Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 464: Ethnic Expansion

Qin Ming must use the treasure of the invitation letter of the selected.

Because if you want to survive in the nightmare space, then the identity of the selected is indispensable.

However, he is not in a hurry to use it immediately, because he still has an important thing to do, that is, to strengthen his own combat power.

There is no need to strengthen his own combat power, and Qin Ming dare not strengthen it randomly, after all, he is afraid that he will explode.

After returning, he went to the top adventurer Sun God to ask for his experience. Qin Ming realized how risky his previous behavior was.

After learning that he had chosen this immortal bloodline, he would either succeed or die, and there was no chance to hold on after the fusion failed. How could Qin Ming dare to continue to strengthen.

He is now mainly strengthening the strength of his younger brother, or more precisely, the strength of the summoned creatures.

Kasamoto Eri has merged with the magic sword, and his strength has been further improved, so there is no need to rush to strengthen.

Now what needs to be strengthened is another group of summoned creatures! That is, the fighters that can be summoned in the King of Fighters manual!

As for this group of fighters, how should they be strengthened? This is simple! Don't forget that Qin Ming is a vampire now! A noble vampire marquis!

And vampire bloodline! But it can be produced by consuming blood essence!

It's just that the production process is very harmful to the body. Once the blood essence is lost, it will take a long time to recover, and the nightmare space cannot restore it for you.

But after some tests, Qin Ming soon found a way to quickly replenish the blood essence, that is, the dream water in the dream island!

By absorbing these dream waters, the blood essence consumed in Qin Ming's body can be quickly replenished.

And with blood essence, he can produce one vampire brother after another.

The high-level ones are the vampire earl, the low-level ones are also viscounts and barons, and the worse ones are vampire reserve food such as blood servants.

Of course, Qin Ming will not make blood servants because they are too useless.

As a vampire, you are afraid of garlic, fire, and even sunlight? This is reasonable!

Even if the Blood Clan Baron is just the lowest level vampire, he is only afraid of silver at most, and he can't turn into blood mist.

And he won't die unless the blood core hidden in the heart is poked.

This blood servant is good, he has no ability, but his physique is stronger than normal people, and his life span is long, that's all.

And there are so many additional weaknesses.

It's better not to change this kind of vampire!

In fact, it's normal for blood servants to have defects, because they are not real vampires at all. It's just that vampires find that a person's blood quality is good, and inject a little blood into him to prevent him from deteriorating and dying of old age.

To put it bluntly, it's a group of mobile reserve food. What kind of ability do you expect from a pile of food?

First, start the King of Fighters Manual, call out the contracted characters in it to talk, and see who is willing to accept his first embrace.

Then turn on the Holy Fork and satellite phone, shake some brothers, and continue to talk to them about life and ideals.

Faced with the temptation of vampire blood, basically 99% of people can't bear it, and fighters are the same.

After all, let's not talk about other things, just the two things of eternal youth + immortality are enough to make people excited.

Qin Ming's vampire creation plan was busy for a whole month before it was temporarily quiet.

After confirming that the strength of his brothers had greatly improved, mainly because the Dream Water was running out, Qin Ming finally nodded with satisfaction.

Then, under the gaze of a large number of female fighters, he solemnly took out the invitation letter for the selected candidates and opened it on the spot.

Looking at the rapidly formed light gate, Qin Ming took a deep breath, carried a big sword on his back, and stepped in.

Only a bunch of female fighters were left whispering, guessing who would be selected and summoned this time.

As Qin Ming passed through the light gate, he found himself in a town in a flash.

Before he could see the surrounding environment clearly, the harsh system prompt sound suddenly sounded, and this time the sound was particularly loud.

[Ding! Congratulations to No. 441985 for opening the invitation letter for the selected candidates! This world is a special world! ]

[This world is: Journey to the West: The Legend of the Evil Slayer]

[Mission difficulty: S-level]

[Number of entries: 5]

[Main mission requirements: Kill a main plot character or protagonist in person. ]

[Mission completion reward: Get selected candidate status]

[Mission failure penalty: This time the selected candidate quota is invalid]

[World introduction: White Dragon Horse! Hoof facing west... Ahem! Please remember! The water in Journey to the West is very deep! There are many big guys! ]

Hearing the prompt sound in his ears, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly widened, and an incredible look appeared on his face.

What the hell? S-level difficulty? What kind of world is this!

The highest level of difficulty he encountered before! It was only A-level!

And this world is actually Journey to the West: The Legend of the Evil Slayer? That is, the arcade version of Journey to the West!

Doesn't that mean! He will meet the legendary Sun Wukong and others!

If it was before, Qin Ming would be very willing to meet Sun Wukong, after all, he was his childhood idol.

But now it's different! Now he is a vampire! And Sun Wukong has the eyes of fire and gold!

When he takes a look at him, he will be shocked. A ball of degenerated blood has become a spirit. He will definitely hit him with a stick!

Just like that fox spirit, he thought he would meet at the corner and look at each other for life, but in the end, he was hit on the head!

It's a spoiled dish! This time, the Monkey King might not fight the White Bone Demon! But himself!

Qin Ming felt a chill when he thought that he, with his special identity, might fight with the legendary Monkey King.

After all, Sun Wukong's reputation is too great!

Finding that something was wrong, Qin Ming quickly checked his identity this time, wanting to see if his title could bring him any special status.

For example, there are many monsters under the heaven, such as heavenly soldiers and generals, land gods, etc., maybe he came down to help in this identity.

If this is true, then everything is easy to say.

However, eight out of ten people in the world are not satisfied. After checking his identity, Qin Ming's face fell on the spot.

Because he found that his initial identity this time was not a god, of course, nor a villain.

His identity this time was actually a wild grass-headed god! That is, the kind of wild fairy that the people spontaneously worship!

This is still a nice way of saying it. To put it in a bad way, it is a monster who pretends to be an immortal to enjoy the incense!

And the name is very domineering! It is called Blood God Ancestor!

Good guy! This name doesn't sound like a good god! Anyway, it is more like an evil spirit that needs to contribute boys and girls! Otherwise, it will bring disaster to the world!

This identity could not be a relative of the Inspiration King of Tongtian River! The chance of being beaten to death by Monkey King has increased again!

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