Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 394 Soul-stealing and rampage

"Qin Ming!"

Looking at someone who had broken through his storm, Goenitz, whose body was collapsing at a high speed, suddenly struggled to raise his hand and pointed here.

With a shake of his arm, a black light instantly lit up.

Qin Ming, who saw this scene, charged at a high speed, while charging and trying to dodge the attack.

However, the speed of Goenitz's attack this time was far beyond his expectations.

Qin Ming had not had time to move his position, and with a slight shake of his body, he was hit.

The most important thing was that Qin Ming, who was hit, could not even react at first, and was still running at full speed.

It was not until he ran a few steps that he realized that something was wrong.

Looking sideways, he actually saw a round gap as big as a walnut on his left arm! The wound was extremely neat! It penetrated the entire shoulder! You can even see the other side directly from this side!


Qin Ming, who had not expected that his steel body would be broken so easily, could even be said to be powerless to resist. His face changed drastically for a moment. He turned his head and saw Goenitz continue to raise his hand to shoot at him, and hurriedly dodged desperately.

The black light kept flashing between Goenitz's fingers, and one black light spot after another shot out, destroying everything in its path. Nothing could resist even for a moment, and it would be penetrated and melted on the spot after being touched.

And this black light spot is the power of God that is superior to the blood of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Snake skill! Black particles!

At this time, Goenitz, who had fused two kinds of blood of the Kingdom of Heaven, could barely exert the power of God, but only barely.

This black particle skill is not complete. He can only shoot a small black dot, not a round fan.

But even this black dot is enough to kill anyone. Anyone hit by it will die in an instant.

This is not ignoring defense! It is not real damage! It was pure spatial power! Dimensional strike!

Moving his arms with difficulty, Goenitz, floating in the air, kept shooting at Qin Ming with a stern face.

Qin Ming, who had already been hit, dodged frantically, running around Goenitz in circles, approaching him in a roundabout way while running.

Goenitz, whose body was already close to the edge of collapse, had gained terrifying power, but he had also paid a great price. He no longer had the ghostly speed he had before, and now even moving was a problem.

This resulted in his skills being strong at this time, but his attack was slow, which was actually weaker for Qin Ming, who was already prepared.

Qin Ming, who was running and approaching in a roundabout way, dodged the shooting of black particles dozens of times in a row, and finally succeeded in getting close to Goenitz.

Before he even touched his face, he had already shot a blood ball with his hand.

Modified - Overlord Roaring Fist!

The blood ball solidified into a solid roared and accelerated, with an astonishing momentum.

Goenitz, who was approached by the attack quickly, did not make any dodging movements, but just raised his hand with a stern face and pointed.

The next second, with the energy condensing around, a white energy shield appeared.

Magic skill! Rebound shield!

With a buzzing sound, after Qin Ming's blood ball hit the shield, the two did not collide, but merged together strangely.

And in the next moment, the two fused energies turned into a larger blood ball and shot out!

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming raised his hand to try to control the blood, but found that the blood in front of him was completely out of his control.

He hastily condensed blood to block, but was bruised and bruised by his own blood ball on the spot, and his body was full of blood fragments.

He gritted his teeth and groaned, but did not retreat. Instead, he rushed to Goenitz with all his strength.

He raised his hand and grabbed it, but it was hit by Goenitz's black particle ray. The straight arm was almost pierced from head to tail by a black spot on the spot.

However, the arm that was shot through did not lose its combat effectiveness, but grabbed Goenitz's raised palm.

Qin Ming, with a ferocious expression, looked up and stared at Goenitz fiercely. With blood on his other hand, he suddenly clawed at Goenitz's face. Goenitz also stabbed with a knife without hesitation, aiming at Qin Ming's chest.

With a crash, the two of them attacked almost at the same time and hit the target almost at the same time, but the results were completely opposite.

Qin Ming, whose chest was pierced by a palm on the spot and completely pierced through Goenitz's arm, had his eyes wide open at this moment.

Qin Ming, who grabbed Goenitz's face with one hand and scratched five blood marks on his face, trembled wildly at the corners of his eyes.

He wanted to activate his ability, wanted to detonate the blood, and wanted to directly blow up Goenitz's head.

However, as he was hit by the opponent at this time! Qin Ming found that he couldn't move!

Stiff all over! Slow reaction! The speed slowed down countless times! The most important thing is that all his skills were also sealed! He couldn't use them at all!

He! Frozen in place!

The ultimate magic skill! Soul-diggering!

Qin Ming stared at Goenitz in disbelief, his eyes widened.

Goenitz, whose face had already shown countless cracks, suddenly raised his mouth.

"Have you forgotten that the so-called power of the Three Sacred Treasures Family was also a gift from the gods? How could it not have the power bestowed by the gods?"

Soul-diggering effect! Space freeze + time seal! It symbolizes the power of the eight-foot mirror and the eight-foot jade!

And the sun shines! That is the move of chaos-all things return to their origin! It symbolizes the power of Ama-Kume that can erase everything!

Qin Ming, who received a blow to the face that ripped out his soul, was completely sealed in place and could no longer move.

Looking at Qin Ming who was frozen in place, a smile slowly appeared on Goenitz's face.

