Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 431: Reinforcements Arrive

The cavalry and the huge monsters continued to destroy the morale of the grass fork knights.

The two-sided attack from both sides completely separated the grass fork knights and caused them to be defeated one by one.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming gritted his teeth and turned around to support.

But he had just moved a step, and white smoke exploded in front of him. Muramasa had already rushed out of the smoke and slashed him with a knife.

Raising his arm to block with a blade, Qin Ming hit the opponent with sparks flying. He slid back and saw that he was blocked on the road. His face was gloomy for a while.

Muramasa, who was waving his weapon vigorously, smiled.

"Why are you in a hurry to leave? Don't forget that your opponent is me!"

Qin Ming, who was blocked by a powerful enemy and could not go to support, took a deep breath when he saw this scene.

Qin Ming, who knew that he could not quickly solve the guy in front of him with his strength, suddenly reached out and grabbed his arms.

The next second, he took out a square box.

Muramasa, who saw this scene, thought Qin Ming had taken out some secret weapon, so he retreated cautiously and set up his weapon for defense.

In fact, his guess was not wrong. What Qin Ming took out at this time was indeed a secret weapon. This secret weapon was called a mobile phone! Also known as a military satellite phone!

Raising his hand to dial the number, Qin Ming put the phone to his ear and growled.

"Don't be a big shot! Hurry up! Code? Do you think I look like a code! How many people are going to be sent out? Come here! All!"

Hanging up the phone, putting away the mobile phone, Qin Ming looked at Muramasa opposite with an expressionless face.

Seeing this scene, Muramasa carefully grabbed the samurai sword, and just when he was about to speak, he was suddenly stunned.

Because above Qin Ming, the sky suddenly darkened, and the shadow was gradually expanding.

The surroundings were gradually shrouded in darkness. The two sides who were constantly fighting looked up in confusion when they saw this scene.

What came into their eyes was a huge super battleship!

A super battleship made of a mixture of steel and wood!

This is exactly the spoils captured by Qin Ming and his troops in the Metal Slug World! Sky City Fortress!

The fortress, which was hundreds of meters long, slowly descended from the sky. Before it got close to the ground, countless gates had been opened on both sides.

The next second, dense fighter jets shot out from it, and a large number of soldiers carried parachutes and jumped down like dumplings.

The most important thing is that among these paratroopers, there are actually many tanks with large parachutes, following the forced landing.

Metal Slug World! Qin Ming's ace troops! Hound Corps! Debut!

Before the people came down, dense gunfire had resounded through the sky, countless fighter jets were circling in the sky, and a large number of troops began to advance with tanks.

If the super combat machine created by Grand Duke Garibaldi with the help of black magic is pure black technology,

Then the modernized troops that appeared at this time were already a complete dimensionality reduction strike.

It was a true divine army descending from the sky!

The Hound Troops, which had confirmed their own appearance through the phone, formed a team and scattered everywhere, coordinating with the tanks to charge back and forth.

At the front of the team, Adjutant Beta was still driving the latest model of the Metal Slug tank, leading the way.

In the fighter formation in the sky, another adjutant Shuke was also there. This upright guy was driving a heavy bomber at the moment.

As Qin Ming left the Metal Slug world, the time of that world did not stop running, it was still running on its own.

The Hound Troops were well-equipped and powerful, and most importantly, they had no backstage. This was simply a top-notch sharp knife.

Five-star General Jamie Fox naturally could not not use them. Relying on his special friendship with Qin Ming, he was the only one who could command this independent force.

In the past year or so, it can be said that Five-star General Jamie Fox was completely cultivating this unit as his own trusted unit.

Increase personnel, apply for weapons, and even bring over the Sky City Fortress that was captured before.

Jamie Fox, who knew Qin Ming's special ability, even got a lot of old models, so that no army was willing to take tanks and fighters. Now they are displayed in the base, waiting for Qin Ming to go back and strengthen them!

The Hounds, which used to have only a little over 10,000 people, have expanded to more than 30,000 people in just one year. It is already one of the most famous legions on the regular army side, and it is also famous for its strong combat effectiveness.


As the engine roared, Beta, the tank driver who had knocked several knights head-on, led his elite team and rushed directly to Qin Ming's side.

Looking at the commander who had not seen him for many days and whose physique had increased several times, Beta, who leaned out of the tank, raised his hand and saluted casually.

"Adjutant Beta! Meet the boss! Do you need my help?"

"Get out of the way!"

"Got it!"

He happily got back into the tank, and with a step on the accelerator, Beta controlled the tank to rush out with a whoosh.

Before leaving, he did not forget to fire a shot at Muramasa on the opposite side, scaring Muramasa to roll and dodge in a hurry.

As Beta rushed back into the battlefield, there was another roar in the sky.

Shuke, the pilot who was controlling the bomber with a stern face, passed over Qin Ming.

When he saw Qin Ming looking up at him, he did not speak, but just raised his hand and saluted silently, and then turned the nose of the plane and rushed towards the enemy below.

Qin Ming, who watched him fly away, could not help but roll his eyes.

"Little bastard, you can't even say hello when we meet, I will demote you later."

While muttering, he retracted his gaze, looked up at Qin Ming who was opposite Muramasa, and suddenly grinned at Muramasa's shocked look.

"Okay, now you don't need my support, I will fight you head-on."

Hearing this, Muramasa's eyes twitched, looked up at the monsters and demons in the sky, and the huge Sky City Fortress in the sky, which was like a moving island, and suddenly said with a stern face.

"Sir, are you still recruiting people here?"

"No, I like your sword more than people."

"Then there is no other way."

Flinging the samurai sword in his hand, Muramasa shook his head helplessly and made a kendo start again.

"It seems that I can only kill you first! Then find a way to escape!"

With the appearance of the hound troops, the King Arthur Legion and the Evil Archduke Legion, which had already suppressed the balance of victory, were quickly stunned.

The reinforcement of tens of thousands of troops is actually secondary.

The most important thing is that the appearance and ability of these modern troops are too terrifying!

Qin Ming already has myths and legends, and now he shouts out a floating island and tens of thousands of troops out of thin air.

There are also a large number of steel monsters and flying iron birds. It is conceivable how much this scene will hit the morale of the enemy troops.

Almost just after the battle, the evil duke's troops collapsed, and a large number of soldiers with no morale began to turn around and flee.

The elite troops on King Arthur's side can still barely hold on, but their morale has become extremely low.

Even King Arthur himself, looking at the huge military fortress in the sky, was dumbfounded.

A thought kept emerging in his mind, that is, is he really the chosen king after pulling out the sword in the stone?

Then why didn't he summon this thing? But the enemy?

Or is the status of the Holy Fork actually higher than the Holy Sword?

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