Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 45: Terrifying Consumable Items

A dazzling light lit up in the room. When the light faded, the ordinary silver axe gun and the ordinary silver potion had disappeared.

Instead, there were two brand new items.

Item name: Terhuen's Wife (Dino Fighter World Act 1)

Category: Weapon (Brilliant Level ~ Silver Plot Equipment)

Equipment requirements: None


Fixed attack power: 40-50

Ammo capacity: 6/6

Attached skill: Boss's majesty (fire a shot into the sky, summon three poacher minions to assist in the battle, one of which will inevitably summon an elite monster, and the other two have a certain chance of elite monsters appearing. This skill can only be used once in a mission world)

Introduction: Terhuen loves the gun more than his wife...but this wife fell into someone else's hands! It's better than the original one!

Item Name: Certificate of Honor of Persi Village (Act 1 of the Knights of the Round Table World)

Category: Consumables (Brilliant Grade ~ Silver Items)

Effect: After using it on a plot character, it can forcibly increase the target's favorability by 300 points (the maximum increase value is capped at 600)

Introduction: This is a certificate issued by Persi Village to heroes, but some people seem to have forged it. "Look! Not only did I defend the village alone! I also single-handedly killed Sir Scone and his 300 thugs! What? You don't believe it? How about a certificate!"

The two newly upgraded brilliant silver items have more explosive effects than each other, especially the second certificate of honor, which can directly increase the favorability by 300 points, and the upper limit of the favorability is also increased to 600 points.

What a concept! This means that if Qin Ming returns to the Dino Fighter world again! With his current favorability with Hannah! Plus this certificate! He can directly compete with that annoying Jack for his wife!

You should know that it is more difficult to improve the favorability as time goes by, but it is very easy to improve in the early stage.

With this item in hand, as long as Qin Ming spends some time with the target, performs well, and then uses it, he can definitely quickly raise the favorability with the target to a terrifying level!

This is simply a one-time cheat!

Playing with the parchment in his hand, Qin Ming was more and more shocked, and at the same time, another idea came to his mind.

The effect of the brilliant silver item is already so terrifying, so if he finds a way to improve it and upgrade it to gold quality, how powerful will the effect be?

Just give a gift, and friends become bedmates on the spot? !


Shaking his head vigorously, Qin Ming hurriedly put away the item solemnly. He planned not to use it for the time being, but to find a way to continue to improve the grade and see the effect.

Putting the upgraded revolver on his waist and holding the unused heavy swordsman armor, Qin Ming pushed open the door and walked towards the adventurer trading area, ready to convert this equipment into points.

After spending points to rent a stall, putting the equipment on the stall and starting the auction, Qin Ming sat on the ground and started a new round of points.

This time he did not get too many attribute points, only 6 points. After hesitating for a moment at his basic value, Qin Ming still chose to focus on physical fitness.

How did the saying go? The body is the capital of the revolution. In such a place, only a strong life can stand firm.

As long as you are strong enough, you will have countless opportunities to make mistakes, so this physical fitness is definitely the most popular basic attribute in the early stage.

It's not that other attribute effects are not good, but that physical fitness should be more cost-effective.

Not to mention that with Qin Ming's current strength value, it is enough for the time being.

With the completion of attribute points, Qin Ming's basic physical fitness value officially reached the 20 mark, and the strength value also increased a little, and the basic attribute reached 8 points.

With the addition of a bunch of top-quality equipment and green titles, his total attributes have reached a terrifying level.

Strength 30! Constitution 27! Agility 10! Spirit 5!

Such values ​​can even be compared with ordinary small BOSS! He can definitely walk sideways among low-level adventurers!

The only flaw is that Qin Ming has gone through two worlds in a row, but still has not been able to obtain any skills. He is still just a blank value monster.

Just as Qin Ming was thinking about his attributes, footsteps suddenly came from the side. A figure approached and looked at the equipment on the stall and suddenly spoke.

"Brother, how much is this equipment?"

Hearing the movement, Qin Ming, who was sitting behind the stall, did not even raise his head, but just stretched out his hand and pointed at the price on the stall.

Seeing this scene, the visitor immediately added another sentence.

"Can we exchange things?"

Hearing this, Qin Ming finally raised his head and glanced at the other party.

Qin Ming couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows when he saw the other person who was also shrouded in black fog, but revealed a badge on his shoulder.

Oh? Someone from the team?

In this low-level adventurer area, it's rare to see people who can join the team. It seems that this guy is definitely not an ordinary person.

The so-called team, to put it bluntly, is a small organization formed by adventurers themselves. They unite with each other and trade items and intelligence internally to help grow.

High-level adventurers will even take out some points or equipment to help low-level adventurers who have just started, helping them overcome the initial difficulties.

With help from others, the survival rate of such low-level adventurers will definitely be many times higher than that of individual adventurers.

Then, with the starting capital, they just snowballed their profits, became stronger and stronger, and continued to grow, taking the lead over other adventurers and growing up completely.

After all, when you just entered the nightmare space, you had a green gun in your hand, which was completely different from having nothing in your hand.

Not to mention that the adventurers in the team would share intelligence and tell others how to trigger the hidden tasks they found. In this way, the adventurers are no longer headless flies, and the growth rate is faster.

Therefore, the adventurers of this team are definitely a powerful force in the nightmare space!

Of course, it has nothing to do with Qin Ming. No matter how powerful the other party is, it is impossible to beat him in the trading area.

Therefore, Qin Ming quickly retracted his gaze and his expression returned to coldness.

"Okay, but check the goods first."

"Tell me what you want first?"

"Hmm? From what you said, you have a lot of things?"

"It's not a small amount anyway, just tell me what type of things you want."

Looking at the confident visitor, Qin Ming thought for a moment and quickly spoke.

"Skill book, I want a skill book."

"Skill book? That's easy, how about one for one? Choose it yourself!"

As he spoke, the guy standing in front of the stall had already opened the inventory, took out four items from it, and placed them in front of Qin Ming one by one.

And these four items, without exception, are all skill books!

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