Letting his face crack, he forcefully pulled out the arm inserted into Qin Ming's chest and spoke in a low voice.

"Qin Ming, it is too sad to be wiped out by the gods like an ant, so you should die fighting me as a fighter. This is the last dignity I can give you!"

The voice turned into a roar, and Goenitz suddenly began to pull hard.

The palm that pulled out Qin Ming's body was actually holding a translucent soul! The soul that belongs to Qin Ming!

There is a reason why soul-removing is called soul-removing.

Immobilize the opponent, and then forcibly extract his soul from the opponent's body. No matter what the opponent's ability is or what trump cards the opponent has, he will kill him with one strike.

this! It’s the secret of soul-drawing!

This is the so-called fatal attack! It’s a killing move that directly hits the soul!

Amidst the harsh tearing sounds, the other translucent Qin Ming was gradually pulled out of the body.

The place where the two Qins and Mings were connected to each other began to break apart as Goenitz pulled hard.

Qin Ming stared with wide eyes as his soul was gradually being separated, but he could do nothing. Let alone resist, Qin Ming found it difficult to even move, and his pupils were shaking violently.

He could feel that his body was gradually weakening and his physical body was gradually losing control.

Qin Ming is not afraid of death. After all, after being in the world for so long, who doesn't have a few life-saving cards in his hand?

Don't forget that Qin Ming still has a resurrection coin in his hand. The worst thing about resurrection is that Qin Ming has been prepared to use all means to kill Goenitz from the beginning.

But this way of death was completely beyond his expectation, dying with his soul ripped out? Is it the soul or the body that dies?

If the soul dies but the body does not die, but instead becomes a vegetative state, when time is up and the nightmare space summons your body back, but leaves your soul here, that would be embarrassing!

Qin Ming, who was desperately thinking about all his trump cards and trying to find a way to break the game, finally discovered sadly that he couldn't break this move at all.

After all, time seal, space freeze, and soul attack, these three powers together are too shameless.

Not to mention two S-level skills! You are equipping Qin Ming with S-level skills! He couldn't bear to be treated like this!

Isn't this the treatment the three artifacts used to deal with the big snake before?


Amidst the crisp sound, Qin Ming struggled desperately, but in the end he was unable to escape from this move. The soul that was dragged out was forcibly separated from his body.

Qin Ming's body was brain-dead on the spot, and his soul was sealed. His body finally got rid of the control of the soul-extracting skill, but he was stunned and unresponsive.

When Gornitz, who was floating in mid-air, saw this scene, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at the soul he had absorbed in his hand, and grinned.

"Life and fate have been divided, Qin Ming, farewell forever!"

Just as he was mid-sentence, a piercing scream suddenly came from Gonitz's mouth.

Feeling the severe pain in his arm, he turned around with a painful expression.

As a result, he discovered that his other arm, which was held by Qin Ming, had been disconnected from the middle.

And the one who cut off his arm! It's Qin Ming!

To be precise, it’s Qin Ming’s body!

Qin Ming's body, which had its soul taken out, was not the same as a normal human body at this time, so it turned directly into a motionless vegetative state.

On the contrary, the body that has lost its soul started to move on its own! In other words, it is more appropriate to use the word "violent" to describe it!

The body without a soul suddenly roared up to the sky, drooling from the corner of its mouth, and its eyes were red. It raised its arm and struck hard on Gonitz's other arm, cutting off the already extremely fragile arm on the spot.

Then the body exploded! Countless drops of blood shot out from his chest! Launch a sneak attack in an extremely sudden way! Goenitz was beaten on the spot and countless blood arrows shot out from his body!

Roaring, roaring, the body at this moment has been completely controlled by instinct, and this instinct comes from the steel body and the flesh-absorbing skill!

Raise your hand and grab it! The blood-red claw shadow sliced ​​open Gonitz's chest!

Open your mouth and roar! The bloody mouth bit directly at Gonitz's face!

At this moment, Qin Ming was going berserk with his body, and he was fighting without any rules. However, this way of fighting based on instinct was ten times and a hundred times more ferocious than the original Qin Ming!

For the control of two abilities in the body! It has reached an exaggerated level!

After reacting, Goenitz raised his hand and shot out a black particle move. The black light point successfully hit Qin Ming's head and cut off half of his head.

However, Qin Ming, who was missing half of his head, did not fall down. Instead, he took the opportunity to swoop in and hug Gonitz.

The next second! All the blood in the body is boiling! They actually poured out of the body one after another! He ejaculated crazily into Goenitz's arms!

In an instant, Goenitz was hit by countless blood arrows at close range. His body was riddled with holes, and his throat was bitten by Qin Ming, who had half of his head missing, causing blood to fly.

The severe pain made Gonitz subconsciously scream and continuously launch black particles, shooting at Qin Ming's body at close range in an attempt to make him let go.

However, Qin Ming, who went berserk, allowed his body to be riddled with holes in the black light. He refused to let go of his arms even to death, and was still tearing Gohnitz apart.

The head was cut open, the heart was pierced, and the internal organs were shattered.

Various fatal injuries appeared on Qin Ming, but they could not affect Qin Ming at all! Instead, he turned into a wounded beast! The attacks became more and more violent!

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