Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 365: Rampage! Heavenly Bloodline!


After falling seven or eight times in a row, Weiss finally flew out with a crisp sound.

It was not that Qin Ming let go of her hand, nor that Weiss tried to break free.

She flew out mainly because the black silk stockings on her legs were too slippery, and Qin Ming accidentally tore them apart, causing them to fall out of his hand.

Looking at Weiss, who was rolling and flying more than ten meters away and lying on the ground motionless, he looked down at the torn stockings and a shoe in his hand.

Qin Ming shrugged slightly and threw them away.

"Ah, ah, why is a certain woman not very dedicated? The work is not finished yet, how can you lie down and rest! I spent money! Hurry up and get up and work!"

Qin Ming's voice, which was obviously imitating Weiss's tone, made Weiss, who was lying on the ground, tremble violently.

With her hands on the ground, Weiss stood up shakily with a ferocious expression. At this time, she finally couldn't maintain the kind smile that she often wore on her face, and her eyes had become completely red.

Her teeth creaked, and she raised her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, and spoke fiercely.

"I'm going to kill you! Bastard!"

Hearing this ferocious voice, Qin Ming's smile gradually disappeared, and his eyes were full of contempt. After looking at Weiss, he suddenly spread his hands.

"What? You don't smile this time? No, you don't want to play role-playing games with me? Hear! I'm the waiter you ordered! You keep serving! Keep acting! Don't you like playing!"

"I'm going to kill you!!!"

Qin Ming's words completely broke Weiss's defense. With red light flashing in her eyes, she turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Qin Ming in an instant.

Qin Ming, who barely had the upper hand, looked at the humanoid rhino rushing from the front, and his nervous legs once again firmly kicked the ground.

Although he knew that he could not withstand the woman's frontal charge with his own strength, Qin Ming still instinctively took a posture to resist the impact and tried to intercept her.

However, this time, Weiss, who rushed over at high speed, did not hit Qin Ming, because when she was halfway through, a violent airflow suddenly surged from the side.

The vertical blue airflow was more than two meters high, sliding close to the ground, and the speed was amazing.

Weiss's pupils shrank when she heard the sound of the wind, and her body jumped up and spun in the air, passing by the airflow below.

She successfully avoided the attack and landed on all fours steadily.

There were footsteps on the side, and the person who forced Weiss back with a special move ran over quickly.

And she! It was Qin Ming's teammate Fujido Kasumi!

Fujido Kasumi, who ran over with Kasamoto Eri, looked at Qin Ming, who was a little embarrassed at the moment and had changed into a bulletproof suit. Seeing that Qin Ming was fine, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay, Qin Ming?"

Qin Ming frowned as he saw Fujido Kasumi and Kasamoto Eri rushing over.

"What are you doing here?"

"You are my teammate. It is the responsibility of the Fujido family to protect teammates. How can I let you fight alone?"

While speaking, Fujido Kasumi straightened her waist with a very serious expression on her face.

And Fujido Kasumi's words made Qin Ming helpless.

"Her strength is extraordinary."

"Even if the gods come! Don't think of hurting Fujido's companions before crossing the shield of the Fujido family! Fujido ancient martial arts are born for protection!"

Obviously, Fujido Kasumi, who has been educated by her family since childhood, is not just as simple as looking rigid. Her personality is really rigid to the extreme.

It's just that Qin Ming doesn't hate this kind of rigidity.

"Qin Ming! Go take care of your injuries first! Leave her to me!"

"…………Be careful."

Qin Ming, who was thrown down hard by Weiss before, looked at Fujido Kasumi's stubborn look and knew that he couldn't convince her.

This little girl is obviously smaller than Qin Ming, but because she learned Aikido, a martial art that defends and waits for attack, she has always insisted that she is the main attacker in the team and the meat shield in the team.

In this situation where she is facing a strong enemy and Qin Ming is already injured, how can she not stand up? That is unless she has been beaten to a pulp! She can't stand up!

Walking to the front in place of Qin Ming, Fujido Kasumi raised her hands and suddenly posed the starting posture of Aikido, looking at Weiss opposite with a stern look.

"Sir! It's not the style of a fighter to sneak attack others in the middle of the night! Your honor will cry!"

Fujido Kasumi's words made Weiss, who had already stood up, look murderous.

She originally came here just to kill Qin Ming, but now she has changed her mind! She wants to kill these three guys in front of her! And all the people watching around!

"Honor? Then you will die with your honor!"

Accelerate! Charge! Get close! Brutal kick!

The lightning-fast kick instantly formed a sword light in the air, and its speed was so fast that even Qin Ming, who also had A-level fighting skills, couldn't bear it.

However, this time the brutal kick hit the opponent head-on.

Although Fujido Kasumi's fighting level is not high, only B-level, her fighting skills are purely defensive expertise, with a serious lack of offensiveness, but a ridiculously strong blocking ability.

With full concentration! Facing the crazy kick! Fujido Kasumi kicked the ground with both legs! Both arms blocked up and down!

With a crackling sound, Fujido Kasumi, who used both hands to one leg, actually forcibly caught all the kicks from the front!

