Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 419: Fork Seizing Plan

Merlin's words made King Arthur's breathing suddenly become heavy.

Holding the holy sword that symbolizes his status tightly in his hand, King Arthur was silent for a long time, and then he suddenly lowered his head and spoke.

"But that guy is very strong, and there are so many people around him supporting him. It may not be easy to take the Holy Grail... and return it to its original owner."

Hearing King Arthur's words, Merlin grinned. It was clear that King Arthur, who could say this, was completely moved.

"This is simple. I have secretly observed that guy's care for the Holy Fork is not strict. It can even be said that he is very lenient. The Holy Fork does not seem to choose a master. Whoever gets it can use it. He not only uses it himself, but sometimes when he needs to issue orders and is too lazy to move, he will give the Holy Fork to his subordinates and let them take the fork to issue orders on his behalf."


"Yes, the adjutant named Torred and his daughter, two low-level farmers who were promoted by him casually, mud legs without any knightly demeanor."

"Then what do you say we should do?"

"That guy can control blood and command the people. We must not take the Holy Fork from him. Doing so is too risky. We must find a way to get him out of the way. I already have this method..."

In the blink of an eye, it was the early morning of the second day. Just when Qin Ming was desperately counting and strengthening supplies, preparing to gather troops to continue to hunt down another evil duke, there was a chaotic sound outside the door.

The next second, the door was knocked open, and Captain Torretia, who was always resolute in his work, rushed directly into the warehouse.

"Your Majesty! Something happened!"

Hearing the sudden movement behind him, Qin Ming was stunned and turned around quickly.

"What happened?"

"A village nearby was attacked! It was the evil grand duke's people! There are a lot of troops! Very strong! The local militia is no match at all! They have asked us for help!"

"What? The evil grand duke has another legion nearby?"

Qin Ming, who reacted, threw away the armor in his hand and strode out, giving orders as he walked.

"Come on! Summon the Pitchfork Knights! Prepare to leave the city!"


"At the same time, notify the militia in the city! And the militia legions in nearby towns! Let them gather at the scene of the accident! Be sure to delay the enemy! Wipe them all out!"


At this time, it can be said that every village and town under Qin Ming's command, even every village, has a good combat power.

The militia with enhanced equipment is like a group of fully armed knights. Although their own attributes are insufficient, they are well-equipped.

With their protection, every village is very difficult to bite, and they are all hard bones.

And once a village is attacked, the villages around that receive the distress signal will immediately send troops to support.

It is precisely relying on this stronghold-style play that Qin Ming can quickly destroy so many armies of the evil grand duke.

After all, if you just poke a village casually, it is no less than poking a hornet's nest. Once you are dragged down, you will be chased and intercepted by countless large and small armies. If you can't rush out, you will die.

Qin Ming accidentally discovered the enemy's traces, of course he couldn't let them go, after all, there might be a big boss in the plot.

He immediately summoned his 4,000 grass fork knights and pointed out 20 mercenary militia groups at the same time.

Qin Ming, who gathered a full 30,000 troops on the spot, was ready to lead his troops to fight and deal with the enemy troops that were making trouble.

The mighty army on his side naturally attracted the attention of King Arthur and his men.

Looking at King Arthur and his men coming over, Qin Ming frowned slightly.

"We have found the remaining enemy troops, King Arthur, how about we go and deal with them together?"

"No, the evil duke is dead, I'll leave it to you here, I'm going to lead the troops back, I hope we can live in peace in the future."

As he spoke, King Arthur smiled and stretched out a hand to Qin Ming.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming also smiled and stretched out his hand, shaking hands with him gently.

When he looked at King Arthur turning around and taking his men away, his eyebrows suddenly frowned.

Turning his head to approach the adjutant Torred, Qin Ming spoke in a low voice.

"Is he really going to withdraw his troops?"

Torred nodded slightly when he heard this.

"Yes, Your Majesty, his troops have left one after another. Only his elite troops are left in the city now."

