Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 43 Return to Space

Qin Ming barely completed one of the five title tasks in the Knights of the Round Table world, which was the defense task of preventing the death toll in the village from exceeding 20%.

In the previous battle, most of the dead were strong villagers and militiamen. Although many of them died, their number actually only occupied a minority in the village, and most of them were the old, weak, women and children who hid.

The church was not breached, so these old, weak, women and children naturally did not suffer casualties, so this task was barely completed by Qin Ming.

The title he obtained was a white title that Qin Ming did not use much now.

Title: Counselor (white)

Effect: Spirit +10

Introduction: Fighting relies on the brain, not brute force, you... I'm talking about the brain! Not the head! Not to mention that I'm not asking you to hit others with your head! Stop it!

Looking at the newly obtained title, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction, and then merged it with the original title without hesitation.

With a flash of light, a brand new upgraded title appeared in front of Qin Ming.

Title: Natural Guardian (green)

Effect: Strength +15

Introduction: Hmm? Green nature defender? Where did this come from? What? Are you also an extreme environmentalist?

Wearing the new title, Qin Ming saw that his strength value had reached a terrifying 29 points with the addition of various things, and his smile became brighter and brighter.

Seeing that the time was almost up and there was nothing to be gained around, Qin Ming immediately said goodbye to Percival, the protagonist, in public, and turned and disappeared into the woods.

Watching Qin Ming, the benevolent merchant, leave, Percival and the villagers couldn't help but sigh, and then returned to the village and began to rebuild the village.

After a whole day of busy work, with the night falling, the villagers and soldiers finally stopped building houses and went back to the house to rest temporarily.

It was in the dead of night that a figure suddenly appeared outside the wall in the village that had experienced the war, and jumped in flexibly over the wall.

With the help of the moonlight to identify the direction and avoid the patrolling soldiers, the figure came to the innermost meeting room of the village and pushed open the door quietly.

After entering the room and carefully closing the door, he hurried to the innermost box, opened the box and started to exchange props.

And this person! It was the White Wolf who had returned!

Because he did not reveal his identity as the murderer, the White Wolf who also participated in the village defense battle also had a lot of village favorability.

Even because the villagers thought he had died in the battle, this favorability actually reached more than 400 points!

Four hundred points of favorability! It is enough to exchange for a good green equipment! Naturally, the White Wolf would not give up! Of course he had to come back!

Just when the White Wolf was rummaging through the boxes and cabinets to exchange equipment at the designated location, a harsh voice suddenly came into his ears.

Hearing the movement, the already nervous White Wolf trembled on the spot, turned his head and looked over in panic, and growled at the same time.


As the question fell, footsteps sounded in the darkness beside him, and a figure walked out slowly from it with an expressionless face.

And this person was Qin Ming who should have left!

Looking at Qin Ming, Bai Lang's eyes widened on the spot, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, who was playing with the revolver in his hand, couldn't help but grin.

"What? Are you surprised? I have already left in public and chose to return. Why am I here?"


"The designated place for exchanging village props is in the meeting hall, but it was captured by the enemy at that time. I exchanged props in advance, but you didn't, so you will never leave like this. You will definitely come back to use up the village's favorability! And you will definitely come back after I choose to return!"


"I am not very smart, but I still have this little cleverness. I like to be calculative the most. I will be calculative for benefits, and I will be the same for this hatred!"

With a click, the safety hammer was buckled, and the smile on Qin Ming's face gradually became ferocious.

Hearing this light sound, Bai Lang's body on the opposite side shook violently, and his face had become extremely pale at this moment.

"Hyena! We don't have any hatred, right? There's no benefit in killing me! So why do you have to target me? I'll give you points, okay? I'll give you a thousand points! Let me go!"

"Yes, we don't have any hatred, but you killed the militia captain, and the militia captain helped me."

Qin Ming slowly raised his revolver and pointed it straight at the white wolf, his eyes gradually sharpened.

"I'm a petty person, I've always been vindictive, I may not remember a favor, but this is a grudge! I will definitely find it!"

Qin Ming approached step by step with the sound of footsteps, scaring the white wolf on the opposite side to retreat repeatedly.

"Let's settle the matter today, how about you killing my helper?"

Adventurers, to put it bluntly, are a group of desperate people, each one is more ruthless than the other, and each one has no bottom line.

There is no benefit in killing the same kind in peace mode, which only means that there is no benefit, but it does not mean that they will not kill.

Some strong men, in order to avoid others from affecting their own plans and gaining benefits, directly choose to slaughter other adventurers, killing only themselves. This is also a normal occurrence.

Therefore, Bai Lang did not doubt whether Qin Ming would shoot or not, and he did not dare to gamble.

Therefore, Bai Lang, with an extremely pale face, hurriedly waved his hands and began to beg for mercy.

"Boss Hyena! We have worked together before! We are also companions, right? Can you let me go? I can give you all my points! I can also give you the items I just exchanged! There is also a green equipment! It's green! And the knife I got in the last world! I want that knife too!"

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Before Bai Lang finished speaking, the harsh sound of gunfire had already sounded.

Qin Ming, with a stern face, pulled the trigger without hesitation after closing to a certain distance, and fired a burst of bullets at the other party on the spot.

Looking at Bai Lang's body lying on the ground with his eyes wide open, Qin Ming couldn't help but pursed his lips, turned the pistol and put it back to his waist.

"You are still quoting bit by bit! You are squeezing toothpaste! I don't want your things!"

Hearing the chaotic footsteps outside the house because of the gunshots, Qin Ming secretly returned to the hall and hid here for a day. He finally blocked Bai Lang and chose to return to the space without hesitation.

With a flash of light, Qin Ming completely disappeared in the hall.

The next second, the door was slammed open, and Percival and others rushed in aggressively, but all they saw was a corpse with its eyes open, and a familiar sword hidden behind it that had been secretly pulled out...

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