Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 363 Female Rogue Weiss

Goenitz's method of awakening Mai Zhuo's bloodline was extremely simple and crude. He beat her until Mai Zhuo was scarred and on the verge of death.

After encountering the threat of death, the blood in Mai Zhuo's body was finally forcibly awakened, and he transformed from an ordinary person to a servant of the gods.

And what about Weiss? She was not beaten severely, because Mai Zhuo did not like to beat others of her own kind.

But this does not mean that Weiss is lucky. On the contrary, Weiss is even more unlucky than Mai Zhuo.

Because Mai Zhuo is different from Gonitz. Gonitz is not cruel at all when he is not involved in the task of resurrecting the gods. Instead, he is very kind. He is a well-known priest and looks polite.

He always goes straight to the point when doing things and never involves unnecessary people or things, so when he tried to awaken Mai Zhuo's bloodline, he only targeted Mai Zhuo alone.

As for Mai Zhuo, she is a naturally cold-blooded woman. In modern terms, she has a cold personality, no sympathy, and has great mental illness.

When she tried to wake up Weiss, she came directly to the door and told Weiss her identity and mission straight to the point.

Weiss, who was just an ordinary person at the time, naturally didn't believe it. She just thought that Mai Zhuo had some kind of chuunibyou, and didn't take her words to heart at all.

However, from that day on, Weiss's nightmare began.

First a relative, then a lover, then a friend, and finally even someone to seek help from.

The people around Weisi were brutally murdered one after another. Mai Zhuo came to inform during the day, but the people around her were cold at night.

Mai Zhuo was like the God of Death knocking on the door, calling names during the day and killing people at night. The next day he came to check on Weisi's mental condition. Seeing that her awakened bloodline was not stimulated, he continued to call names and kill people.

In just half a month, almost everyone around Weisi was slaughtered. The greatly stimulated Weisi finally went berserk, awakened her own heavenly bloodline, and had a big fight with Mai Zhuo.

And "We are cursed people. Any ordinary person who comes close to us will encounter misfortune, so don't get emotional or care about any ordinary person." This sentence was what Mai Zhuo said at that time.

Weisi, who had merged her previous memories, started falling in love with Mai Zhuo from that day on.

They were lying on the same bed having a carnival at night, but the next day they were already fighting and madly attacking everyone who came close to each other.

One of the two is cold-blooded, the other is cruel and violent, both are madmen.

I chatted casually with a passerby, and the passerby became cold the next day.

The man chatted with the passerby for a long time, then turned around and the passerby died.

Sometimes they even deliberately seduce the drinkers in the bar, and then one defends and the other kills, in this way tit-for-tat, starting a deadly fight.

When he gets tired of playing, that's when the drinker dies.

Follow the mission to resurrect Orochi. If the plan fails, they will die. But the problem is that even if the plan succeeds, they will actually die and become sacrifices for Orochi's resurrection.

This is a fatal situation, and in order to resurrect the snake, they have to abandon everything and not have any worries.

Otherwise, the one who came to help them resolve their concerns, or even resolve their concerns, would not be them, but that monster Goenitz!

The two people cannot escape their fate. They must complete this mission and work hard to resurrect the snake for generations. They do not dare to resist this fate.

Attack each other crazily and persecute each other masochistically. If you can't get happiness, then let the other side not get happiness either, in order to achieve psychological balance.

This is their unique lifestyle, a twisted and pitiful lifestyle...

Night fell quickly, and a knock on the door suddenly sounded inside a hotel.

Hearing the sound, Qin Ming, who was resting in the room, frowned. Wearing only a pair of pajamas, he quickly came to the door and opened it.

As a result, he discovered that there was a beauty with short red hair, a black secretary uniform, and a pair of long legs covered in black stockings standing outside the door.

Qin Ming was obviously stunned when he was suddenly knocked on the door by such a beautiful woman in the middle of the night.

Before he could react, Weiss, who was leaning against the door frame, had a bright smile on her face.

"Is this Mr. Qin Ming? The midnight service you ordered has arrived!"

"Midnight service?"

"Yes! Secretary pretending game!"

"But I didn't decide... the miles! Did you decide this?"

Qin Ming suddenly realized something, turned around with a straight face and yelled.

Hearing the noise, Miles Kasamoto sat up from the bed wrapped in sheets.

While speaking in confusion, he looked around in this direction.

"What's the decision? I didn't decide it...that's right! I decided it!"

In the middle of his words, Miles Kasamoto saw Weiss clearly leaning against the door frame with an ambiguous smile on her face and looking as soft as a bone. His eyes suddenly lit up and he changed his words without hesitation.

And while talking, he reached out and patted the bed next to him vigorously.

"Come here, come here! I spent money! Don't waste time! Come here quickly!"

Miles Kasamoto's words stunned Weiss.

She had encountered the guy who just went along with the flow and tried to kiss Fangze before.

But taking advantage of it is so justified! But this was the first time she saw him!

And why is this woman behaving like this! Even more excited than the big guy in front of me! Did she do it backwards? Could she be...

Reacting suddenly, Wei Si showed a half-smile expression on her face. She pushed past Qin Ming who was blocking the door, twisted her waist and walked into the room.

After approaching Miles Kasamoto, he turned around and sat down, leaning directly on Miles Kasamoto.

