Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 4: Grabbing the Gun

"Sir, what kind of gun do you want to buy?"

Because of the tip, the staff was very enthusiastic at this time, and seeing this, Qin Ming also gave a quick answer.

"I want a more powerful one so that I can go out hunting. Do you have a hunting rifle or a shotgun?"

Hearing Qin Ming's words, the staff on the opposite side did not have any doubts. After all, the world of Dinosaur Fighting is a world where dinosaurs and humans coexist.

Because of long-term deforestation and environmental destruction, a flood came hundreds of years ago, submerging all buildings. The remaining humans had to hide in shelters and forcibly cut off contact with the outside world.

When the flood receded and they reappeared, they were surprised to find that the extinct dinosaurs had reappeared.

This is the background of the world of Dinosaur Fighting.

In this world where dinosaurs can be seen everywhere as long as you leave the city, buying a hunting rifle for self-defense is not a surprising thing.

It's just that because there are dinosaurs in this world, there are many restrictions on buying guns, especially large firearms with amazing lethality.

This is mainly to prevent people from hunting dinosaurs at will.

The staff member glanced at Qin Ming and suddenly asked softly.

"Sir, you......"

"My last name is Qin."

"Oh, then Mr. Qin, please show me your firearms license."


"Yes, you must have a license to carry large firearms. This is to prevent people from secretly hunting dinosaurs. Do you have your license?"

"Uh, this............ cough, I'm not really sure about the need for a license, because I haven't played with guns much before. This time I just came to see it on a whim. Hunting rifles require a license, so what about submachine guns and semi-automatic rifles?"

"That's even more necessary!"

"Hiss, is there anything that doesn't require it?"

"Yes, pistols."

Qin Ming's eyes lit up at the staff's answer, and he quickly changed his words without thinking.

"Then take a look at the pistols, bring me a few more, I'll pick them carefully, and when I'm used to using them, I'll get a license and come back to buy a large firearm to play with."

Qin Ming's answer made the staff sigh. After all, pistols are cheap, and he can't earn much commission from selling such things.

However, he did not say much, but quickly took out three pistols from the counter and gently placed them on the table.

"These three are more suitable for novices, small and light, and the recoil is not great, please take a look, sir."

In fact, the staff did not need to speak, the next second after the guns were taken out, Qin Ming had already approached directly.

Looking at the guns on the table, he could not help but frown, and a frustrated look quickly appeared on his face.

Because he found that the situation in front of him was somewhat inconsistent with his expectations. These guns are indeed equipment, but they can't be taken out of this world!

[Name: Browning Pistol]

[Quality: White]

[Category: Weapon]

[Equipment Requirements: None]

[Effect: Used with specific bullets, it can cause a fixed 10 points of damage. ]

[Introduction: Seven steps away! The gun is fast! Within seven steps! The gun is accurate and fast! ]

[Note: It is not a normal equipment and cannot be taken out of the plot world. 】

The last row of small characters was very small, but it was extremely dazzling in Qin Ming's eyes at this time, and all his plans in his mind went down the drain.

Just as he was gritting his teeth and considering whether to take a gun that could not be taken out of this world and use it first, he glanced at it, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he pointed to the cabinet next to him.

"Wait a minute! What kind of gun is that? It looks good! Take it out and have a look!"

"This one? Sir, this one is a handmade product, and the price is very expensive, so generally..."

Hearing Qin Ming's words, the staff quickly opened their mouths to refuse Qin Ming's request, but before he finished speaking, Qin Ming had already taken out another twenty-dollar bill from his pocket and threw it to him casually.

"Aren't guns meant for people to use? If you don't show it to people, why put it here? Take it out and let me see it. If it suits you, I'll buy it."

"Oh! Okay!"

Seeing Qin Ming's generous move, the staff quickly nodded and took out the handmade firearm inside.

And this gun was a revolver.

"The Nagant M1895 revolver can fire .38 bullets, has strong penetration, high accuracy, stable performance, and looks very beautiful. It is a good choice for close-fitting firearms."

The staff professionally introduced the information of the gun on the side, and Qin Ming had already picked up the gun at this time, lowered his head and carefully looked at the various details of the gun, and also checked its data.

[Name: Nagant Revolver]

[Quality: White]

[Classification: Weapon]

[Equipment Requirements: None]

[Attributes: With special bullets, it can cause 12 points of fixed damage per shot]

[Introduction: As one of the professional members of American Iai, the revolver may not be good enough, but it is definitely handsome enough! ]

After carefully observing for a long time, confirming that there was really no damn entry on this gun, and that it did not tell himself not to take it out of this plot world, Qin Ming's face flushed with excitement, and he quickly took the gun and gestured twice.

Then he frowned and couldn't help but glance at the staff next to him.

"Speaking of which, where are the bullets? There is only a gun but no bullets. What kind of gun is this for sale?"

Hearing this, the staff couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"Well, sir, we have a rule here that guns and bullets will not be placed in the hands of buyers together, otherwise it is easy to be dangerous."

"Huh? Are you afraid that I will rob you? I want to rob you before I rob you, I will give you a tip?"

"Ah, no, no, no, that's not what I mean. It's mainly for novices to use guns. If you load bullets, it is easy to cause accidental discharge, so......"

"So if you don't take out the bullets, I won't use the bullets and guns after I go home. I will play with them by myself after I go back, right?"

"Ah? This!"

"At least take out a few bullets and teach me how to load and use them. At worst, I won't pull the safety hammer."

Hearing Qin Ming's words and looking at his clumsy gun-playing movements, he really doesn't look like a gun master.

The staff who had already received a $40 tip from Qin Ming couldn't refuse it. After all, he was still counting on selling guns to make money.

Therefore, the staff quickly took out a box of .38 bullets from below and handed it to Qin Ming, and even enthusiastically taught him how to load and unload, and even aim and shoot.

Qin Ming, who quickly understood the working principle of this pistol, gradually began to become handy.

After reloading several times, he nodded with satisfaction, with a bright smile on his face, and loaded the bullets again.

Then, under the gaze of the staff opposite who also had a smile on his face, he pointed the gun directly at him.

"Come on, brother, rob, hold your head with both hands and turn your body around."

Looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, the staff didn't react for a while, and still had a silly smile on his face.

"Haha, brother, don't joke, this kind of thing is not a joke, you......"


Looking at Qin Ming, who was still smiling without saying a word, but his finger had already pressed the safety hammer.

The staff, whose smile froze on the spot, quickly raised his hands and held his head skillfully, and turned around obediently.

Looking at the clerk with his back to him, Qin Ming let out a long sigh, raised his gun and continued to aim, while looking under the table.

Then he saw that under the staff, where he could easily reach, there was a shotgun that had been loaded long ago!

Qin Ming's eyebrows jumped violently when he saw this scene, and he hurriedly reached out to grab the other three pistols and bullet boxes on the table, stuffed them into his pockets, and backed out of the room with the gun, and kept threatening while backing away.

"I'm still aiming at you! Don't move! Be careful of accidental discharge! Don't risk your life for other people's money!"

He quickly backed away and disappeared around the corner, watching the staff keep his hands on his head and his back to him from beginning to end.

After Qin Ming put the gun in his pocket, he turned around and walked away in a hurry in the alley.

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