Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 451 Qin Ming's Conflict

Dracula died, and died in a very tragic way.

He bumped into Angel, but instead of sucking blood out, he felt like he had bitten a piece of plaster. Qin Ming, who caught up with him, hugged him tightly.

To be precise, Qin Ming was hugging Angel, and he was sandwiched between two hard guys.

On one side was plaster, and on the other was an iron plate, and most importantly, it was a red-hot iron plate.

Count Dracula, who could neither run nor bite, was completely burned while begging for mercy, leaving only an epic key.

Qin Ming bent down to pick up the key, ignoring Angel who was screaming from being burned, and frowned.

First, there was the magic stone puppet that would not die in a special environment, then the magic sword that could be perfectly resurrected as long as there was a corpse, and now there is this vampire that can turn into blood mist, can run and fly, and has an amazing recovery ability.

Since entering this world, Qin Ming has found that all the bosses he encountered are terrifying mechanical monsters.

Especially the last guy, if Qin Ming's ability was not natural, Qin Ming would definitely not be able to defeat him.

And even if his ability was natural, without Zhao Honghua's assistance, Qin Ming could not catch him at all.

Turning into blood mist to escape, the mobility of this ability is too terrifying.

Putting the key in his arms, Qin Ming quickly reunited with Zhao Honghua.

Zhao Honghua, who stopped maintaining the magic circle, breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Count Dracula being killed.

She has been chasing this guy for a long time, and has defeated him many times, but she can't kill him anyway.

Now that she has finally killed this difficult thing, Zhao Honghua is also relieved.

"Zhao Honghua, what are you going to do next?"

"Close the Dark Portal!"

Putting away the talisman on the ground, Zhao Honghua took out the compass and looked around. Soon, in a hidden room in the high tower of the villa, he found the location of the legendary Dark Portal.

The so-called Dark Portal doesn't look very high-end, but rather very rustic.

What is the specific shape? You can think of it as a hole with a manhole cover on it.

The circular cave is bottomless, and monsters keep crawling out of it.

The manhole cover above is made of pure iron, and it is full of mysterious symbols.

According to Zhao Honghua's inference, this manhole cover and the symbols on it should be left by the previous sealer, and they all contain powerful magic power.

Pull over the manhole cover, quickly take out the talisman, and stick it around the manhole cover.

With the injection of magic power, these special talismans immediately merged with the manhole cover and reinforced the seal again.

With a bang, the huge cover was covered on the deep pit again, and as the two merged with each other, they gradually disappeared together.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Honghua stood up while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Okay, the seal is working again, and the Dark Portal has been hidden in the void again. As for when it will appear again, I don't know."

Qin Ming, who was standing next to him, frowned when he heard this.

"After reappearing, if someone opens the lid, won't they come out again?"

"How can it be that simple? The seal above is no joke. Each seal represents the power of a strong man. With so many seals stacked up, it is not easy to open. Of course, it doesn't matter if someone can open it."

Looking at the dark door that has completely disappeared in front of him, Zhao Honghua's mouth curled up a little.

"This door has never appeared before, and I have never heard of the various sealing powers above, so I suspect that this thing is not a product of this world at all. It may appear randomly in countless worlds. Even if it appears again next time, it is impossible to appear here again, right? I don't think it should be so unlucky."

"Traveling through the world, so that's it... What should we do next?"

"Daoyou, as far as I know, there should be another dark door in the world. I wonder if you are willing to go with me to seal it? I can help you apply for a hero medal afterwards!"

As they dealt with the powerful enemy together, Zhao Honghua's perception of Qin Ming obviously changed. At this time, he was already smiling when he spoke.

Qin Ming smiled when he heard this.

"I want a large medal."

"Don't worry, even if you want one that weighs ten kilograms, they will be willing to give it to you."

Turning to the stairs, Zhao Honghua said softly.

"After all, you saved the world, great hero."

... In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed. During these ten days, Kasamoto Eri and others have been accompanying Zhao Honghua to deal with the remaining evil things around. Now they have finally cleared them out, and the city has returned to the control of humans.

Without the continuous assistance of monsters, the evil things in the city alone are no match for humans, even though humans have suffered heavy casualties and have been beaten into strongholds.

As for what Qin Ming, who did not help, was doing? Well, he was doing something big.

In the early morning, Zhao Honghua and others were sitting in a huge passenger plane, quietly waiting for the plane to fly to the target location.

The location of the second dark door has been found out, but there is no need to find it because it is very obvious now.

In a world full of evil things, a suspended technological city actually appeared. Every day, monsters were released into various cities like dumplings. It was obviously the enemy's lair.

There is no need to think about it. There is definitely a Dark Portal in this hanging city where the energy source is constantly spitting out monsters.

So everyone took the passenger plane provided by the human army and traveled again, heading towards the city of science and technology.

Sitting in his seat, Zhao Honghua turned his head and looked at the closed room next to him, frowning.

After a long silence, he still couldn't hold back his doubts and spoke in a low voice.

"Angel, do you know what Fellow Daoist Qin is busy with recently? Why doesn't he show up?"

Angel, who was lying next to him with his legs on the table and shaking his legs out of boredom, answered without any inhibitions.

"I don't know. Maybe I was in a bad mood and hid. As you know, men always have a few days in a bad mood every month."

"Ah? Is it really true? Why didn't I know?"

"Yes, yes, and that's just ordinary people. My boss's condition is more serious. He is not in a good mood every day, so you have to be careful and be careful of him hitting you. He hit me when we first met."

Angel, this woman, obviously has no good intentions, and she always makes up nonsense.

And Zhao Honghua, who has been practicing Taoism, is also a silly girl with no scheming intentions, which caused her to be fooled and stunned.

As for Mile Kasamoto? Kasamoto Miles can only sit in the distance now, unable to even interrupt.

As soon as she got close, Zhao Honghua would quickly pick up the talisman and look at her fiercely, as if he was about to surpass her.

After all, Zhao Honghua is just innocent and she is not stupid.

Kasamoto Miles has been harassing him, and everyone can see it with obvious intentions. How can Zhao Honghua not be wary of her?

Good guy! This is what I kept in mind when I drank last time! Not really drunk!

Otherwise, Zhao Honghua would have to risk his life with Miles Kasamoto now!

Just when the atmosphere inside the plane was peaceful, Qin Ming, who had locked himself in a small room inside, looked extremely serious.

There was also an item in his hand, an item that he had been struggling with for a long time since he had taken it out of the box.

That's Count Dracula's trophy! A-level bloodline: the bloodline of the Vampire Earl!

Qin Ming looked expressionless as he looked at the blood-red bottle in his hand and the blood flowing inside.

He has been hesitating for several days and has been thinking about one thing, that is, whether he should strengthen this thing!

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