Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 407 Qin Ming's Hundred-Man Team

[This world is: The Second Act of the Knights of the Round Table]

[Mission Difficulty: C-level]

[Number of Entrants: 100]

[Main Mission: Kill a BOSS-level character by yourself]

[Mission Completion Reward: 5000 points, 5 free attribute points]

[Mission Failure Penalty: 1000 points]

[Optional Mission: Kill a protagonist or a plot BOSS by yourself]

[Mission Completion Reward: 10000 points, 10 free attribute points]

[Mission Failure Penalty: None]

[World Introduction: With the killing of the knight under the evil grand duke, the war between the Knights of the Round Table and the evil grand duke officially started. King Arthur, who had formed an army, officially declared war on the evil grand duke...]

[Note: This world is in killing mode]

Qin Ming, who slowly opened his eyes, was wearing the sound nest combat suit and followed by Kasamoto Eri, and his eyebrows frowned fiercely.

He had been to the world of the Knights of the Round Table once and got a lot of good things.

And now, he is back here again, and he is still returning from the last plot.

It has been more than a year since he last helped the village resist the invasion of the evil Grand Duke's army.

In this year or so, the Knights of the Round Table, who used to hide with more than a dozen guerrillas, have completely grown up and become a real army.

King Arthur has his own territory, troops, and even arsenals.

The once one-sided crushing situation has become a formal battle between the two sides.

And Qin Ming, who returned this time! The camp he chose is King Arthur's side!

And relying on the title effect! And the ability of the golden seal! He has obtained a considerable official position just after his debut!

He! Now he is a centurion under King Arthur's army!

Standing up and looking at the surrounding military camps, Qin Ming's eyebrows gradually frowned.

This time, a full hundred adventurers entered, and the most important thing is that it is still the sand killing mode, which is not easy to deal with.

And this time the camp title mission is also very unique.

[Title Mission 1: Knight of Glory]

[Mission Requirements: Find a way to become a member of the Knights of the Round Table]

[Completion Reward Blue Title: Knight of the Round Table (After entering the world, you will get a certain status at the beginning, instead of entering as an ordinary person)]

[Title Introduction: I am a member of the Knights of the Round Table! A general under King Arthur! A loyal partner of the Knight King! It is... ... what Altria! Not that King Arthur! ]

[Title Mission 2: Partner]

[Mission Requirements: The favorability with King Arthur reaches more than 600 points]

[Completion Reward Blue Title: Partner Knight (Each time the world can summon members of the Knights of the Round Table to help, there is a certain chance to summon King Arthur or the other two protagonists)]

[Title Introduction: Sleeping on the same bed! Sleeping with feet touching! This is my deep friendship with King Arthur! 】

[Title Mission 3: The Legend of the Sword in the Stone]

[Mission Requirements: Seize the Sword in the Stone]

[Complete to obtain the silver title: The Chosen One (after entering the world, start as a member of the protagonist group)]

[Introduction: The one who draws the sword first will be the king! The one who draws the sword later will be the king! Today! I am King Arthur! 】

Two blue and one silver, a standard title mission.

However, this time the title effect and mission requirements are very unique, especially the last one.

Seize the Sword in the Stone? Become the new King Arthur? This is not an ordinary difficulty!

Touching his chin, Qin Ming quickly withdrew his eyes from the title mission and looked at the exchange column of the protagonist camp.

He looked down on the low-level items, so he looked directly at the top-level goods.

Looking at the exchangeable items on King Arthur's side, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.

Originally, he was still having a headache about how to complete the title mission, but he never thought that there was a solution in this exchange item!

[Name: Knight of the Round Table Certificate]

[Classification: Special Consumables (Ordinary Silver Quality)]

[Effect: After use, you can obtain the identity of an ordinary Knight of the Round Table]

[Introduction: I am a member of the Knight of the Round Table! This is my ID card! ]

[Exchange Requirements: 10,000 Contribution Points]

A prop that can directly become a Knight of the Round Table! This is definitely a good thing!

And below the props! Several corresponding equipments are also thoughtfully prepared!

Dim silver level Knight of the Round Table armor, Knight of the Round Table sword, Knight of the Round Table helmet, Knight of the Round Table combat boots.

The exchange column can actually gather a complete set of Knight of the Round Table equipment!

As long as the contribution value is enough, it is really a transformation, wearing a suit and holding a certificate, directly mixing into the top of the organization, and ascending to heaven in one step.

As for how to obtain the contribution value of this camp? That's not easy, just kill!

Looking at the dazzling array of exchange items, Qin Ming instantly became energetic, suddenly stood up and clapped his hands vigorously, and shouted loudly.

"Everyone assemble!"

Hearing this roar, the soldiers around hurriedly gathered here and formed a battle array in a blink of an eye.

Qin Ming, who was standing at the front, looked up at the troops in front of him, and the excited smile on his face suddenly froze.

Because he found that the quality of his 100-man team was a bit low.

There was no armor, no weapons, and some soldiers were even wearing only cloth clothes and holding pitchforks in their hands.

Although the person holding this weapon is known as the pitchfork god of war and the nemesis of demon hunters.

But the problem is that you can use this thing to hunt demons, but you can use a pitchfork to stab a knight? Do you really think that the plate armor on the knight is a decoration?