"I see... Then we have to be careful, Torred, remember to send someone to keep an eye on them. Once you find that something is wrong, don't hesitate, just call people to act, and let those troops outside come together, don't talk about martial ethics."

As he spoke, Qin Ming raised his hand to pull out the holy fork in his pocket on his chest and handed it to Torred.

Torred took the fork without any hesitation and put it in his arms.

Qin Ming and Torred both knew that this fork was not a holy fork at all.

After all, this group of old people who followed Qin Ming in the first batch started with Qin Ming.

When he just started, Qin Ming had not yet won the title of King of the Holy Fork. Even the name of the Pitchfork Knights was just taken casually because the first batch of farmers only knew how to use pitchforks.

Of course, where did Qin Ming get the holy fork!

It's just that they know the situation, but the people don't. In the eyes of the militia outside, this fork really has terrifying power.

So when Qin Ming orders Torred or Torretia to go out and issue orders, he often asks them to take the holy fork as a token.

Of course, if the situation is urgent, or if multiple orders need to be issued at one time, they do not have to use the Holy Fork.

It's actually the same if you just pick up a fork and hold it up. No one can tell which fork is the holy fork anyway. Even Qin Ming has lost several so-called holy forks before.

In other words, the so-called holy fork in his hand was actually not the first one. He even broke one while eating before.

Leaving Thored behind and letting him hold the Holy Fork to guard the house, while also being wary of King Arthur's Knights, Qin Ming led a large army and left in a mighty manner.

The general guarded the home while the boss led the troops on the expedition. This situation was very unusual, but it was the routine for Qin and Ming.

Watching the large army go away, Thored, who temporarily took over the royal city, turned his head and glanced at the area where the Knights of the Round Table were.

After frowning and thinking for a moment, he suddenly waved his hand to the officer next to him and gave him an order.

In a moment, as the order was passed, a large number of mercenary militia groups that had been stationed in the city actually dispatched ten groups and relocated to another place.

The location where they were stationed was exactly around the Knights of the Round Table, vaguely surrounding them.

Upon noticing this scene, King Arthur, who was standing in front of the window and watching, suddenly frowned.

"Damn mud-legged guy, he's such a cautious character. It's hard to handle now. What do you think we should do? Do we want to attack by force?"

When King Arthur asked, the first knight Lancelot, who was standing next to him, objected without even thinking.

"No! There are so many enemies! The losses in the attack will be too great! And it will easily alert the surrounding local troops! Once we are delayed, we will be dead!"

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Bring him here! Kill him and seize the fork directly!"

"What a great idea! Come here! Go and ask that Adjutant Tored to come over! Just tell them that we are leaving soon! I want to finally discuss the future cooperation agreement with them!"

King Arthur, who immediately gave the order, watched his knight rush out of the room and run towards the distant castle, his eyes were very cold.

The so-called remnants of the evil prince were actually his people, the people he used to lure away the King of the Holy Fork.

Only by luring the large army away could they take the opportunity to seize the fork. In order to increase the success rate, he even let Percival, a powerful general, lead the team.

As long as he takes the Holy Fork, he will have two holy weapons in his hands.

The most important thing is that he will also have the ability to command and bless countless people!

By then there will be soldiers! There are people again! He will become the true uncrowned king!

Looking out the window intently, King Arthur muttered to himself.

"King of the Holy Fork? Soon, you will no longer be the king. It is enough to have a king here."

……In the blink of an eye, night has fallen, and the royal city is still bustling, with countless people still celebrating.

But inside the castle, the atmosphere was a bit solemn, especially on King Arthur's side.

At this time, King Arthur was sitting on the main seat expressionlessly, and his trusted knights were sitting next to him. They all lowered their heads and said nothing, and their faces were serious.

Because they had planned everything and were just waiting to take action, they suddenly found that the plan had an accident.

