Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 389 The End of the Emperor

Lukar's eyes widened when he realized something was wrong, and he desperately tried to control the two forces in his body.

However, Tianguo's bloodline and murderous intent, which had completely gone berserk at this time, would continue to obey his command.

120%! 150%! 200%!

The two forces, which were completely beyond his endurance, were still growing and evolving crazily.

One is desperately absorbing the murderous intention of the soul, and the other is desperately plundering the power of nature.

This caused a huge energy vortex to appear with Lukar as the center. At this moment, Lukar's body, located in the middle of the vortex, had begun to dissolve and expand rapidly, becoming larger and larger, and more and more bloated.

Gradually, Lukar, whose body began to disobey orders, locked his eyes on Qin Ming's retreating back. His palm, which had been trying to gather strength to intercept Qin Ming, suddenly loosened and dropped sharply.

"I am the master of power, I am... I am..."


A huge roar suddenly sounded. After struggling for a long time, Lukar, who could no longer maintain his body, exploded from it.

The violent shock wave tore apart all the surrounding buildings, and its power continued to spread in all directions, even forming a small mushroom cloud.

Hearing the noise, Qin Ming, who had already walked back to Kasamoto Miles and others, hurriedly controlled the blood to turn into a barrier to protect this side.

After holding on to the barrier and resisting for more than thirty seconds, the terrifying explosion finally dissipated.

When Qin Ming withdrew the blood, he found that a huge pit had appeared on the ground in front of him. As for Lukar? It has long since disappeared.

Qin Ming walked into the pit and looked at the key with a strange luster in the middle, his face expressionless.

And this key is no longer gold, but bronze.

Legendary key! The top key that Qin Ming has never obtained!

Even though he did not die in Qin Ming's hands, but lost control of his power and blew himself up, Lukar still revealed to Qin Ming a legendary key that he had never obtained.

It even killed a bunch of adventurers who were secretly watching the show, as well as the innocent natives of the King of Fighters world.

Bending down to pick up the key, Qin Ming suddenly sighed as he looked at the bronze key in his hand.

"Lucar, you win this time."

The more advanced the skill, the more it will affect the user's psyche, and this is especially true for the fluctuating killing intent.

Even heroes like Gouki were driven crazy by this kind of power. You can imagine how terrifying the impact of fluctuations in murderous intent is on your character. It is definitely far superior to the two powers Qin Ming has mastered.

But even with this outrageous power and the blood of the Kingdom of Heaven that was not weaker than it, Lukar was able to control it perfectly.

That’s right! It’s just perfect control! Lucar's character was not affected by these two forces! Until the moment of death! He is still him!

At this point, he surpassed Qin Ming by many. After all, Lukar, the self-proclaimed fighting emperor, would never allow power to affect his character, even the power of a god.

Of course, he eventually died because of his character, his contempt for power, and his own pride.

This would not have been the case for Qin Ming. After acquiring the abilities of absorbing flesh and steel, Qin Ming had tried to use them together, but he had never tried to force the fusion.

First, he was afraid that something would happen and he would get himself killed, and second, he was also affected by these two forces.

Qin Ming's two S-level powers, one makes Qin Ming very violent, and the other makes him very reckless.

But both of them followed their instincts and chose to avoid each other. You played with yours inside, and I played with mine outside in front of everyone. No one crossed the line.

After all, fights will break out when boundaries are crossed, and once they fight, they will go on to the death to determine the winner.

I don’t know who will win in the end, but the host is definitely dead, just like Lukar.

Therefore, the two forces have been avoiding the minefields and guarding their own Chu-He-Han realm, until Zhen Yuanzhai used the secret treasure of the Drunken Fist Sect to get them drunk and help them sign a cooperation agreement...

After putting away the keys, Qin Ming turned and left with a straight face, feeling very bad at the moment.

As for why he was still in a bad mood after receiving a legendary key?

nonsense! Suppose you see someone taking the same route as you! Accidentally took it off! I blew myself up in front of you! Can you feel better?

Two incomplete powers turned Lukar into a human bomb!

Then Qin Ming has two complete S-level skills in his body! And there will be points in the future! Maybe there will be a few more!

Good guy! The two guys were already fighting like this when they met! If four or five S-level skills meet! I'm afraid I have to pull him off on the spot!

no! We must find a way! You have to ask yourself about that cheap master! Does he have any spare potions?

Otherwise, the two skills of Steel Body and Flesh Absorption now live in peace!

But one day the third S-level skill will be released! This signed a peace agreement between the two parties! You can't join forces to attack Poland!

There will be no trouble at the same time! I'm afraid he will disappear too!

Fortunately, I was poor before! No money to get a third S-level skill! Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't have time to see Zhen Yuan Zhai! You've already killed yourself!

Returning to the ruins, Qin Ming tried to find Zhen Yuan Zhai who was wholesale ordering potions. As soon as he got close, he found that something was wrong here.

