

Raising his hand to lock the door, King and Qin Ming, who had finished sucking blood, turned around and walked out of the bar, and drove away.

As for the bodies in the bar? And the severely damaged bar?

These are easy to solve. For King, it's just a matter of a phone call.

Although the death of a person is a big deal, it also depends on the place.

This is Nanzhen! A place where all kinds of people are mixed! There are gangs, killers, fighters, hooligans, and hooligans. There are all kinds of people in it. Fights and deaths are happening every day.

King used to work for the overlord of Nanzhen, Gis, although she was forced to do so and has now retired.

But her status in the local area is still equivalent to that of a local tyrant.

For a local tyrant, dealing with two bodies is nothing.

For a guy like this who came from an unknown place, no one would care if he died, or it is normal for her to beat the guy who dared to cause trouble in the Phantom Bar she opened to death.

It is common sense among local fighters that fighting is not allowed in the Phantom Bar, unless you want to see if you can beat the legendary South Town boxing champion.

King drove a Hummer out of the garage with a stern face.

Qin Ming sat in the back, opening a bottle of red wine and gulping it down.

Listening to the cow drinking sound behind him, King's eyes trembled uncontrollably.

She regretted it. If she had known that if she had pushed this guy to the back, he would have wasted her wine, she would not have disliked the other person sitting in the passenger seat because he was too big and got in the way.

"Hey! Drink less!"

"Huh? It's okay. If they check for drunk driving, they won't check me. I can't get drunk either."

"I'm not concerned about you! I'm worried about my wine! These were the treasures of the overlord of South Town, Gis!"

"Gis? The champion jumper who was kicked off the building several times but never died? He was born in the wrong era. If he was born in the martial arts era, he would definitely become the best by jumping off cliffs."

"You should be glad that Gis is dead. Otherwise, just these few words of yours would be enough for him to kill you ten times!"

Listening to Qin Ming's teasing behind him, King shook his head with a dark face.

Seeing Qin Ming's indifferent expression, she suddenly thought of something, and the corners of her mouth curled up, revealing a slight amplitude.

"By the way, let me remind you that one of the two brothers who defeated Gis is called Andy, and Andy was dumped by Wu in public a year ago. I heard that he is now looking for a competitor named Qin Ming everywhere, threatening to break his legs."

After King said this, Qin Ming, who was leaning back in his chair and shaking the red wine in his hand, still had a nonchalant expression on his face.

"Andy? Tsk, a defeated opponent, not to be feared. If he dares to come to me, I will break his three legs!"

"Oh? Really?"

Looking at Qin Ming in the rearview mirror with a playful look, King's smile became more and more obvious.

"Then may I ask if you have a brother? Andy seems to have a brother named Terry. Based on his brother's fighting ability, I don't think you can break his legs."

Hearing the word Terry, Qin Ming's expression suddenly became serious. He sat up straight, frowned, and stretched out his hand to pinch his chin.

"Evil Wolf Terry? This is indeed a very strong opponent!"

Terry, nicknamed the peerless hungry wolf, of course, there are also people called the Invincible Wolf.

Although there are quite a few people with the nickname of Invincible in the King of Fighters world, anyone with a little fame dares to call himself invincible.

What Invincible Dragon! Invincible Tiger! Invincible Wolf! Invincible Muay Thai Overlord! Invincible Judo King!

But Evil Wolf Terry is really good. In terms of martial arts, he is even far above King. He is a genuine first-tier master!

The most important thing is! He is also the protagonist of the Evil Wolf Legend series! And the Evil Wolf Legend world! It is the predecessor of the King of Fighters world!

In other words! He is the first protagonist in the King of Fighters world view! He debuted earlier than Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami!

His strength is at the top of the first echelon! Conservatively estimated to be comparable to the members of the Eight Heroes! He is a genuine monster-level master!

Throughout the entire King of Fighters 96 and King of Fighters 97, there are only a few who can truly be called his opponents!

To be honest, even though Qin Ming's combat power is now different from before, he is still not sure whether he can be the opponent of these monsters.

The main reason is that the Goken in the Street Fighter world was too fierce before.

Although he is a top-notch fighter, his status is equivalent to the protagonist Long after he is fully awakened, and the Gouki after he goes berserk, his strength is definitely far above these first-tier members.

In the King of Fighters world, he should be the leader of the Eight Heroes, and also the final boss of King of Fighters 96, the level of the Breathing Storm Goenitz.

But the problem is that Qin Ming has only fought with people of this level! He has never fought with people in the first echelon!

Then what is the strength of the opponent and how high the upper limit of combat is, Qin Ming does not know.

The worst possibility is that they are only slightly inferior to Gangquan. If that is the case, Qin Ming feels that he can hardly beat him, even if he is in dinosaur mode...

The Hummer is driving at high speed on the road, and its target is very clear, which is the airport in the distance.

Now that the legendary missing junior brother Qin Ming has been found, the first thing King did was to send him to Shiranui Gym and hand him over to Shiranui Mai.

This also saves the other person from having to worry about her being in trouble as soon as they meet, which almost makes her ears go numb.

By the way, King also needs to go find those two guys and talk to them about personal matters.

For example, a certain junior brother in the back is actually not small, but very big, and he is very capable of fighting this matter.

As the two got on the plane, the first thing Qin Ming did was to take out his sunglasses and look at the passengers on the plane carefully.

After all, he didn't have a good impression of flying. The last time he took this ride in the King of Fighters World, he had to perform a high-altitude dive.

