Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 386 Skill and Strength

Raising his hand and swinging it, he instantly performed a series of moves. Under the bloody claw shadow, Athena Asamiya, who could stand among the first-class warriors with her special ability, was severely injured on the spot.

In the blood splattering, before Athena Asamiya spun and landed, Lucard had already swung his hand and shot a energy ball, trying to completely eliminate Athena Asamiya by chasing.

But before the energy ball hit the target, Athena Asamiya in the air had already moved strangely. It turned out that Zhen Yuanzhai, who had climbed up from the ground, threw out the gourd with all his strength to pull her over.

Looking at Athena being pulled away by the rope, and then looking at Zhen Yuanzhai who was struggling to stand up on the opposite side, Lucard's eyebrows twitched.

"Even though you are injured like this, you still have the leisure to care about other people's lives. It seems that the injury is not serious enough."

Hearing this, Zhen Yuanzhai covered the wound that was bleeding, and said nothing with a stern face.

Seeing Lucard striding towards him, he suddenly threw the wine gourd at him with all his strength.

Hearing the sound of the wind, Lucard instinctively chopped the gourd into pieces on the spot.

Almost at the moment when the gourd broke, a raging fire came towards him.

Skill! Bombing Flame Cannon!

Bombing Flame Cannon is already very lethal, not to mention that with the gourd breaking, Lucard was splashed with wine at this moment.

As the flames hit, Lucard's whole body was ignited by the flames in almost an instant.

And before this side could find a way to tear open the sea of ​​fire, Zhen Yuanzhai seized the opportunity and rushed out quickly, and after getting close, he threw a punch.

This punch! It's no longer a drunken fist! It's an extremely fierce Bajiquan!

Boom! Hammer! Drill! Collapse!

Zhen Yuanzhai swung his arms and hit him in a series of blows after getting close to his face. His sudden change of fighting style successfully caught Lucard off guard.

After he was hit several times, he waved his arms and finally adapted to Zhen Yuanzhai's new fighting style. Zhen Yuanzhai slipped and switched from the extremely fierce Bajiquan to the wandering Bagua Youlongzhang.

Then the Great Sage was dressed! The Eight Wonders of Xingyi! Taiji Youshen! Even Yongchun Inch Jin!

He switched his boxing techniques madly and launched violent attacks around Lucar.

Whenever Lucar adapted to the offensive, he would immediately switch to another move and continue to attack fiercely.

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzhai had used all his life's learning and told Lucar with practical actions why he could be called a martial arts master when he was young.

The changes of Xingyi! The fierceness of Baji! The speed of the spring leg! The flexibility of Taiji!

Facing this pure skill, even Lucar, who was known as the fighting emperor, was stunned for a while.

Obviously, his speed far exceeds that of his opponent, and his strength can easily crush his opponent, but no matter how Lucard defends or attacks, he will always be broken in an instant.

It is not a counterattack, but a pure advance prediction. Just through the brief fight just now, Zhen Yuanzhai has completely seen through Lucard's simple and rough boxing! And began to target it!

Boxing skills! Leg skills! Grappling! Even joint skills! All kinds of martial arts are used in turn!

Lucard, who can't keep up with Zhen Yuanzhai's rhythm at all, was beaten to protect his head with both hands in the end, and stopped trying to attack, and began to defend with all his strength.

One minute, three minutes, five minutes, as time passed, the crackling sound was endless.

After the two of them attacked and defended for more than six minutes, this peak duel of strength and skills finally ended.


A deafening loud noise came out, and Lucard, who had been protecting his head and passively taking the beating, suddenly had a red light flashing in his eyes, and threw a fierce punch.

And this punch was all-out.

Skill! Giant Suppression!

This is a special skill imitated from one of the Eight Heroes, the Swift Ghost Leopard Mai Zhuo, which is fast and fierce when activated.

Relying on the speed-enhancing wave of killing intent, Lucard grabbed Zhen Yuanzhai's neck like lightning, dragged Zhen Yuanzhai, and rushed out more than 20 meters.

Then he suddenly detonated the killing intent wave, blasting Zhen Yuanzhai to blood on the spot, and threw Zhen Yuanzhai out with all his strength.

Looking at Zhen Yuanzhai who rolled several times in a row, slid and hit the wall head-on, and smashed countless cracks on the wall on the spot, and sat there against the wall, Lucard slowly stood up and suddenly reached out to wipe his cheek.

Wiping off the blood flowing down his cheek, looking at Zhen Yuanzhai who was struggling and trying to get up on the opposite side, Lucard's expression was very serious at the moment, and his eyes were boiling with killing intent.

He won the fight in the end, but he was not happy.

Because he did not win because of his strength, but because of his youth and strength.

He was able to catch Zhen Yuanzhai and kill him instantly, not because he could keep up with his reaction, but because the old man's physical strength could not keep up and his speed slowed down.

"Old... Zhen Yuanzhai, I now admit that you are a qualified opponent. You are qualified to become my collection after death."

His hands slowly clenched, and the killing intention wave formed a blood-colored vortex around him. Lucard's eyes were ferocious and extremely cruel.

"You old thing! Why can't you be born twenty years later! Defeating you in this state! It's really not happy!"