That was their goal this time. Tored, who was a weakling just a month ago, actually didn't fall for the trick at all!

No matter what excuse they used to invite, the guy just didn't move and led his people to defend the castle.

Whether it's an excuse to talk about things or a practice before leaving, they even sent people to cause trouble and asked their men to kill a few peasants, and then arrested the troublemaking knights themselves, using this as an excuse to let the other party come over, saying that they wanted to give the other party A perfect answer, the other party is indifferent.

No matter what he faces, that guy will always have only one thing to say, that is, wait until their boss comes back!

Faced with this kind of iron turtle who can't make enough money, King Arthur and others are also a little numb.

I can't invite you here, I can't lure you out, so what should I do now?

The character of the guy opposite! Too cautious!

Looking at the people below with a gloomy face, King Arthur was in a very bad mood at the moment.

"What should we do now?"

Upon hearing this inquiry, Lancelot and others looked at each other.

"I've tried all my methods, but I can't lure him away. It seems we can only find excuses to get there."

"Shall we go there?"

"Yes! Assemble an elite team! Rely on a surprise attack to directly kill people and seize the fork!"

"Okay! That's it! Call all the Knights of the Round Table! Get ready to take action!"


Just when King Arthur and the others, who couldn't wait any longer, were about to find another way, on the other side, inside the castle, Toredd was also quickly issuing orders.

"Raedel! The messenger has been sent out?"

"General! They have been sent out! Five at a time!"

"Send another batch!"

"But General! We have sent three batches before!"

"Send again! The situation is not right! There is a problem with those guys! Send! Inform His Majesty to strengthen defense! Be careful of being attacked! This time there may be a fraud!"


"Waltai! Call two more... No! Call four mercenary militia groups over! Let them station in the castle! Don't leave tonight! At the same time, notify other mercenary militia groups! Once they find that they are fighting with each other! Give them all a Come on! No need to wait for orders!"


"Everyone should be more vigilant! The night watchers are not allowed to let me sleep! Anyone who dares to be lazy should beware of my falling out!"

Constantly walking through the building, Tored issued one order after another.

At this time, a large number of militias were stationed in the castle.

Five militia groups were called in and all stationed inside the castle. It can be said that the entire castle has been armed to an airtight level.

Looking at the five thousand troops in the castle, Torred still felt uneasy.

He always felt that the atmosphere today was not right, especially when he saw that the other party knew that his boss had left, but kept making excuses to call him over, which made him more certain.

He felt that the Knights of the Round Table on the opposite side! It is very likely that they want to take advantage of His Majesty's absence! To forcibly occupy this most prosperous and most solid royal city!

The other party wants to start a war directly!

Torred cannot tolerate the newly acquired royal city being taken away, let alone it being taken away from him.

Therefore, he has made preparations for a full-scale war. As long as the other party dares to take action, he will directly mobilize everyone to destroy them!

There are tens of thousands of people on his side! But there are only a few thousand on the other side!

Even if they are so-called knights with superb martial arts, they can be killed by relying on the number of people on his side.

Even Torred had an idea in his mind, that is, to seize this opportunity, no matter whether the other party really wanted to turn against him or not, just kill King Arthur and the others regardless of anything!

Because this world! One king is enough!

There is a reason why Torred could become the deputy of the empire and was left by Qin Ming to guard the house. Although he was just a farmer a month ago, Torred's character was extremely cautious and he was definitely a good material for being a general.

This time, he reacted very quickly. Almost as soon as King Arthur and the others found an excuse to invite him over, he had keenly discovered that something was wrong.

However, Torred miscalculated one thing after all.

That is, he predicted that the other party might be making trouble, but he didn't predict at all that the other party's goal was not to seize the city, but to seize the fork!

After all, Torred knew the real situation. In his eyes, this holy fork was just a broken fork. When Qin Ming lost the fork, he found the same fork to make up for it.

How could he have expected that the other party would go to so much trouble just to snatch a broken fork!

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