This scene even made Weiss stunned. Before she could react, Fujido Kasumi, who had forcibly blocked the attack, had already used a shoulder collision to force Weiss back.

Weiss staggered back two steps, with a look of astonishment on her face. It was the first time she encountered someone who could break her trick head-on.

And relying on skills, Fujido Kasumi forcibly took this attack. Looking down at the shredded bandage on her arm and the large number of wounds under the bandage, she couldn't help but frown.

What a terrifying power! What a violent attack!

Qin Ming was right! The woman in front of him was really strong! Her strength must be above his! At least this power was completely beyond his ability to contend with!

In this case...

"A sneak attack on others! Are these the only two tricks you have!"

Pushing the ground with both legs, Fujido Kasumi put a fist on her waist, and the other hand turned into a hand knife and raised straight up, shouting loudly.

Blood flowed from the wound on her arm, dripping onto the ground along the bandage.

I'm no match for her in a head-on fight! Let's just decide the winner with one strike!

Fujido Kasumi's provocation made Ves's expression even more ferocious.

She no longer had the usual playful attitude of cat and mouse. She wished she could tear everyone present apart.

It was fine that the tough guy dared to challenge her, but this woman dared to challenge her.

Ves, whose lungs were about to explode, was too lazy to answer. She just let out a beast-like roar and rushed over with a whoosh.

A flash of black light! A special move! Continuous reflex hits!

Looking at Ves who burst out with a special move, Fujido Kasumi's breathing suddenly became heavy.

At the moment when Ves flew and kicked, a flash of light flashed on her body, and she suddenly raised her hands.

Special move! Destroy the body without throwing!

Parry! Grab! Counter throw!

With a bang! Fujido Kasumi caught Ves's special move from the front! He threw Weiss out with a very straightforward swing!

Before the opponent landed, he raised his hands high and shouted to use his special move.

Super special move! Super drop!

Four overlapping air waves shot out like a tsunami! Hit Weiss's body in mid-air! She screamed! She fell to the ground while spinning!

After finishing a set of continuous attacks, Fujido Kasumi closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and slowly pressed down her raised hands.

Throwing skills? Fujido ancient martial arts! The most feared are close-range throwing skills!

As Weiss was knocked away, the street became silent.

Looking at Weiss lying motionless on the ground, and Fujido Kasumi, who had an advantage with special skills but whose arms were stained with blood, Qin Ming frowned.

He took a step forward and was about to speak, but his footsteps suddenly stopped.

With his pupils shrinking, he turned his head sharply to look to the side.

And there, beside Weiss, who was lying face down on the ground, the sand and stones were trembling slightly and slowly floating up.

A black wave, with Weiss as the center, gradually spread in all directions and formed a vortex.

Weiss, who was lying in the middle of the vortex, stood up shakily, suddenly screamed to the sky, and the black mist around her suddenly exploded.

Heavenly Bloodline! Open!

Weiss, whose eyes had completely turned scarlet, roared and suddenly locked her eyes on Fujido Kasumi on the opposite side.

The next second, accompanied by a flash of black light, her body disappeared strangely on the spot.

When she appeared again, she had already killed Fujido Kasumi.

Speed! The outrageous speed formed by the extreme explosive power!

Looking at the enemy who rushed in front of her in an instant, Fujido Kasumi's face changed drastically, and instinctively put on the starting posture of destroying the body without throwing.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, who was relying on blood to recover from his injuries in the distance, suddenly changed his expression and screamed.

"Don't take it hard!"


Qin Ming's reminder was a beat late after all. As soon as he finished speaking, the two people over there had already collided.

Fujido Kasumi, who tried to counterattack with her family's special skills, couldn't even grab the opponent's arm this time.

Before her hands could close, Weiss's punch had already hit her abdomen first.

Amid the loud noise, Fujido Kasumi was hit by this sudden punch, her legs were suspended in the air, her body completely turned into a C shape, her eyes widened, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.

Counterattack skills? When your speed can't keep up with your opponent! When you can't even catch the opponent! How can you counterattack!

Destroy the body without throwing! Broken!


Looking at the girl hanging completely on her arm, Weiss growled with a ferocious face, and the next second she swung her hand and directly pulled Fujido Kasumi to the ground.

The violent impact spread in all directions, and the ground was shaken into a pit.

With just two moves, without even launching a special move, Weiss, who had opened the blood of the Heavenly Kingdom God Clan, directly destroyed Fujido Kasumi, a second-rate warrior, causing the opponent to completely lose his combat effectiveness.

Looking at Fujido Kasumi lying motionless in the ruins, Weiss did not mean to give up, but instead threw a fierce punch, hitting her abdomen again!

Then the third punch! The fourth punch! The fifth...


A sharp sound suddenly sounded, and the raised arm suddenly stopped.

Finding that the fist could not fall, Weiss looked up in surprise, but found that a black shadow had emerged next to her.

At the same time, there was a low roar.

"Have you had enough!"

While speaking, Weiss was lifted up in mid-air with the force of her arms!

Qin Ming, who had lifted her up with one hand, had grown to three meters away! A dragon horn had grown out of his forehead! A dragon tail had also grown out of his back!

Bloodline activated! Dinosaur form! All attributes increased by 50%!

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