Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 401 Loyal Angel

Angel's super kill is like a hammer, but Qin Ming, who has activated the energy wave to strengthen his defense, is an anvil.

The hammer hit the anvil, but neither side was able to gain any favor. Qin Ming, who was hit in the chest by a frontal hammer, almost lost his breath and had several ribs broken.

Angel, who was hit hard, felt that his elbow was completely disabled, and there was a heartbreaking pain from above.

The two guys lay on the ground back to back and waited for more than ten seconds before gradually recovering from the severe pain.

Qin Ming, who had quickly recovered from his injuries by relying on his self-healing ability, took the lead in getting up with his hands on the ground.

When he turned around and saw that Angel hadn't gotten up yet, he sped up and rushed over, hugged Angel's slim waist, swung it towards the ground and slapped it hard.

With a loud bang, Angel's upper body fell heavily to the ground, causing large cracks in the ground. However, Angel, who used his head to eat the blow, did not faint on the spot, and still acted as if nothing happened.

Instead, Qin Ming, who hugged her hard, screamed with wide eyes.

"Fuck! Why are you so heavy!"

Qin Ming hugged Angel hard! I almost didn't pick it up the first time!

The moment I hugged this seemingly short guy! Qin Ming only felt that the person he was hugging was not someone else! But a human-shaped weight!

Qin Ming instinctively exclaimed, causing Angel, who was covering the back of his head with his hands and grinning, to turn dark in an instant.

His hands suddenly reached out and hugged Qin Ming's waist. With the force of his arms, Angel, a woman only 1.6 meters tall! He actually hugged Qin Ming and threw him up! Use a very standard arch bridge throw! He knocked Qin Ming's head down and hit him behind him! Make a loud noise!

"Didn't your family tell you? It's very impolite to ask about other people's weight! I'm overweight!"

As he said this, Angel flew up and hit Qin Ming with another life-saving elbow.

As Qin Ming rolled away, she landed hard on the ground, and with a loud noise, dense cracks were created on the ground.

Looking at the ground that seemed to have been hit by a large pile driver with all its strength, Qin Ming's eyes twitched fiercely.

"What the hell do you mean it's not heavy? I can't even achieve this kind of effect!"

"Shut up!"

Angel, who missed the hit, spun up with his hands on the ground, stood upside down and kicked Qin Ming with his legs.

After Qin Ming dodged the attack, he stood up flexibly, suddenly turned around and ran towards the far wall.

"I won't play with you anymore! You silly guy! Bye bye!"

While he was talking, Angel was already pushing his legs on the wall, using the corner of the wall to move left and right, and nimbly jumped up to the roof.

.........Then with a crash, he successfully stepped through the roof of someone else's house and fell in.

Hearing the loud noise coming from above, Qin Ming, who had already gathered his strength to jump up, grabbed the edge of the wall with both hands and silently fell back to the ground.

Raising his hand to push open the door, Qin Ming looked expressionless as he looked at Angel, who was lying in the rubble in the room and was knocked dizzy.

"I said, you dare to go to the roof with such a huge tonnage, are you really lying to yourself?"

Hearing this, Angel, who was lying in the ruins, gritted his teeth and suddenly swept his arm hard, throwing a large amount of sand and dust towards Qin Ming.

While Qin Ming raised his hand to block it, she jumped up, turned around and hit the wall at full speed.

With a loud bang, Angel crossed his hands to protect his head and broke through the wall, running towards the distance without looking back.

He rushed onto the street, knocked out of the way of the car, and climbed over the three-meter-high wall with all his strength.

The moment it hit the ground, it hit the roof of a car behind the wall, shattering all the windows on the car and severely deflating the hood.

Angel, who was advancing so fast along the way, was so unstoppable that he had already rushed hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye.

He turned around and watched Qin Ming climb over the wall and jump over, smashing the flat car into pieces on the spot.

Angel suddenly kicked off the wall and dug into the wall with both hands, constantly shooting upwards like a gecko.

Every time her fingers hit the wall, there were obvious fingerprints on the top. You can imagine how terrifying the brute force is.

Angel, who climbed up to the twenty-third floor in one breath, only breathed a sigh of relief when he turned over and ran to the rooftop.

Panting, he turned over and lay down on the edge of the rooftop, even putting one leg outside. The wind blowing in Angel kept pulling hard on his collar, which didn't have much fabric.

"Huh! You are indeed a fighting champion! My strength is extraordinary! But I, Angel, am by no means an ordinary person! You didn't let me escape so easily!"

While talking, Angel rubbed the elbow that was still feeling severe pain.

She couldn't escape because the high-tech paralysis gloves on her hands could only paralyze once in a short period of time.

Relying on sneak attacks + instant bursts, she failed to seriously injure Qin Ming on the spot. If she didn't escape, she would really have no means of resistance.

Just as Angel was gasping for breath after escaping to the roof, there was a soft tinkling sound in her ear.

Angel was stunned when he heard the noise, and instinctively turned his head to look over.