As he spoke, Lucard strode towards Zhen Yuanzhai again.

Zhen Yuanzhai, with blood flowing from his mouth, struggled to stand up with his hands against the wall, and his breathing had become extremely heavy.

He had no chance of winning the duel with the guy in front of him from the beginning.

Because he couldn't beat the other party at all! He couldn't beat this monster with a physique amplified by killing intention waves!

Pure skill! Ultimately defeated by pure power!

Zhen Yuanzhai stood up shakily and leaned his back against the wall. Although his hands were already trembling, his eyes were still sharp and he was still gritting his teeth to protect the room behind him.

Lucard frowned when he noticed Zhen Yuanzhai's action and looked at the room behind Zhen Yuanzhai with some confusion.

"What are you protecting? Family? Lover? Son? It doesn't matter. Since you are a qualified opponent, I can promise you to spare the life of the guy inside."

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked around. Looking at Asamiya Athena, who had been severely injured and was being protected by Kasamoto Eri, and Fujido Kasumi, who was already unable to defend herself as the number of people increased, he suddenly curled his lips and showed a disdainful expression on his face.

"After all, these rubbish don't even have the qualifications to die in my hands."

Raising his hand and making a grabbing gesture, red light flashed in his palm, his expression became extremely ferocious and excited, and he once again used the giant crushing skill, rushing towards Zhen Yuanzhai who was leaning against the wall at high speed.

"Old man! You will die in the hands of the fighting emperor! Exit as a fighter!"


With a flash of blood, Rugal jumped over a distance of ten meters in an instant and crashed straight into Zhen Yuanzhai.

But the expected scene of the wall exploding and Zhen Yuanzhai being pierced by a claw did not happen.

Rugal, who raised his hand and stabbed straight, was completely stopped in front of the wall.

Stretching his left arm, Rugal stopped charging and stared at the front with wide eyes in disbelief.

In front, behind Zhen Yuanzhai, who was leaning against the wall, the wall had already exploded. A sturdy arm broke through the wall and also made a straight thrust. It held hands with Lucard and forced Lucard's ultimate move to stop.

Two red lights suddenly lit up at the gap in the wall where a big hole was punched.

The next second, as the wall collapsed, a man with an extremely burly figure, probably three meters away, and a huge horn on his forehead, hit the wall with his body and broke through the wall.

"Half-time! Substitution!"

A deep voice sounded, and Qin Ming, who had activated the dinosaur form, punched out fiercely.

Seeing this scene, Lucard's pupils contracted, and he hurriedly followed with a punch.

With a loud bang, Lucard's legs slid and flew backwards, while Qin Ming's legs pushed the ground hard, instantly shaking the floor tiles and causing dense cracks.

Zhen Yuanzhai, who was standing in the middle, saw Rugal being forced back and turned his head to look behind him.

After seeing Qin Ming come out of retreat, his tense nerves finally relaxed, and he suddenly collapsed to the ground in the next second.

But before he fell to the ground, Qin Ming had already reached out to hold him up.

Looking down at the little old man in his arms, who was only less than 1.5 meters tall and had an extremely hunched figure, and looking at his scarred appearance, Qin Ming took a deep breath.

"You go and rest, leave the rest to me... Master."

Letting go of Zhen Yuanzhai, he slowly stood up and looked at Rugal, with a fierce light flashing in Qin Ming's eyes.

"You like to fight, right? What's the point of bullying an old man in a nursing home! I'll fight with you! I'll fight with you until you die!"

Rugal, who was forced back by a punch on the opposite side and was shocked by Qin Ming's strength, laughed in anger when he heard the words.

"You are another low-class person who came out from there! You dare to challenge me!"

With a swing of his arms, Lukar suddenly crossed his arms and roared.

"Go! Kill him!"

Hearing this, the adventurers who had been roaming around, mainly to grab the key at the last moment, looked at each other fiercely.

Nodding to each other, they charged towards Qin Ming without hesitation, and during the charge, they had already shot out energy balls.

Charge! Hadoken!

Looking at the whistling energy ball, Qin Ming's pupils shrank, and the next second he suddenly roared, raised his arms high, and slapped the ground with all his strength.

Skill! Imitation-Fighting Storm!

The blood gushed out with a roar! Instantly, a blood-colored barrier formed in front of Qin Ming! Like a wall... No! Not like! This is a wall! A solid wall condensed from blood!

The blood gushing from the ground! At this moment, it turned into a solid! Solidified into a whole piece!

There were loud rumbling noises. Six consecutive wave punches exploded on the blood wall, but they failed to penetrate it at all, and only caused blood to splash.

As the bombing ended, the blood dispersed on its own initiative. Qin Ming strode out of the scattered blood with a stern face.

An adventurer who had already rushed to the vicinity saw this and flew up and kicked with a whirlwind kick at high speed.

As a result, he didn't kick the person, but kicked a blood ball that was shot over.

As the leg collided with the blood ball, in the shocked eyes of the adventurer, the blood ball actually exploded from it, turning into countless blood-colored solid fragments flashing with cold light in the air, and shot towards him at the same speed.

In an instant! The adventurer was hit by dozens of blood blades! His body was pierced with holes!

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