Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 377 The Return of the Strong One!

The opening match was a grudge match, which undoubtedly completely aroused the emotions of the audience.

The information of the fighters who made it to the finals is no longer a secret, and has been dug up by the media and the audience.

Even some players with legendary life experiences or outstanding looks have their own fan clubs.

For example, Hungry Wolf Terry, Invincible Dragon Sakazaki Ryo, Kusanagi Flame Kyo Kusanagi, etc.

In addition to these masters who already have legends in the world, beauties like Mai Shiranui, King, and Blue Marie also have their own fan clubs.

Especially Mai Shiranui, the number of fans is even more frightening, after all, her outfit when fighting is too pleasing to the eye.

As she walked into the entrance of the huge arena, Mai Shiranui had just appeared, and deafening cheers rang out all around.

A large number of fanatical fans waved their flags wildly and kept shouting Mai Shiranui's name.

Mai Shiranui enjoyed the feeling of being the center of attention. She was wearing a gorgeous kimono, holding a paper umbrella in her hand, and glanced at Qin Ming in the distance with pride.

But her pride did not last long, because before the cheers here ended, louder cheers suddenly rang out from all directions.

"Athena! Athena! Athena!"

A team walked in from the entrance on the other side with a neat roar. The visitors were the famous superpower team.

Kensou Shii, known as the King of Packers, Zhen Yuansai, the famous Chinese fighting master, and the popular singer! A top-notch popular existence! Appearance! Athena Asamiya!

With a flashing figure, she appeared directly under the lights by teleporting. She was wearing clothes similar to sailor suits. Athena Asamiya spread her legs and raised one arm, shouting excitedly.

"Hello! Friends!"

As soon as Athena Asamiya finished speaking, the audience who saw her responding were completely ignited and cheers came one after another.

Is Mai Shiranui popular? The answer is of course she is very popular.

This world is very fond of force, so fighters are very popular.

Mai Shiranui is not only very strong, but also very beautiful. Most importantly, she has a hot body, so it is hard not to be popular.

But the problem is that her popularity depends on who she is compared with. Compared with ordinary fighters, Mai Shiranui is naturally more skilled than others.

But if compared with Athena Asamiya? That's far worse!

A superpower! The main C of a girl group! A super idol singer! And a famous fighter!

This Athena Asamiya is almost full of buffs! Three Mai Shiranuis may not be able to beat her in popularity!

Looking at the brilliant appearance on the opposite side, and extremely skilled in inciting the emotions of the audience, turning the entrance of all the contestants into a personal show, Athena Asamiya.

Mai Shiranui, who was instantly robbed of the limelight, pouted in dissatisfaction.

"A bunch of damn lolita lovers."

At the same time, just when the superpower team of Asamiya Athena entered the arena, Qin Ming, who was standing in the contestant team, had already widened his eyes in shock, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Zhen Yuanzhai, a white-bearded old man who was following Asamiya Athena towards the arena, holding a wine gourd in his hand and walking unsteadily, looked very sloppy and inconspicuous. He instinctively looked up at this moment and looked at Qin Ming with some doubts.

Then he retracted his gaze, opened the wine gourd as if nothing had happened and started to drink again.

Hearing the gurgling sound of drinking here, Athena, who was still greeting the audience enthusiastically, hurriedly turned around and ran over, trying to snatch the wine gourd away.

"Master! Didn't you promise me! Only drink one pot a day! Why are you still drinking! We still have to compete later!"

Zhen Yuanzhai, who quickly dodged, grinned with a red wine nose, and looked drunk.

"Oh, in such a lively atmosphere, what's wrong with me drinking a little more? As for the competition later? I'm old and weak, so I can just go to the ring for show. You really have the heart to let me fight with others."


"Okay, okay, I won't drink anymore. I'll drink one more sip and then stop. That's fine, right?"

As he spoke, Zhen Yuanzhai put the wine gourd in his mouth and began to drink in big gulps.

He did drink only one sip, but it was a little too much.

Seeing this, Athena was completely furious and ran over to try to snatch it, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't touch Zhen Yuanzhai's gourd.

Looking at the chaotic team in the distance, Qin Ming frowned, and the shock in his eyes became more and more intense.

He had already turned on the dinosaur sunglasses and was frightened by the attributes of the three people.

This so-called superpower team! It's simply full of monsters!

I don't know if they are strong or not, but this attribute panel is definitely luxurious enough, extraordinary luxury.

As for how luxurious it is? Let's just say that! These three guys have S-level skills!

[Name: Asamiya Athena]

[Strength 30, Vitality 30, Agility 30, Efficiency 80]

[Skills: Ancient Chinese Martial Arts (B-level) Super Mental Penetration (B-level) Teleportation (A-level) Flash Crystal Wave (A-level) Crystal Super Shot (A-level) Phoenix FANG Arrow (A-level)]

[Bloodline: Magical Girl Bloodline (S-level)]

[Introduction: Hmm? Is there something wrong? ]

[Name: Shii Kensou]

[Strength 40, Vitality 40, Agility 40, Efficiency 40]

[Skills: Ancient Chinese Martial Arts (B-level) Meat-eating Bun (B-level) Immortal Qi Activation (A-level) Dragon's Sorrowful Fierce Kick (B-level) Dragon's Heavenly Dance Kick (A-level)]

[Bloodline: Dragon's Qi (S-level)]

[Introduction: I am an adventurer. It is normal to recover blood by eating. How dare you also recover blood by eating! ]

[Name: Zhenyuanzhai]

[Strength 45, Body 45, Agility 45, Spirit 45]

[Skills: Ancient Chinese Martial Arts (S-level) Bombing Fence Flame Cannon (A-level) Bombing Fence Summoning (A-level)]

[Introduction: You can't beat him when you are sober, and you can't beat him even more when you are drunk, because after drinking some wine, he will be even more reckless]

Three guys! Two of them have S-level bloodline! Those skills are almost overwhelming!

