Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 416 The True Sacred Fork

With a loud bang, the heavy city gate fell to the ground.

Countless soldiers swarmed in, and the pitchforks forced the enemies on the opposite side to retreat again and again.

The castle of the evil grand duke was finally breached. Seeing that the knights were doomed, they began to flee in all directions, and the soldiers who rushed into the city began to chase and kill.

Among them, the elite troops led by King Arthur and Qin Ming were not confused by the scattered enemies, but went straight to the deepest part of the castle with a clear goal, ready to capture the king first.

With a creak, the door slowly opened, and the legendary evil grand duke Garibaldi finally appeared!

In the hall, on the throne, a very burly man wearing a silver armor and a crown on his head sat on it and looked at this side expressionlessly.

On both sides of him, there stood a full ten knights holding axes and guns and fully armed.

Before the man spoke, a terrifying pressure had already hit from the front.

A chain was wrapped around his right arm, and a star hammer hung at the end of the chain.

The king slowly stood up from the throne, holding the handrail, and finally spoke in a cold voice.

"I will make you pay the price!"

As soon as the voice fell, the doors on both sides of the throne opened, and a large number of well-equipped soldiers poured out. They were the last trump card of the evil grand duke: the king's guard!

They were all elite monsters, and there were also many bosses among them. The most important thing was that there were some adventurers in them.

This army of less than a hundred people had extremely terrifying combat power.

Of course, Qin Ming's side was not bad either. The super-enhanced militia under Qin Ming's command had extremely luxurious equipment.

The Knights of the Round Table under King Arthur were even better.

If the two sides really started fighting, it was really hard to say who would win.


His eyes were fixed on the evil grand duke, and Qin Ming, who was standing at the front with his troops, suddenly frowned.

Because of the evil grand duke on the opposite side! The data is not right!

[Name: Grand Duke Garibaldi (fake)]

[Strength: 70]

[Constitution: 70]

[Agility: 30]

[Spirit: 30]

[Skills: Extreme Impact (A-level) King's Leap (B-level) Dark Vortex (A-level)]

[Introduction: People have always thought that there is only one evil grand duke, but in fact there are two, the real emperor in the dark and the evil grand duke in the open, and this one is the evil emperor's younger brother! Allen! ]

True and false king! This is the most famous and classic BOSS configuration in the Knights of the Round Table game!

The silver-armored king and the golden-armored king, one is the king of infantry and the other is the king of cavalry, both of them are extremely difficult to deal with.

Qin Ming had already guessed about this matter on the way here, but when he saw that the king in front of him was really a fake king, and the fake king's attributes were so terrifying, his heart couldn't help but sink.

Compared with Qin Ming's astonishment, King Arthur next to him didn't think so much.

He only knew that the enemy had appeared and the final decisive battle had arrived.

He had been trying to prove that he was stronger than Qin Ming all the way, and he almost couldn't wait to rush towards Archduke Garibaldi.

The King's Sword in his hand flashed with light, and he spun with all his strength, and went up to hit him head-on!

The extremely sharp sword that could cut gold and jade and easily cut through any armor collided with the Star Hammer in the hands of the Evil Archduke.

With sparks flying, the two hit each other, and they were evenly matched.

The sharpness of the Sword in the Stone! It actually failed to cut the Star Hammer!

Seeing this scene, King Arthur widened his eyes in disbelief.

The Evil Archduke, who used his weapon to block the attack, suddenly showed a mocking smile in his eyes, and suddenly swept out with a hammer, hitting King Arthur's waist on the spot.

With a bang, King Arthur, who reacted at the last moment and hurriedly raised his sword to block, was still swung away in an instant.

The evil duke who had knocked King Arthur flying with one blow also spoke coldly at this moment.

"Knowing that you have a sharp divine weapon, do you really think that this king will not take targeted precautions?"

The Dark Hammer! The artifact that the evil duke specially crafted to deal with the sword in the stone! The material is extremely special! It has the characteristic of never being damaged! It can be said to be the natural enemy of the sword in the stone!

When they failed to pull out the sword in the stone and became the so-called chosen king, the evil duke brothers had already begun to think of ways to create a weapon that could restrain this divine weapon.

Not only weapons! They also tried to create a set of armor made of the same material! So that they could completely ignore the power of the sword in the stone!

It's a pity that although the armor was built, the weight was beyond imagination and it was impossible to wear it.

Otherwise, what Qin Ming and his friends would have to face at this time would be a truly invulnerable monster.

Looking at King Arthur who flew into the wall and smashed it, the evil duke laughed wildly, took heavy steps, and led his troops to rush towards Qin Ming.

"The King of the Holy Fork, right? The Holy Sword is no match for me! Where is your fork? Show it out!"

While speaking, the evil duke threw out the star hammer, and the hammer dragged by the chain shot at Qin Ming's face, but he raised his arm to forcibly block it.