As a result, she saw the elevator door on the rooftop of the nearby building open, and a familiar burly figure appeared in front of her...

After stepping out of the elevator, Qin Ming turned around and watched the elevator door close before turning to look at Angel.

The two of them stared at each other in silence for more than ten seconds. Finally, Angel reacted first and jumped up from the edge of the rooftop.

Raising his hand and pointing at Qin Ming, Angel's face flushed with anger.

"You, you, you actually took the elevator up! You have no martial ethics! You don't have the rules of the underworld!"

Hearing Angel's accusation, Qin Ming was confused.

"The elevator is there, why can't I take it?"

"Have you ever seen a hero catch a thief? It's not a speed competition with the thief! Instead, he chases him on horseback!"

"But I'm not a hero either? I'm usually responsible for playing the role of being chased by the hero! I don't have any experience in this area! How do I know there are such rules!"

Qin Ming's words choked Angel for a long time and he couldn't speak.

Looking at Qin Ming's appearance that looked like a bandit even without a mask, Angel also felt that it was a bit difficult for him to act as a hero chasing people.

After all, seeing him running up and down the eaves and chasing a person in the middle of the night, it's not certain who others will help if they see him.

Seeing Qin Ming walking towards her while talking, Angel suddenly screamed when she noticed him approaching.


"What's wrong?"

"I'm warning you! Don't come over here! If you come over again, I'm going to jump!"

"You jump... No! Why do you think you can threaten me by jumping off the building?"

"Because that's how it's usually played in the movies, and aren't you chasing me to inquire about the evil plan of the Nest Organization! To destroy the Nest Organization's cloning business! To destroy our organization's two branches here! To save the countless poor clones and modified bodies inside! I tell you! I, Angel, have always been loyal to the organization! The location of the branch under the West City Temple! And the location of the branch in the East City Luotian Building! I won't tell you a single bit of information! Just give up on this idea!"


"Goodbye! Big fool!"

After finishing speaking, Angel didn't give the confused Qin Ming any time to react, and just opened his hands and fell straight backwards in a cross shape.

Qin Ming, who didn't expect the woman to actually jump, rushed to the edge of the rooftop in a hurry.

When he looked down, he found that Angel, who had jumped, had disappeared without a trace!

In the building, Angel, who grabbed the wall with one hand during free fall, forced to slow down and broke into the window, was clapping his hands with a smug look on his face.

"Tsk, you big fool with no brain, you still want to fight with me, Angel? I'll give you two brains!"

As he spoke, Angel turned around and raised his feet, raised his hand and drew a rabbit ear gesture on his head, obviously very proud of his agility and quick thinking.

Then she turned around and saw flames gushing out of the window, and a familiar figure carrying a flame aircraft slowly fell from above...

Looking at Qin Ming flying in through the gap, the smile on Angel's face suddenly froze.

After reacting, she turned around and ran, and she ran, and Qin Ming chased behind her.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Angel wanted to cry but had no tears. She screamed.

"What are you going to do? I told you the address! I also told you two places! Why do you have to bite me? I didn't steal your wife!"

Hearing Angel's shout, Qin Ming kept a straight face and continued to chase her everywhere.

Finally, he blocked her in a corner.

Looking at Angel, who was leaning against the wall and looking at him nervously, with nowhere to escape.

Qin Ming, who stopped, suddenly put his hand into his arms slowly with a straight face.

Seeing his action, Angel was frightened and frightened. Her hands danced desperately, and she changed seven fighting starting positions in one second.

Then, standing on one leg, raising her knees and hands, Qin Ming finally took out the items he wanted to take under the nervous gaze of Angel, who was in a fighting posture. That was a small yellow book and a pen.

"Come on, sign your name."



"Oh, real name or stage name?"

"You have a stage name?"

"Yes, I'm thinking of trying my luck in the wrestling world."

"Sign your real name. When you become famous, you can sign your stage name."


Angel put down his raised legs, took the paper and pen, and quickly wrote his name. He looked at Qin Ming who turned around and left after putting away the notebook, and stood there in silence for a long time.

Until he saw Qin Ming was about to walk to the window, he looked down at his figure and suddenly spoke.

"Hey, you've cornered me, and you just let me sign?"

Qin Ming stopped abruptly when he heard this, and slowly turned his head to look over.

"Then what else do you want to happen?"

"I don't want anything to happen, but you make me lose confidence. I'm wearing such a cool outfit, but you only let me sign. What's the difference between you and a naked beauty, trying to grab her earrings?"

"…………I'd better grab the earrings. After all, with your weight, I'm afraid you'll break my hips."

With a bang, flames burst out, Qin Ming flew into the sky and disappeared on the spot.

Only Angel was left with his mouth open, and it took him a few seconds to recover from the shock.

With his hands on his chest, he shook his legs continuously with a stern face, and finally stomped his feet hard, forcing the ground to crack.

Angel spoke with an unhappy face.

"Bah! I'll sit on your face next time I see you! Break your skull!"

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