Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 373 Sneak Attack and Counter-Sneak Attack

Outside a luxurious villa owned by the Kagura family, a motorcade quickly arrived and was let through by the guard at the door.

As soon as the convoy entered the courtyard, a black shadow flashed across the sky, found a corner and quickly fell.

With Miles Kasamoto hanging on his body, an aircraft on his back, and a flight pack, Qin Ming successfully sneaked into Kagura's house from above.

Looking at the mansions around him, he couldn't help but clicked his tongue and kept sighing at the wealth of the Kagura family.

The three artifact families had equal status back then. To be precise, they were not three families, but two.

The Yagami family is considered a branch of the Kusanagi family. In order to defeat the main family, they chose a special clan member who merged with the blood of the Orochi.

The Kagura family was once a family of shrine maidens, and the Kusanagi family was a family of samurai warriors. One of them was a civil servant and the other a military officer. They had been cooperating with each other since a long time ago.

And the god they once served was none other than the current target of the seal: the Serpent of the Will of the Earth!

The reason why the once loyal men joined forces to rebel is actually very simple, that is, they really can't survive anymore.

You were carefully renovating the house here. When you turned around, you suddenly saw your father going crazy and saying that he didn't like the house and wanted to burn it down. If it were you, you would have stopped him.

This is the relationship between the Three Artifacts Family and the Orochi. The Three Artifacts Family and the Eight Masters serve the Orochi well. The Orochi keeps the weather smooth, and they serve him loyally.

As a result, one day, the big snake suddenly said that human beings are useless and will only cause destruction on the earth. They insist on destroying them and creating a new species. No amount of persuasion is of any use.

The Eight Great Masters, the eight leaders of mankind at that time, chose to side with Orochi, trying to eliminate relatives in a righteous way and assist Orochi in destroying the world.

The three artifact families chose to side with humans, trying to integrate all human power to fight against the gods.

The final result was a battle between the two sides. The god was defeated. It was defeated by the power and artifact it had once rewarded. It was defeated by the human sea tactics and was tragically sealed.

The Eight Masters were all killed, and the endless reincarnation cycle began.

The gods were sealed, the Eight Masters died, and everyone's life couldn't go on anymore. As a result, the three artifact families completely parted ways.

Thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the three artifact families are still there, but their lives are completely different.

The former leader of the three artifact families, the Kusanagi family, relied on the gym to make a living, and life was not bad.

As for the Kagura family, they went overseas to do business. They lived a prosperous life and became a business giant.

As for the Yagami family? Just say it! Now their so-called family! There are only four people in total! The only business the family can invest in is a restaurant! Tell me how your life was!

Iori Yagami, a martial arts prodigy, was a pure street gangster + street singer before, but later became famous by participating in competitions and fighting! He just got ahead of himself! His personal motto is that he hates violence!

It can be said that the three artifact families at this time are already completely different.

The three heirs have different identities.

Kagura Chizuru is a strong business woman, Kusanagi Kyo is a nibbler of old people, and Iori Yagami is a professional wandering singer and sideline ring player.

Talk about social status! Kagura Chizuru can hang the other two up and beat them!

This is also the main reason why Kagura Chizuru has the confidence to summon the two of them to join forces to fight against the Eight Masters, because she has money.

Even if it wasn't for the sake of their ancestors, just because of the current importance of the Kagura family, Iori Yagami and Kusanagi Kyo had no choice but to come over and talk to her.

After all, Kagura Chizuru had just paid to join the Yagami family's sushi restaurant, and by the way, she had reached a big deal with the Kusanagi family to open a branch restaurant.

The previous convoy was the same car that used to pick up Kusanagi Kyo.

Walking carefully in the huge courtyard, passing through the garden planting area, and crossing the rockery scenic area, Qin Ming spent a long time before finally finding the main hall.

Qin Ming, who took Kasamoto with him and kept looking around, had a very clear goal of coming here this time, which was to find Kusanagi Kyo and then have a fight with him.

Of course, fighting is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you have to use the Yagami family's skills, such as the Sunflower Three Company or the Eight Girls, to leave a deep impression on the opponent.

Originally, Kusanagi Kyo and Iori Yagami were at odds with each other. Because of their ancestral grudges and the arrogance of warriors, they started to fight each other when they met.

If he, a fake member of the Yagami family, comes to beat him up for no reason, it will inevitably arouse Kusanagi Kyo's rage, and the cooperation will naturally be completely ruined.

What? There are no more two people in the Yagami family? Doesn't his number exist at all?

what! Does Kusanagi Kyo have the genealogy of the Yagami family?

Moreover! Even if Kusanagi Kyo is not fooled! Isn’t there also Yagami-an?

Qin Ming can't perfectly imitate the Cang Yan of the Yagami family, but he can use the red flame!

Blood drain plus Kusanagi gloves! He is Kusanagi Kyo's distant cousin! Kusanagi night!

Qin Ming, who already had a detailed plan in mind, kept looking for traces of Kusanagi Kyo in the courtyard, trying to find and attack him, and then run away.

Of course, if there is a chance, it would be great to kill him, but Qin Ming doesn't have much hope for this.

After all, how can it be so easy for a top-notch expert to solve this problem?

Qin Ming came to the hall and searched carefully. Qin Ming still couldn't find any trace of the Kusanagi family members, so he had to change directions and continue searching.

