Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 480 Arhat Golden Body!

Before fusing the arm, Qin Ming still had one thing to do, which was to open other treasure chests and see what he had gained this time.

Mainly because he was afraid that if there was a problem with the melting, he would not have the chance to open it and see what he had gained this time.

As the three boxes were opened one by one, a faint glow came into view.

Three special items appeared in front of Qin Ming.

[Name: Silver Horn King's Taoist Robe]

[Category: Clothes (Brilliant Gold Quality)]

[Equipment Requirements: Spirit 50]

[Effect 1: Spirit +20]

[Effect 2: Double the speed of mental recovery]

[Effect 3: Extra +25 for mental defense]

[Introduction: This is the standard equipment of the disciples under the command of Taishang Laojun]

[Name: Imitation Banana Fan]

[Category: Special Items (Dim Legendary Level)]

[Equipment Requirements: None]

[Effect: After inciting, consume 10 points of mental power and launch a Large-scale flame attack, causing a fixed 50 points of damage]

[Introduction: This is a fake banana fan made by Jinyin Tongzi that imitates the banana fan. It only has 50% of the power of the real banana fan, and the flame it fanned is just an ordinary flame]

[Name: Jin Chanzi's Relics]

[Classification: Consumables (Dim Legendary)]

[Requirements for use: None]

[Effect: After use, one of your own skills will mutate]

[Introduction: Why are the relics of high monks called relics, but the ones of ordinary people called gallstones? ]

Of the three items, only the last one made Qin Ming's eyes light up.

The spoils given by Tang Seng turned out to be a legendary one, and like the arm of Tathagata Buddha, it also has the ability to cause people to mutate.

It's just not as advanced as Tathagata Buddha's arm, and can only mutate skills.

Playing with the golden crystal in his hand, Qin Ming's eyes flickered and he quickly decided to use it.

Since it has been decided to fuse the arm of Tathagata Buddha, then Tang Seng, as his disciple, is of the same origin, so it is just right to test the water with his gallstones.

It can also be seen by the way how this mutation is specifically transformed and whether there are any sequelae.

With the palm raised, Qin Ming stuffed the crystal into his mouth.

The moment he swallowed it hard, his eyes suddenly widened.

Because Qin Ming, who swallowed the relic, only felt that he swallowed not a bead, but a high-temperature fireball.

He obviously forgot one thing! That is, he is a vampire!

In the East, it is a monster! Blood monster!

You are a monster! Although you dare to eat the treasure of Buddhism! There must be something wrong if you don’t react!

Fortunately, he is a person in the nightmare space, and his body has long been materialized by data.

Otherwise, if it were a normal monster, he would have been burned to death on the spot.

After all, have you ever heard of a vampire who dared to go to a church to chant, or even drink the holy water from a plate? Isn't this just because he doesn't want to live anymore?

Hot! Ridiculously hot! Qin Ming was so hot that he was smoking all over!

Even golden lines were constantly appearing on his body! It was like a light bulb covered with a black cloth! It couldn't cover the light inside at all!

Qin Ming, who was burning from the high temperature inside, groaned in pain and covered his stomach with both hands.

After struggling for a long time with his teeth bared, the signs of rejection gradually dissipated.

When he no longer felt the pain and stood up shakily, he found that a lot of golden lines appeared on his body when he stood in front of the mirror!

Golden lines spread out from his chest, connecting his limbs and bones, and his originally blood-red eyes were faintly emitting golden light.

The blood and gold colors merged into one, causing his appearance at this time to have nothing to do with the legendary monks, but to look more like a non-mainstream person.

Qin Ming found that his state was not right, and he hurriedly opened the attribute panel. The first thing that caught his eye was the skill that had been severely mutated, and could even be called a reborn skill.

Defensive passive skill: Iron Body!

Of course, this was the previous name, and now its name has been changed! It has become a new S-level defensive skill: Arhat Golden Body!

[Name: Arhat Golden Body]

[Grade: S-level]

[Effect: All defenses are converted into damage-free attributes, and after actively launching this skill, each point of physical fitness increases 1 point of defense, and consumes 1 point of mental power every 10 seconds]

[Introduction: My Buddha is merciful! But I am not merciful! ]

The former passive defensive skill! Now it has completely become an active skill!

And the defense amplification effect is extraordinary and terrifying! How much physical fitness can increase how much defense!

Looking at the completely mutated skill, Qin Ming's face was dull, and his brain was almost blank.

Is he... becoming a golden body Arhat?

Converted to my Buddha? Achieved the right result? Put down the butcher knife?

Just one second, he broke an arm of Tathagata Buddha, and the next second, he joined the other party's organization? What can he do!

I have never heard that bats can become Buddhas! What Buddha? Bat Buddha?

Qin Ming instinctively put his hands together and took the initiative to activate the mutation skill.

As the golden pattern on his body lit up, his eyes suddenly burst into light.

The next second! The whole body of the person burst into a thousand feet of golden light! He was rendered into a little golden man on the spot!

Golden body! Open!

Looking at himself covered in golden color, Qin Ming tapped his chest lightly with a shocked face, and then he heard a sound similar to that of iron forging!

Hundreds of merits can refine the golden body! It has been known since ancient times to subdue demons and monsters!

The karma of the previous life is cut off in one day! Put down the butcher knife and join us!

The highest realm of Buddhism! Golden body Arhat!

Feeling the hardness of his body and listening to the faint Sanskrit sound in his ears, Qin Ming's fierce expression suddenly became peaceful. He sat cross-legged, clasped his hands together and silently chanted the Buddha's name, then closed his eyes and recited the scriptures... ... Bullshit! He doesn't know any scriptures!

He can only remember the first sentence of the Great Compassion Mantra! How come he turned into an Arhat! Isn't this a scam!

Quickly canceling the transformation state, Qin Ming shook his head vigorously.

Not good! Those bald donkeys are really poisonous! It's true that putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha on the spot! They actually want to purify him secretly!

Are you kidding! He has a lot of wives! Who wants to become a monk! And a golden body Arhat? Even if you stand up and give him your seat, it won't work!

Besides, he has made a big grudge with Tathagata Buddha, how could he possibly go to the other party's company?

What if he is bullied by the other party? Didn't you see that Jin Chanzi fell asleep during the class, and then was called up by Tathagata Buddha for questioning. He said that what the other party said was wrong, and then he was sent to the lower world to suffer.

The eldest disciple is treated like this, how can Qin Ming be good?

If his wife is accidentally saved and converted to Buddhism, who will Qin Ming talk to about life at night!

Qin Ming, who slapped his cheek hard to wake himself up, took a long breath and grabbed the arm of Tathagata Buddha next to him.

After struggling for a long time, he didn't dare to use it directly.

Because the relic of Jin Chanzi almost saved him, the effect of Tathagata Buddha's arm must be even more powerful.

"What! Nightmare! I won't be saved if I use it, right?"

Qin Ming, who was worried, finally tried to ask.

As soon as he finished speaking, the cold voice of the nightmare space rang in his ears.

"No, you are from the nightmare space, that bald donkey can't affect you."

"Oh... that's not right! I just merged the relics! Why did I almost become a Buddha?"

"You just have a bad heart, you read too many novels, and you scare yourself. It's normal to go out and kill two people."

"Oh... huh?!"

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