Looking at the evil duke who pulled the chain to take back the hammer, Qin Ming, as the king of a country, could not help but respond when he heard his blatant provocation.

So Qin Ming immediately chose to fight!

He raised his arm high and suddenly took out a... rice fork.

Then, in the face of the confused expression of the evil duke on the opposite side, he rushed forward first.

"In the name of the Holy Fork! Warriors! Charge with me!"


The shouts were continuous, Qin Ming, holding a small fork, rushed to the front, and countless soldiers followed with weapons.

Looking at the small fork in Qin Ming's hand at the front, the evil duke finally came back to his senses from the shock and laughed at him.

"Are you here to make fun of me! Even the Holy Sword is not my opponent! How can your small fork possibly..."


Before the voice fell, a crisp sound was heard.

It turned out that as the two of them were fighting, the evil duke, who instinctively raised his weapon to block the fork, had his indestructible dark star hammer pierced directly by the rice fork...

Looking at the funny fork that pierced through his magic weapon like cutting tofu and almost stabbed him in the face, the mocking smile on the evil duke's face suddenly froze, and his eyes were even more rounded in disbelief.


Just when the evil duke was shocked, Qin Ming had already grabbed his weapon and forcibly picked up the weapon in the evil duke's hand. While hitting him hard, he grabbed the rice fork in his hand and started to stab wildly.

As the saying goes, an inch shorter, an inch more dangerous, accompanied by a continuous click, the small fork in Qin Ming's hand was like poking tofu, constantly piercing the evil duke's treasured armor, successfully causing a series of -1-1-1-1 damage to the evil duke.

Well, there is no way, the fork is too short, and there is armor in between, it really can't stab too deep.

Although the physical damage was not that great, the terrifying penetration of the fork obviously frightened the Evil Duke.

He couldn't help but scream, and while retreating, he waved his weapon desperately, trying to drive away Qin Ming who was close to him.

Unfortunately, Qin Ming, who had already turned on the sound nest combat suit, was like a dog skin plaster at this time, constantly predicting and dodging the attacks of the Evil Duke, and continuously giving him acupuncture massage from every corner.

In just a blink of an eye, the Evil Duke's armor was full of small gaps. He was constantly retreating and was even seized by Qin Ming. A fork was inserted into the sole of his foot, and the entire sole was almost penetrated.

Qin Ming did not have any sacred fork, but this did not mean that he could not artificially create a sacred fork.

After all, he was a king with this name, in order to prevent himself from being exposed in the future and being found out that the fork in his hand was just a rice fork that could be found everywhere.

Qin Ming spent a huge amount of money to strengthen it crazily. After consuming a lot of resources, he successfully created a magical weapon of his own.

Really! Holy Fork!

[Name: Old Farmer's Rice Fork]

[Category: Weapon (Dim Legendary)]

[Effect 1: Attack Power 1-2]

[Effect 2: Ignore Defense]

[Introduction: Be careful when using it to eat, be careful not to stab your mouth]

[Note: Non-space approved equipment, cannot be taken out of the mission world]

Qin Ming stabbed the evil duke with a fork, looking at the short and weak weapon in his hand, gritted his teeth.

Ouch! If I had known I would really fight with a fork! When I was bragging before, I boasted that I was the king of hammers! If not, the king of sickles will do!

Such a short thing! How could it kill someone!

The fight between Qin Ming and the evil duke was very chaotic, and the damage caused was almost zero.

But the situation of his divine fork showing its power greatly inspired the surrounding militia.

To be honest, the old farmers didn't believe what kind of divine fork Qin Ming had in his hand.

After all, they are not stupid. Whose magic weapon is a rice fork? It's just that since the king said it is a magic weapon, then it is a magic weapon.

But now they found out that this fork is actually a magic weapon! The situation has completely changed!

Doesn't this mean that their own king is really a chosen one like King Arthur!

The soldiers were very excited and waved their pitchforks vigorously, marching forward in formation, and beating the enemies on the opposite side back again and again.

Some even rushed towards the evil duke with forks, trying to help their king fight.

It's a pity that although their performance was heroic, the attribute gap was here.

With the advantage of equipment, they may be able to force the death of ordinary knights whose attributes are not much higher than theirs.

But facing the evil duke whose attributes are almost ten times higher than theirs, the so-called equipment advantage is no longer an advantage.

Your walnuts without shells and walnuts with shells will have the same fate when facing hammers.

With a bang, the evil duke knocked two peasant soldiers flying with a hammer, killing them instantly. His expression was very ferocious at the moment.

Seeing him kill his younger brother in front of him, Qin Ming, who had been stabbing him with a fork, also became ferocious.

"How dare you kill my people? I'll kill you!"

Putting away the fork, Qin Ming roared in anger, raised his hand to gather blood and began to bombard.

Flesh and blood absorption! Start!

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