At this time, Zhenyuanzhai was lying on a big stone with many scars. Kneeling next to him was Athena Asamong, who was also seriously injured and had a nervous look on her face.

Looking at Zhen Yuan Zhai who was breathing heavily and looking pale, Qin Ming's expression changed and he ran over in a hurry.

broken! This old man wants to kick his legs!

"Master! Don't be in a hurry to die, Master! The bank card password... ah no! You should tell me the formula of the potion first!"

Qin Ming looked panicked after knocking Athena Athena away and supporting Zhen Yuanzhai.

If it weren't for the adventurer's potion, which couldn't be used by the plot characters, he would have poured the potion into Zhen Yuanzhai's mouth.

Seeing Qin Ming's safe return, Zhen Yuanzhai, who had been tense, finally breathed a sigh of relief and spoke weakly.

"you win?"

"So be it."

"As long as you win, Qin Ming, don't worry about the formula of the potion. This thing is drug-resistant and can only be used once by one person."

Looking at Qin Ming's burly body, Zhen Yuanzhai suddenly sighed, his eyes a little distracted.

"My child, the more powerful the power, the more it will affect your mind. As a teacher, I can only help you appease the power, but how to overcome their influence and control them in turn is not something that a teacher can help you with. You can only Figure it out on your own.”

"Disciple understands!"

"Furthermore, this appeasement only uses secret methods to barely maintain a balance between the two forces. Once one party becomes stronger and the two parties are no longer equal, then this balance will also be broken. How can we let them continue to live in harmony? Or maybe it's integrated, only God knows."

Looking at the sky with a pale face, Zhen Yuanzhai smiled bitterly.

"It seems that I am really old and no longer useful. I can no longer even teach my disciples. You can only take the next road by yourself. As a teacher, I can only lead you here. I am tired as a teacher." , Just let me rest for a while, old man."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhen Yuanzhai raised his hand and gently caressed Qin Ming's head, then weakly put it down.

Qin Ming bit his lip when he saw this scene, and the veins on his neck bulged. He lowered his head and remained silent for a few seconds before speaking in a low voice. At the same time, he raised his hand and gently touched Zhen Yuanzhai's still open eyes.

"Don't worry, master. I will definitely avenge the hatred between my senior brother and you. I, Qin Ming, am facing Tianfa... Huh? Why can't we get along? Are we so resentful?"

Halfway through the words, Qin Ming raised his hand and found that Qin Ming was stunned when he failed to close Zhen Yuanzhai's eyes.

He tried to reach out and wipe it, but it still couldn't be wiped off his eyelids, so Zhen Yuanzhai could rest in peace.

And as he stretched out his hand and wiped it hard twice, Zhen Yuanzhai could not close his eyes and said nothing. Instead, he suddenly raised his hand and hit Qin Ming's head, which made Qin Ming's head make a muffled sound.

"What are you smearing! I'm not dead yet!"

"Ah? Fake corpse?!"

"I lied to you! I was just tired and wanted to lie down for a while! Old man, I am so old! I was beaten like this again! Is there anything wrong with me lying down and taking a rest! You deceiver and destroyer of ancestors! You actually You dare to curse me to death! Do you want to kill me so that you can inherit the Zui Fist Sect’s estate?”

At this time, Zhen Yuanzhai was really pissed off. This meant that he reacted quickly. If he had been slower anyway, this guy in front of him might be able to put him in a coffin!

Although it is true that raising an apprentice is for the end! But there is no such way to deliver it! You're in a hurry to send it off, right?

Zhen Yuanzhai was hitting him while he was talking. Qin Ming, who had been hit several times on the head, finally recovered from the shock.

After reacting, with a flick of his hands, he threw Zhen Yuanzhai, who had been hugging him, out without saying a word. As he stood up, he kept patting his clothes with a look of disgust.

"What the hell! Why are you stirring up emotion when you're not dead! It made me reveal my true feelings for a long time! I can tell you, old man! I've already finished crying in advance! If you really die one day! Don't expect me to cry for you again. !”

"You bastard! I don't need you to cry to me! It's better for me to cry to you first, old man! I've cleaned up the house for you today!"

"Stop hitting me! I'm warning you! If you hit me again, I will turn against you!"

"What? You still dare to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors?!"

"Deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors? I'm so anxious that I stuff you into a coffin and cry... I even said don't hit me! Why do you, an old man, always hit others and you!"

"Nonsense! I also want to fight your top three! But I can do it!"

Facts have proved that Jiang is still very old, even if he is about to be beaten to death, but the old man Zhen Yuanzhai is still extremely fierce when he moves, and his moves go straight to the vital point.

Incarnated as the God of War of the Third Path, he ran towards the goal of sending the black-haired man to the white-haired man, and successfully beat away a certain guy who bullied the master and destroyed the ancestors of a powerful enemy who had just broken through the barrier and defeated him head-on.

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