Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 444 Frankenstein and his father!


With a muffled sound, the thin Frankenstein rolled and fell to the ground, and even the scalpel in his hand flew out.

Qin Ming, who was controlling the Triceratops and finally stopped the inertial charge, saw this and got off the dragon and strode towards Frankenstein.

But before he could get to his side, the lights in the room suddenly began to flicker, and the instruments on both sides began to emit a lot of sparks.

This weird scene made Qin Ming stop in a hurry.

And in front, accompanied by a sharp creaking sound, a burly monster lying on a hospital bed with instruments inserted all over his body suddenly howled and struggled to sit up from the bed.

This monster was covered with traces of stitches, and its body was completely pieced together by countless broken limbs.

Especially on the head, there was a circle of steel nails inserted, which was discharging at this time.

Pulling off all the instruments on his body, this monster, who was not much smaller than Qin Ming, staggered towards the fallen Frankenstein.

As he moved forward, his stiff movements became smoother and smoother, and he quickly returned to normal.

He came to Frankenstein's side, picked him up with trembling hands, looked at the thin figure in his arms that was already seriously injured and covered in blood, and the monster knelt on his knees and suddenly roared to the sky.

"Father! Who beat you like this! I will tear him into pieces! I!"



Before the monster finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly came into his ears. It turned out that Kasamoto Eri on the opposite side tried to fire a shot.

Hearing the sound of the wind, the monster, whose body had been severely modified and whose reaction speed was extremely sharp, raised his hand and swung it without thinking, forcibly sweeping away the bullet.

Its reaction was indeed extremely fast, and its interception was also extremely elite, but the problem was that under the instinctive tendency, it used not its own arm to intercept the bullet, but Fleckenstein in its hand...

Looking at Fleckenstein, who blocked the bullet with a bang and swept the wall next to him with a huge force, and smashed the wall into pieces on the spot.

Everyone in the room was stunned for a moment.

Fleckenstein, who was already injured, twitched violently twice and then completely stopped moving...

"No! Father!!!"

A shrill scream suddenly sounded. Seeing his father die in his arms, the monster's eyes were bloodshot and he screamed to the sky.

After the roar, he lowered his head and looked at Qin Ming and others fiercely.

"I will kill you! I want to avenge my father!"

Qin Ming's expression froze when he heard it.

"No, to be precise, it was not us who killed your father, but you who swung..."


Before Qin Ming finished speaking, the stitched monster on the opposite side roared again, raised his hand and held his own father, using him as a weapon, and ran towards Qin Ming. As soon as he got close, he swung his hand and smashed down! It was obvious that he really wanted to kill!

[Name: Frankenstein]

[Strength: 60]

[Constitution: 60]

[Agility: 20]

[Spirit: 20]

[Skills: Frankenstein's body (A-level) Superhuman strength (A-level) Electromagnetic drive core (A-level)]

[Introduction: A product born by forced fusion of electricity and suture surgery, it can be said to be a miracle of life, but the IQ is a bit low]

It has three A-level skills, and two of them are passive, one to enhance defense and the other to enhance strength.

This makes the physical fitness of the Frankenstein in front of him very high!

Every attack lands! It can shake the whole room!

It only took a few times to destroy the room.

Qin Ming raised his arm, controlled the blood, and tried to take the sweep of Frankenstein's father from the front, but he couldn't even hold on for a second.

As the blood exploded, the body slid and flew backwards, and it took several meters to barely stand firm.

Looking at Frankenstein who once again raised his father's body and rushed towards him, trying to hit him on the head, Qin Ming's face was solemn, and he suddenly punched the ground with all his strength.

Blood gushed out! Countless blood shot out along the ground at a high speed! When it came under Frankenstein! It suddenly turned into a sharp blood column! Breaking out of the ground!

Frankenstein, who was directly hit by a large amount of blood column, was injured and bleeding in the lower body for a while.

It was just such a little pain, and it was obvious that it could not stop its pace.

It struggled hard and forcibly broke the blood column, still roaring and charging.

But just after rushing out two meters, the blood on the ground had dissolved, tightly wrapped around his legs, and forcibly dragged Frankenstein to the ground.

Raising his hand to control the blood, Qin Ming frowned and directed countless blood to rush towards Frankenstein in the middle.

A large amount of blood was wrapped around Frankenstein's limbs, shrinking and hardening at the same time.

In the face of this blockade from all directions, even if Frankenstein was extremely powerful, he could not break free immediately and was trapped on the spot.

Just as Frankenstein, trapped on the ground, was struggling frantically, a sharp whistling sound suddenly came.

It turned out to be Angel, a white-haired muscular woman, who rushed towards him at high speed, and when she got close, she stood up and leaped, with her elbow facing down, and smashed down like a cannonball.

Super ultimate move! People's elbow strike!


The super ultimate move that could once hit Qin Ming and make him shrink into a ball, the lethality was no joke.

Even if it can't compare to the Cosmic Phantom, who is known as the One Punch Man, the power is definitely not much different. After all, Angel's weight is here.

The bad science man who was hit in the chest was hit directly. His eyes were wide open and his mouth was wide open. His body made an unusually clear sound of bone cracking, and his chest collapsed obviously.

The bandages and sutures on his body continued to crack.

The ground under Frankenstein was directly exploded with dense spider web-like cracks, spreading several meters away.

After a successful attack, Angel shouted loudly, jumped up and put his knees together, ready to give him another blow to the face.

But this time, before Angel fell, Frankenstein, who was lying on the ground, suddenly burst out a dazzling lightning from his chest.

The next second! With him as the center! Violent electric currents surged wildly!

A-level skills! Electromagnetic drive core!


The electric current spread out, and the blood that trapped Frankenstein was directly electrocuted and exploded, and bounced away one after another.

Even Qin Ming, who rushed over at the side, had to raise his hand and retreat.

This electric current bombing! It actually has a very strong impact force! It can bounce away all the debris around!

…………It’s a pity that it couldn’t bounce Angel who fell from the sky.

I don’t know if it’s because this woman is too heavy, or because the impact force from above is weak.

Anyway, Angel, who fell from above, at most had her hair blown up by the electricity, and she didn’t mean to be bounced away at all.

In the surge of electric current, Angel fell directly into the lightning and hit Frankenstein’s chest again.



The crisp sound of bone cracking was heard again.

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