And after searching, he actually found someone who was alone.

Looking at the woman in the distance, who was carefully arranging flowers and plants with her back to him, wearing the Kusanagi family's scorching sun suit, Qin Ming's eyes lit up.

Turning his head to look around, after confirming that there was no one around, he immediately took out his sunglasses and put them on.

After checking and finding that the data was correct, this was a person from the Kusanagi clan, a woman named Kusanagi Raku, Qin Ming immediately prepared to attack.

If he didn't find Kusanagi Kyo, he could beat up other people from the Kusanagi family.

Beating her half to death with the Yagami family's moves would be enough for both sides to turn against each other.

The fire boiled as he raised his hand, and with a flash of light in his eyes, Qin Ming accelerated and rushed up.

First, he threw a fire of earth and shot it at the enemy at high speed.

Imitation-108 Style: Dark Hook!

Then he rushed out, with the fire burning in his hand, and grabbed the opponent's neck.

Imitation-212 Styles: Qin Yue Yin!

Qin Ming's combo was fast and fierce, and it was quite similar to Iori Yagami's style, both of which started with a dark hook.

Facing his violent two-stroke combo, the woman with her back to him didn't even have time to react and was hit on the spot.


With a crash, Qin Ming's body directly hit the woman, with a look of surprise on his face, and the next second he strangely passed through the woman's body.

He hurriedly stopped and turned to look at the woman who disappeared into a residual shadow, and Qin Ming's pupils shrank.

Before he could react, a figure flashed out from the woods next to him at high speed, as fast as a ghost.

Looking at the woman flying towards him, Qin Ming instinctively raised his hands to block, but he never thought that before his raised arms touched the enemy, the woman who jumped in the air had a phantom flickering, and actually separated another self, attacking Qin Ming from the bottom road!

Because he raised his arms, Qin Ming, whose middle door was wide open, was hit by a palm on the chest and staggered back several times.

After standing firm, he raised his arms and looked at the woman who had merged into one and stood in front of him. Without thinking, Qin Ming threw a punch and tried to fight back.

Skill! Imitation-Bawang Xianghou Fist!

As the blood in his body was mobilized, Qin Ming was about to use his skills. The next second, his eyes suddenly widened and he looked at his hands in disbelief.

The blood in his arms that should have been ejected now remained in his body and could not break out of his body at all.

His skills! Can't be used!

[Status: Eight-foot Seal]

[Effect: The energy in the body is blocked, and no active skills can be tried]

[Remaining duration: 5 seconds]

[Introduction: Forbidden Magic! ]

Looking at the new state on his body, Qin Ming was shocked.

On the other side, the woman who raised her hand and slapped him had thrown away the Kusanagi Reiyofu she was wearing, revealing her casual clothes underneath and her extremely plump figure.

With her long black hair falling down and a white headband tied on her head, this beautiful woman with an even better figure was not from the Kusanagi family at all!

She was one of the three sacred artifacts! The current wielder of the eight-foot mirror! Kagura Chizuru!

"It's broken!"

Looking at Kagura Chizuru who revealed her true face, Qin Ming's face changed drastically. He didn't understand that he was being tricked. Without thinking, he took out his flight backpack and prepared to take off and escape.

However, before he took off, Kagura Chizuru on the opposite side had already flashed with light, and another figure instantly split out, leaping from above to intercept Qin Ming.

Just as Qin Ming was forced down, another figure had already killed from below, and after getting close, he raised his hand and slapped him.

S-level super kill! Zero Foundation!

With a bang, Qin Ming, who was hit head-on, flew backwards on the spot.

Because his ability was sealed, he was unable to make an effective counterattack. The duration of the magic ban effect on his body, which had not yet been lifted, was renewed again, and it was also terribly extended.

Qin Ming, who was hit by the sealing skill of Zero Foundation, had his skills sealed for a full minute!

Before Qin Ming, who was flying backwards, staggered and stood firm, a white light flashed in front of him, and Kagura Chizuru had already started chasing.

And this time! It was still a special move!

A-level super special move! Three sounds of formation!

The clone's hands kept dancing, waving while approaching, and constantly attacking Qin Ming's burly body.

After giving Qin Ming more than 20 blows in one breath, the clone finally dissipated.

Qin Ming, who put his hands in front of him and took this set of attacks, was beaten and slid back more than three meters away.

Chizuru Kagura, who had two special moves, sealed and hit continuously, finally stopped attacking at this time and looked at Qin Ming with frowning eyebrows.

Qin Ming, who finally got a chance to breathe, also lowered his arms that were constantly smoking, and looked up at Chizuru Kagura with a serious expression.

Weird clone ability! Lightning-fast speed! And the outrageous effect of sealing skills when hitting!

Qin Ming had to admit that he was a little stunned by Chizuru Kagura and didn't know how to fight back.

But that's all. Although Chizuru Kagura's set is very strong, it's purely overthinking to expect to defeat him with this!

Because Qin Ming, who had to withstand the opponent's burst, unexpectedly found that Chizuru Kagura, who was very shameless in front of him, didn't seem to have much attack power.

To be precise, it was very low.

How low was it? Let's just say that Chizuru Kagura hit Qin Ming with a set of special moves, but she couldn't break the defense at all!

This woman's strength value! It's not even 35 points!

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