After checking inside and out to confirm that no adventurers were hiding, Qin Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he sat with King and started heading to Japan.

On the plane, in just a short moment, Qin Ming had already realized how powerful King's charm was.

Logically speaking, Qin Ming wants to have muscles! Be muscular! You need someone with strong character! That’s not too bad!

As a result, I was sitting with King at this time! He was actually completely overshadowed by this woman!

She is obviously a woman, but King, wearing a waiter's uniform, is extremely feminine.

Even after she revealed her identity, the female passengers who knew she was a woman were still extremely enthusiastic.

The attributes of this beauty in men's clothing are obviously a bit distorted! As a pussy! He actually pointed out the specialty of +100 female charm value!

Qin Ming, who was sitting next to her with elegant conversation, handsome appearance, and graceful demeanor, only felt like Alexander for a moment.

After a full hour, King, who finally got rid of the group of enthusiastic female passengers, finally withdrew his gaze.

Turning to look at Qin Ming who was reading the newspaper with a straight face, she suddenly raised the corner of her mouth.

"What? Aren't you quite talkative on the road? Why are you so quiet now?"

Qin Ming had no expression on his face when he heard this, and just glanced at her silently.

"Don't be ridiculous, I've always been quiet."

"You don't need to doubt your masculine charm. Our situations are different. What's more, you also have a senior sister and private detective who care about you deeply."

King also picked up a newspaper and opened it. He crossed his legs and read the newspaper with a smile. Although he was comforting Qin Ming, he could not help showing a winner's smile on his face.

Seeing the triumphant smile on her face, Qin Ming's mood suddenly became even worse.

If the location didn't allow it, he would have to close the door and let the professionals go so that this pretentious woman could see what it means to be a female gangster.

An elegant lady and gentleman? Mile Kasamoto’s favorite thing to pack! That's the type!

There were no accidents on the plane this time. Qin Ming, who failed to transform into a vehicle killer, and King arrived in Japan safely.

On the way to Shiranui Gym by taxi, Qin Ming also figured out his identity this time.

Maybe it's because the forces in the protagonist's camp are too mixed this time. Even with the enhanced golden seal, Qin Ming, who appeared on the stage, failed to establish a relationship with the three artifact families.

His identity this time is very special. He is a fighter, a wild fighter who travels around and spends money to enter gyms to learn martial arts.

He even has the certificate of a registered disciple of more than a dozen gyms, and has joined basically all schools.

Extreme flow! Judo flow! Toudo Kobu-ryu! This time Qin Ming can be said to have no high-level appearance status! But he has many new identities!

It really made it to the point where no matter which sect he went to, he could sneak in naturally, and it also made up for the blank time he had spent over the past year wherever he went.

he! Go learn art!

With a creaking sound, the taxi suddenly stopped. Qin Ming and King quickly opened the door and got out of the car, arriving at the site of the New Shiranui Gym.

Looking up at the mountains in front of him and the steps stretching all the way, Qin Ming rolled his eyes fiercely.

"It's mountain climbing again! Why do all high-end gyms like to do this! They are not afraid of being hungry at night! There is no takeout!"

King had a faint smile on his face when he heard this, and he rushed forward while speaking.

"What do you know, kid! This is called forcefulness!"

With a whoosh, King showed his speed and ran as fast as lightning. In just a short moment, he had already jumped dozens of meters away.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming hurriedly followed, his hands in the shape of knives, and he ran wildly.

One was fast, the other had strong endurance, and the two quickly rushed to the top of the mountain.

And as soon as we climbed to the top of the mountain, the sound of martial arts training could be heard in our ears.

The Shiranui Gym was almost wiped out in a battle before! At this time, it has regained its former glory!

Although the top combat power is dead, the living sign of Mai Shiranui is still there.

And as long as she is here! Don’t worry about not having any disciples!

It's just different from before. In the former Shiranui Gym, the main disciples were male disciples who came here because of their reputation.

But the Shiranui Gym at this moment is purely a women’s gym!

It is really a large area of ​​​​Yingyingyanyan, and the scenery is infinitely beautiful.

The main reason why the gym leader recruited male disciples back then was because Shiranui Hanzo, an old stubborn man, was giving blind orders. Although he didn't know how to grow the gym, he firmly believed that martial arts training must be done by men.

Even if their family practices assassination ninjutsu! After all, he is in the Shiranui family! Women's Ninpo skills are completely different from men's Ninpo skills!

The former is good at sneak attacks, while the latter is good at head-on confrontations. Since it is a martial arts tradition, of course the latter ninjutsu must be taught.

With the old antique grandfather in charge, Mai Shiranui has no choice but to listen to his command.

Now that Hanzo Shiranui is dead, Mai Shiranui Dojo is finally in charge.

No longer constrained, she has developed the martial arts hall several times more brilliant than its previous heyday in just over a year after changing to a new place! She even opened a full fourteen branches!

As for why it has developed so fast? Why are there so many disciples recruited? There are more than 3,000 disciples in the dojo in front of him alone?

This is not because Mai Shiranui teaches well, but because what she teaches has become different...

Standing blankly at the door, looking at the beauties practicing martial arts in the yard, and looking at the huge plaque in front of him and the sign next to it, Qin Ming was stunned for a while, almost thinking that he had come to the wrong place.

On the wooden sign, there were two lines of big characters.

《Shiranui Style Ninjutsu! Shape your body in one month! Become beautiful in two months! Be reborn in three months! There are also secret breast enhancement medicine and secret whitening ointment! Endorsed by Ninja Grandmaster Mai Shiranui herself! 》

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