Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 423 True and False Holy Objects

Qin Ming, riding a tall horse, walked at the front of the team, and behind him were thirteen knights.

These thirteen knights wore completely different armors and held various weapons. Almost all of them were members of the first batch of Pitchfork Knights.

They are Qin Ming's newly formed officer system, the Thirteen Knights.

The armor on his body is carefully strengthened and fused, and is of extremely high quality. Armor and weapons are also symbols of identity and status.

In the future, if the wearer gets old, the armor will be passed on to others to take over their place.

Among the thirteen knights, Torretia is one of them, and he is also the leader and leader.

Looking at Qin Ming who walked to the front, Torretia looked complicated.

After bowing his head in silence for a moment, he suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"Father, are we going too far? His Majesty has ignored us for a day."

Upon hearing this, a heavy-armored knight commander who followed Torretia, wearing heavy armor and his face protected by a heavy helmet, immediately answered in a loud voice.

"There is no other way. If we want to deal with King Arthur and make His Majesty willing to save other villages and towns, this is the only way."

The person wearing heavy armor was none other than the imperial adjutant Thored who was announced to be dead at this moment.

Qin Ming, who was forced to die by Tored, finally lost his temper. After leaving, he returned to the room and forced the medicine into Tored's mouth.

He didn't want to get involved in the messy affairs of the Knights of the Round Table world. He just wanted to get as much benefit as possible from it.

Since this guy is willing to mind his own business, he should mind his own business. It doesn't matter if he's dead on the surface, it's just a matter of wearing a helmet.

Qin Ming only had a limited time to stay in this world. He originally wanted to seize the time and hunt down the boss of the evil archduke as much as possible.

After all, King Arthur's side is full of elite monsters, and there are adventurers to help. It's too difficult to chew.

Now, as the Pitchfork Knights teamed up to force the palace, Qin Ming had to temporarily change his strategy and go to fight with King Arthur.

Now there is no chance to find the real evil archduke, time is already too late.

It seems that the only way to make up for the loss is to destroy King Arthur and the others.

Moreover, we have to expand our territory, devour those worthless villages and towns, and distribute food to consolidate our territory. After all this is done, the mission time may be over.

Hey, who knows that he made his fortune by relying on this group of Pitchfork Knights? They insisted on expanding the territory of the empire instead of fighting the enemy. Qin Ming had nothing to do.

Think of it as repaying their favor. After the mission is over, he will never come back to this miserable place!

A bunch of thugs! Even if you give them bread and weapons, you are still not satisfied! I want to share it with others! Isn’t your own time time?

With a straight face, Qin Ming led his troops to King Arthur's town quickly. After conquering three small towns in a row, he finally met King Arthur's army head-on.

On Qin Ming's side were a large number of Pitchfork Knights.

Opposite are the menacing Knights of the Round Table, with murderous intent.

Especially King Arthur, who was taking the lead, was full of energy and high-spirited. He didn't look like a decadent general who had all his elite soldiers wiped out and died in battle. Instead, he looked more like a victorious general.

Looking at King Arthur who was riding on the horse opposite him, looking at him with his head held high, Qin Ming rode forward with a straight face and looked at him.

"King Arthur, if you kill my general, how will you settle this revenge?"

"Then just kill him, what else can he do?"

Looking at Qin Ming playfully, King Arthur's mouth suddenly curled up.

"King of the Holy Fork, right? Such a great King of the Holy Fork, where is your Holy Fork?"


Upon hearing King Arthur's inquiry, Qin Ming was stunned.

King Arthur laughed out loud when he saw this, suddenly grabbed his arms and took out a small fork.

"You can't take it out, right! Of course you can't take it out! Because your holy fork is here!"

As he spoke, King Arthur raised the fork high in his hand.

As the sun shines down, the little fork immediately blooms with dazzling light.

Looking at the radiant fork in his hand, King Arthur became energetic and roared.

"Without this! Are you still the King of the Holy Fork? Can you still perform your miracles? Your Majesty the Holy King?"

Seeing this scene, the soldiers on Qin Ming's side immediately fell into a commotion.

Qin Ming, who was standing opposite, recovered from his confusion and looked at King Arthur with a strange look in his eyes.

He was still wondering why King Arthur dared to stand up against him when all of King Arthur's elite troops were almost wiped out.

I have been working on this for a long time with this kind of calculation in mind.

Qin Ming, who didn't answer, suddenly opened his clothes and lowered his head to search.

And under the clothes that were pulled open, there were actually forks of all sizes hanging on them.

After some selection, he chose a fork that was more pleasing to the eye, and Qin Ming suddenly raised it high.

"You have a holy fork in your hand, so what is this in my hand?"

"Ah? Is it in your hand?"

Seeing that Qin Ming actually took out a new fork, King Arthur looked stunned.

"How do I know what is in your hand? I only know that what I am holding is a holy fork, a holy fork that cuts iron like clay. It..."

"Who told you that the characteristic of the Holy Fork is that it cuts iron like clay? Its characteristic is obviously to bless all things!"

While talking, Qin Ming took out a piece of bread and tapped it lightly with a fork.

With a flash of light, the ordinary black bread actually became fluffy visibly.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who were originally rioting in the back suddenly cried out in surprise.

King Arthur on the opposite side widened his eyes and showed an unbelievable look on his face.

No! The one in his hand is clearly the Holy Fork! It is the weapon that the guy on the opposite side used before!

Then why is the opponent's ability still there? !

Before King Arthur could recover from his shock, Qin Ming, who had put away the fork on the opposite side, suddenly looked at him with a stern face.

"You're done asking, right? Then it's my turn to ask you, King Arthur, where is your Holy Sword?"

"Holy Sword? The Holy Sword is with me..."

"That's right! It's in my hand!"

With a hum, Qin Ming pulled out the upgraded replica Holy Sword from his waist with force, and swung this uniquely shaped weapon violently, instantly cutting off the stone next to it, and then raised it high.

"Your Holy Sword! It has recognized me as its master!"

Stealing the holy object? This move is not only for the other party! Qin Ming can do it too!

Looking up at the replica that he made in a hurry, Qin Ming was full of energy and shouted loudly.

"Holy fork and holy sword in hand! I! Am the chosen king!"

As Qin Ming finished speaking, there was silence at the scene. After a long silence, there was a uniform shouting from all sides.

"Holy King! Holy King! Holy King!"

Hearing this shout, King Arthur on the opposite side was obviously panicked. He hurriedly drew out the holy sword in his hand, trying to prove something. Before he could speak, Qin Ming on the opposite side had already shaken the weapon in his hand and rushed towards him.

"Brothers! Follow me to kill!"

Tricking people? Just kidding! Qin Ming, who was born as a merchant, can still lose in this regard!

They took out the holy fork together! The grass fork knights would definitely only believe that the one in Qin Ming's hand was the real thing!

But they took out the holy sword together! And Qin Ming also showed the sharpness of cutting iron like mud!

The people on King Arthur's side! But you never know who you would believe!

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