The other one is even more outrageous! He actually has a fighting skill of up to S-level! What kind of monster is this!

Looking at the attributes of the three people in the distance, Qin Ming was dumbfounded at this time.

He had only seen such luxuriously equipped characters a few times, and the previous ones were either the final boss or the super villain.

They actually appeared in front of him!

The most important thing is that the three people in front of him have luxurious configurations, but their basic attributes are not high, especially the first two, who are standard skills to throw monsters.

Although this kind of person is strong, he has a fatal weakness. He is very afraid of being attacked by others and is easily targeted by adventurers.

If there was no Zhen Yuanzhai who possessed S-level fighting skills next to him, Athena Asamiya and Kensho Shii, these two walking super treasure chests, would probably have been opened by someone long ago!

Qin Ming retracted his gaze and kept turning his head to scan the surroundings. Looking at the masters who entered the finals, looking at their terrifying attributes, Qin Ming's expression became more and more amazed.

And as he looked at it, Qin Ming suddenly froze, and his pupils shrank violently.

Because he saw an incredible guy in the crowd! A guy who shouldn't be here!

Among the twenty-four participating teams, in an inconspicuous adventurer team, there was a big man wearing a black cloak, standing there motionless, with his head down so that people couldn't see his true face.

And through the glasses, his name was... Rugal!

The final big boss of King of Fighters 95! The president of the transport company who should have been dead at this time! Fighting Emperor Rugal!

[Name: Rugal]

[Strength: 60]

[Constitution: 60]

[Agility: 60]

[Spirit: 60]

[Skills: Emperor Fighting Technique (A-level) Final Roar (A-level) Giant Suppression (A-level) Death Scream (A-level) Bloody Slaughter (A-level) Incomplete Killing Intent Wave (A-level)]

[Introduction: Ordinary Rugal? Omega Form Rugal? No! What you are facing now! Is God Rugal! 】

Qin Ming's eyes were fixed on Rugal in the distance, looking at the skill on him that should not appear in this world, the ultimate power of the Street Fighter world: the killing intention wave, and his eyes were wide open.

And as if he felt his gaze, Rugal, who was wearing a hood on his head and covering his entire face, slowly turned his head and looked at him.

The electronic prosthetic eye with a flashing scarlet eye made Qin Ming shudder.

The King of Fighters game and Street Fighter game have been linked together, and as one of the final bosses, Rugal has also fought against Gouki in the King of Fighters world.

And there are two endings for both sides. One is that Rugal wins, kills Gouki and plunders the opponent's killing intention wave, becoming the so-called God Rugal.

The other is that Gouki wins, swallows the blood of Orochi, and evolves into the God Gouki.

But this is just a plot linkage, which does not mean that the two worlds are connected.

This guy who should have died in front of him! Why is he here now? Why does he have the killing intention wave skill?

Rugal was already very strong. He was the ultimate boss who was ranked in the top three in terms of oppression. He was also the strongest fighter at the peak of human combat power without special bloodline.

Now he has merged with the killing wave. Even if it is an incomplete killing wave, this guy's strength is probably...

Qin Ming quickly retracted his gaze and was extremely shocked at the moment.

He found that this situation was completely beyond his control. There were too many masters who showed up this time.

The champion of jumping off the building, the enemy of the Garou brothers, the overlord of South Town, Gis, who jumped off the building several times in a row and didn't die.

His brother, the arms emperor Krauser, who was no less powerful than him.

With the former overlord of South Town, Mr. Bigg, who was defeated by Ryo Sakazaki.

The three guys in this BOSS team are all first-class fighters! And they are the best among them!

Plus Ryo Sakazaki! Terry! Iori Yagami! Chizuru Kagura! Kyo Kusanagi! Weiss! Mai Zhuo! These first-class masters!

This time, the dragon and the tiger have already gathered, and now there is such a Lugar who should have died but now returns in a stronger state, and the final boss Goenitz!

Wow! How many super bosses are here this time!

If a melee really happens! I'm afraid ordinary masters don't even need to be beaten! The aftermath alone can shock them to death!

His breathing began to become heavy, and his eyes began to become ferocious.

Qin Ming, who lowered his head and remained silent for a few seconds, suddenly raised his head and looked at Lugar again.

The direct gaze here caused Lugar to turn his head and look over again.

The two people, whose eyes were all flashing red, met each other's eyes. After staring at each other silently for a few seconds, Qin Ming took the lead in making a move.

He raised a thick arm and patted the biceps above with his other hand arrogantly.

And this move! It is Lucard's signature move!

Provocation! Naked provocation!

Seeing this move, Lucard's eyes glowed red. Looking at Qin Ming's burly figure, he was not angry, but grinned and stretched out his hand to gently gesture on his neck.

Recognized me? He dared to provoke me after recognizing me!

Not bad! Good courage! Good figure!

He! Qualified to be made into a sculpture! Become his own collection!

The two who provoked each other retracted their gazes at the same time, and Qin Ming, who lowered his head, had an obvious smile on his face.

He felt that the blood in his body was boiling, and the uncontrollable excitement was brewing in his body.

He didn't know whether this excitement came from himself or from the influence of his character brought by his flesh and blood absorption skills.

But it didn't matter! He only knew! He liked this emotion!

He! Likes to challenge the strong! Longs for fighting!

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