Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 474 All-out War

Qin Ming's blood control ability was already very strong, and now it was matched with a mutant arm.

The fusion of the two made Qin Ming's attack extremely powerful, and the Silver Horn King almost flew backwards on the spot.

When he rolled to the ground, blood was already flowing from his chest, and his flesh and blood were blurred.

Kneeling on one knee, barely stabilizing his figure, looking up at the enemy on the opposite side, the Silver Horn King didn't even have time to get up, and suddenly raised the Seven Star Sword in his hand.

With the flashing light above, seven golden lights drew arcs and shot at Qin Ming and Mai Shiranui like lightning.

Qin Ming raised his hand to form a shield, trying to forcibly block the attack, but who would have thought that with the starlight hitting, his entire arm would explode directly.

The Seven Star Sword with the power of the stars is extremely strong and yang! It is simply the nemesis of all demons and monsters!

Even with Qin Ming's defense! He couldn't take the main attack head-on!

The arm exploded, Qin Ming frowned in pain, and seeing the other stars following closely, he quickly turned into blood mist and dispersed.

The blood mist fled, and the seven stars followed closely. They were like missiles with positioning systems, aiming at Qin Ming and chasing him relentlessly.

On the opposite side, the Silver Horn King, who was kneeling on one knee, controlled the sword and kept chasing Qin Ming, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Relying on the seven stars, he chased Mai Shiranui and Qin Ming so hard that they ran away with their heads in their arms, and they couldn't get close at all.

It's just that this side defended two people! But there is still one person on the other day!

Kasamoto Eri, who put away the banana fan, rushed up with the magic sword in his hand.

Hearing the sound of the wind, the Silver Horn King turned his head in panic, waving his sword and colliding with the magic sword chopped by Kasamoto Eri.

In the sparks, the two sides fought evenly.

Seeing that Kasamoto Eri continued to swing his sword, the Silver Horn King kept raising his sword to block and counterattack.

The body occupied by Kasamoto Eri at this time was just a little demon. Even with the magic sword attribute, his strength was just average. How could he be the opponent of the Silver Horn King?

The two fought for less than a dozen rounds, and Kasamoto Eri had his arm cut off by the Silver Horn King's sword and kicked out on the spot.

Kasamoto Eri, who just rolled out, didn't care about his broken arm injury. He just raised his hand and threw a corpse from the inventory, and fiercely inserted the sword into it.

As the black fog spread, the corpse quickly resurrected.

Kasamoto Eri, who changed his body, roared and rushed up again with a sword.

At the same time, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri finally got rid of the pursuit of the Seven Star Sword, avoided the seven stars whose accuracy was greatly reduced due to no one controlling them, and launched a charge from another direction.

The three of them worked together and beat the Silver Horn King so hard that he was in a panic and couldn't handle it at all.

It only took a moment for him to be covered with wounds.

Just as he was about to die at the hands of the three, a deafening roar suddenly came from the tunnel.

The few people who heard the sound turned their heads in surprise, and the next second their pupils suddenly shrank.

Because at the end of the tunnel, with the flying gravel, there was a torrent of river water!

That's right! It was the river water!

The gushing torrent was like a swimming dragon! It occupied the entire tunnel! Everything was submerged wherever it passed!

In the cave on the mountain! There was a flood!

"Not good!"

Seeing this scene, Kasamoto Eri was shocked and hurried forward to take out the banana fan and fanned it with all his strength.

As the power of the banana fan was activated, a raging fire suddenly emerged in the cave, shooting forward all over the sky.

Fire and flood! Just collided in the cave!

As a result, the fire lasted less than ten seconds before it was breached by the flood from the front.

Qin Ming and others were hit by the flood and were swept away by it.

The flood came and went quickly, and disappeared in just a moment.

As the flood dissipated, a figure quickly appeared at the end of the tunnel.

He held a white jade vase in his hand, and his whole body was shining with golden light.

The person who came was King Jinjiao!

Touching the sheep-fat jade bottle in his hand that could hold all the water in the world, King Jinjiao had a sneer on his face.

"I thought I could attract a few big fish, but I didn't expect that you were the ones who were attracted. You are indeed worthy of being the reserve of the selected candidates. Even the golden rope can't hold you. What a trick."

Seeing King Jinjiao appear, King Yinjiao showed joy on his face and hurriedly covered his wound and came over.

"Big brother!"

"Second brother, you go and rest first, I will deal with them."

Patting the shoulder of King Silver Horn, King Golden Horn fixed his eyes on Qin Ming and others, his eyes were extremely sharp.

He hid secretly and put King Silver Horn in the open, just to lure out the others.

After all, the opponents this time are all very powerful, and King Golden Horn will not feel at ease if they are not dealt with.

But he did not expect that the ones who were finally led out would be Qin Ming and others who had been captured! Although King Golden Horn had guessed that they definitely had special means! But he did not expect that they could actually break the blockade of the golden rope!

If he had known earlier, he would have killed them directly, not kept them as scapegoats.

Forget it, it is not too late to kill them now. Although the banana fan was taken away by the other party, it was originally a bait he deliberately left.

Although the banana fan is strong, the problem is that it is naturally countered by the mutton-fat jade bottle! You will die if you take it! Or you will die faster if you take it!

This was because he was able to lock onto the specific location of the magic weapon through its aura. This palm-leaf fan was originally a locator that he deliberately let others take away!

With a sneer, looking at the people on the opposite side who had stood up and looked at him vigilantly, King Jinjiao suddenly raised the treasure bottle in his hand and pointed the bottle mouth at several people.

"Three! Have you heard of the Three Thousand Weak Waters!"

With a hum, the magic weapon was activated, and the black sea water sprayed out like a sharp sword, and wherever it passed, the stone and iron broke into pieces!

King Jinjiao activated the killing move in the bottle as soon as he came up!

King Jinjiao and King Yinjiao brought down a total of five magic weapons this time, and the strongest of them was undoubtedly the purple gold red gourd.

As for the second strongest, it was not the golden rope or the seven-star sword, but this sheep-fat jade bottle!

Because although the ability of this bottle is only to hold water, the problem is that it is the bottle of Taishang Laojun! There are many types of water in it!

Among them, there is no shortage of special liquids with terrifying lethality!

Therefore, among the five magic weapons! This bottle is the most powerful!

Looking at the overwhelming black liquid, Qin Ming and others froze and hurriedly flew to dodge.

Seeing them explode into blood mist, King Jinjiao sneered, and the liquid in the bottle in his hand quickly began to emit cold air, until it turned into an extremely cold mist!

You like to turn into liquid, right? Then change once and for all! Never change back again!

Extremely cold and yin! Taken from the underworld! Liquid from the Styx! Water from the Yellow Spring!

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