Taking a deep breath, Weiss looked a little intoxicated.

"Yeah, it smells pretty good, and it feels like gunpowder smoke is filling the air."

Kasamoto Miles grinned when he heard this, but his smile was a little stiff.

"Well, my boss was smoking on me just now."

"There's also a fiery intensity."

"That's the vodka I just drank."

Weiss, who narrowed her eyes, didn't pay attention to Kasamoto Miles' answer, but suddenly raised her head and whispered.

"So employer, how do you want to play? Mild or exciting?"

Kasamoto Miles' eyes lit up when he heard this, and he spoke expectantly.


"Exciting? That's fine. I also like exciting things. Remember not to scream too loudly for a while."

Weiss, who spoke cheerfully, suddenly straightened up as she spoke.

"So how about we spice things up with an appetizer? I like to call this dish honest talk!"

"be honest and open?"

"Yes! For example... like this!"

When she said the last two words, Weisi's eyes suddenly turned ferocious, and she turned around like lightning and stabbed her palm.

One hand turns into a claw! He actually grabbed Qin Ming's heart with one claw!

Skill! Magic attack!

Catch it! Just disembowel him! After digging my heart didn't work out!

Wei Si, who originally tried to pierce Qin Ming's heart with a claw, forcefully pull out Qin Ming's heart, and give the woman in front of her a bloody surprise, suddenly the smile on her face froze after taking action.

Because although the palm she stabbed successfully hit the target, it failed to penetrate the opponent's flesh or even skin!

She grabbed Qin Ming's chest with her claws! Then his fingers pressed directly on it!

Qin Ming, who was attacked on the chest, lowered his head in shock and looked at the claws grabbing his chest with a look of disbelief on his face.

He, Qin Ming, has been assaulting other people's breasts for the rest of his life! I never thought that one day I would be attacked by someone else!

What's going on? Met a female gangster? Did you meet Mile Kasamoto who was traveling with you?

He thought that Miles Kasamoto was already perverted enough! Whose general is this woman?

After being stunned for two seconds, Qin Ming finally recovered from the shock and suddenly shook off Wei Si's claws who were also in shock. He instinctively raised his hands to protect his chest and screamed.

"What are you doing! You need extra money to play like this! Kasamoto Miles, what kind of bad taste do you have! Why did you order such a female gangster for dinner at night! I don't know that I don't like people who are too proactive! Let her go out !”


"Ah what! Get out! This order is cancelled! I won't play with gangsters! Everyone is a gangster! It makes it hard to tell who is playing and who is playing! What's the point in that! Get out!"

As he spoke, Qin Ming reached out and grabbed Wei Si's collar, carrying Wei Si who looked confused, and was about to force her out of the room.

It wasn't until she was carried to the door that Weiss recovered from the shock and began to struggle hard.

"No! I didn't mean that! Only a devil would attack your breasts! I was attacking you!"

When Qin Ming heard this, his face turned dark instantly.

"There's no point in playing sneak attack! I told you not to play with you! Go, go, go!"

"No! Wait a minute! Me!"


With a muffled sound, the door slammed shut.

Weiss, who was forcibly thrown out of the room, stood alone in the corridor, stunned for a moment.

Listen to the comments from the guests on both sides who looked over after hearing the news.

Weisi's complexion turned from red to white, from white to black, and finally from black to red again, and she made a crunching sound when she clenched her hands.

At the same time, behind the closed door, Qin Ming, who had forced a female gangster out of the room, was grinning and rubbing his chest, making complaints while rubbing it.

"What the hell! He's not tall! His hands are quite strong! It hurts me to catch him! I'm warning you, Miles Kasamoto! Don't just call some unreasonable guy over! Do you know?"

Miles Kasamoto, who was sitting on the bed, sighed a little disappointedly after hearing this.

"Why did you just drive her away? She's obviously quite good-looking, and she's the best."

"She's not here for you! Of course you don't care! If you don't drive her away! I'm going to lose my life at the end of the year, okay! How can I attack my breasts as soon as I get started! She's more impatient than me! How can I be honest with you? Phew! This is clearly an explosion of animality! It’s quite artistic!”

As soon as Qin Ming finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly came from the door behind him.

The next second, with pieces of wood flying, an arm suddenly broke through the door and accurately grabbed Qin Ming's collar.

With a huge pull, this arm actually pulled Qin Ming and hit him directly against the door.

Qin Ming also saw the owner of this arm through the gap in the door.

Outside the door, Wei Si was clutching Qin Ming's collar. Her face was livid at the moment, and her expression could be described as gritting her teeth. She almost squeezed out a sentence through her teeth.

"I told you I didn't mean it like that! I'm not a female gangster!"

Qin Ming did not give an answer when he heard this, but just lowered his head silently.

Seeing this scene, Wei Si instinctively lowered her head, but found that because of her hard pulling, all the buttons on Qin Ming's pajamas had broken, revealing the naked body underneath.

Instantly, the scene became silent. After the two of them were silent for several seconds, Weiss suddenly used her other hand to break through the door, reached in and tugged at Qin Ming's pajamas, and used the only two buttons left on the pajamas to forcibly button up Qin Ming's pajamas.

After doing all this, she pulled the pajamas again and yelled at Qin Ming.

"I've said it! I'm not a female hooligan!"

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