Touching his chin, Qin Ming looked at the crooked troops in front of him with a very tangled expression.

After a long time, he clapped his hands fiercely.

"It seems that I have to be a warlord again! That guy! Count all the weapons for me! Bring them all over! I will arm an elite team first!"

The five-star emperor MacArthur, who was once famous in the entire Metal Slug world, won several victories, and even appeared on TV! Reappear!

From the tattered equipment on the ground, select some equipment that is recognized by the space and has attribute display, and quickly merge them.

Then select some strong and burly soldiers from the hundred-man team.

In just a blink of an eye, a guard unit belonging to Qin Ming made a brilliant appearance.

There are a total of ten people, wearing simple leather armor and holding iron manure forks in their hands, and the appearance still looks lame.

The only two soldiers in the team who looked better and could be considered as armored soldiers had their equipment pieced together.

One carried a tattered two-handed sword, and the other held a shield and sword.

Looking at the elite team of ten men in front of him, and then looking at the rest of the troops behind him who had no pitchforks, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction, quickly packed up the tent, and began to lead the soldiers to the battle.

The goal this time! Become King Arthur!

………… On the road, with the sound of footsteps, a grain transport team of more than 30 people was escorting the carriage forward.

Looking at the surrounding woods, a big man who took the lead and rode a tall horse in the front had sharp eyes and kept turning his head to scan the surroundings.

He was wearing heavy armor, a bull-horned helmet on his head, and an iron shield and a mace hanging beside him. He was a standard heavy-armored knight.

And the name above his head was: Bull-horned Knight!

Bull-horned Knight, a high-level soldier under the command of the Evil Grand Duke, was equivalent to an officer in the army, or a centurion.

Wearing heavy armor and arming themselves to impenetrable, they always like to rush to the front line. Their identities are no longer ordinary soldiers, but the lowest-level knights of the empire.

At this time, this bull-horned knight was ordered to lead the team to escort food and provide support to nearby towns.

After all, every town and fortress is a stronghold that the evil archduke's forces and King Arthur's forces are frantically robbing. Food and grass cannot be cut off, otherwise it will be a big deal.

Just when this bull-horned knight was riding a tall horse to open the way in front and constantly alert to the surroundings.

A voice suddenly came from the convoy behind him.

A man lying on the food and grass cart, wearing a tights, crossed his legs and spoke leisurely.

"Captain, you don't have to be so nervous. There are no regular troops nearby."

Hearing what the adjutant said, the bull-horned knight frowned.

"But there are quite a few guerrilla troops."

"Just those mud-legged troops who formed a group by themselves? With their fighting power, how could they be the opponents of our regular army?"

"It's always better to be careful. You should also keep an eye on it. If there is a problem with the food and grass, you and I will die."

"Yes, yes, yes! I obey your order!"

Although he replied, the man lying on the food and grass cart was still sitting with his legs crossed in the sun, with no intention of getting up. Obviously, he just agreed verbally.

Faced with the adjutant's disobedient behavior, the Bullhorn Knight was helpless. After all, the other party's status was not lower than his own. He was also a low-level knight, and he had no right to command the other party's actions.

Swift Knight, this is the profession of the adjutant, a kind of agile knight who is good at using swift swords.

One of them is invulnerable to swords and guns, and the other is as swift as the wind. Both of them are very powerful.

Among the more than 30 soldiers they led, 20 were ordinary swordsmen and 10 were heavy armor swordsmen.

Two small BOSS-level combat forces led ten elite monsters, and there were no regular troops around, so it was no wonder that the adjutant was so lazy.

Just as the grain transport team continued to move forward, several harsh wind sounds suddenly sounded from the woods.

Hearing the sound, the soldiers around the grain cart reacted very quickly and almost immediately found cover.

The captain riding a tall horse raised his shield and headed directly towards the distant woods.

The adjutant lying on the grain cart also rolled behind the car and raised his hand to draw the swift sword from his waist.

Under the nervous gaze of everyone, the woods in the distance shook, and the sneak attacker finally appeared!

Only the shouting and killing sound came, and a team of a hundred people, waving various weapons in their hands, came out of the woods and rushed towards this side frantically.

Dung fork! Hoe! Scythe! Even a wooden stick!

Looking at the attacking troops that looked like refugees, or more precisely, a group of refugees, in the distance, I saw a few of them holding homemade bows and arrows, running and pulling the bows, but the arrows were shot out, but they missed the target by a long way.

The grain-pressing troops, who were originally nervous, were speechless, and the adjutant even stood up from behind the bunker.

Compared to their speechlessness, Qin Ming, who was carrying a pitchfork and leading the charge, was very excited at this time.

He led the charge, waving his weapons and shouting while running.

After quickly running to the front of the grain team, he turned around and was about to shout a pre-war slogan, but he was suddenly stunned.

Because when he turned around, he suddenly found that the hundred-man team that was running forward with him just now was running slower and slower, and even stopped completely.

It was just a distance of a few hundred meters! They had already opened up a distance of at least thirty meters from him! At this time, they were holding pitchforks and looking at him from a distance!

And the ten-man elite team he carefully formed! It really lived up to the name of elite!

They stood bravely at the front of the crowd!

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