Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 485 Demon General

Looking at the small troops rushing over, the rebels hiding behind the bunkers quickly launched an attack with their weapons.

In an instant, the flames connected into a piece, constantly hitting the light tanks, but the result was that all the bullets were bounced away. Not to mention penetrating the tank, it couldn't even scratch it.

With a bang, the X-type heavy tank developed by the rebels finally opened fire, and one shot accurately hit the face of the opposite tank.

In the splashing of flames, the armor-piercing bullet was deflected by the light steel plate and shot at the building on the side, blowing up the wall on the spot.

The light tanks that were attacked adjusted their muzzles and fired wildly at this side.

The heavy machine gun roared, directly hitting the tanks on this side with holes, completely paralyzed, and several drivers inside died on the spot.

After dealing with the tanks, the machine guns quickly turned their muzzles and swept towards the bunkers on both sides.

The wall was penetrated by bullets! The building was quickly destroyed!

With the machine gun firepower of the light tanks, twenty soldiers rushed forward immediately and destroyed all the defense lines here in just a moment.

Obviously, there were more rebel soldiers here, more than a hundred people, and they were equipped with several light and heavy machine guns, but they were the ones who were suppressed.

More than twenty regular soldiers, either holding rifles or submachine guns, kept rushing all the way.

Bullets hit them, sparks flew everywhere, and at most they staggered, but they could not be killed or even knocked down.

And after getting close, the captain who led the way turned into a blood mist, whizzed through the firepower network, and rushed directly to the rebels' defense line.

He raised his hand to grab one person, and threw him out like a rag doll, causing the other party to fly more than three meters high and hit the wall on the second floor.

Let the bullets shoot at him, the captain took out the shotgun and sprayed everyone he saw, completely ignoring the enemy's counterattack.

Occasionally, a rebel soldier would try to attack him with a rocket launcher, and he would turn into a blood mist and disperse on the spot. When he reappeared, he had come to the side of the rocket launcher soldier, and while killing him with one shot, he would even pick up the rocket launcher and shoot others.

In just a moment, the street that had just been captured changed hands again.

More than a hundred rebel soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and only less than thirty were left, all of whom became prisoners.

And what dealt with them from beginning to end was only a tank + twenty lightly armed soldiers, that's all.

This squad, or the unit where this squad belongs to, is what the rebels call the Demon Legion: the Hound Squad!

The Hound Squad dragged the prisoners together, checked the surroundings, and confirmed that the surrounding area was completely safe. They gathered together and looked at the prisoners, and whispered with some headaches.

"Captain, what should we do with these guys? Where did they come from? We've suppressed them once before, why are there so many people here? The appeal of that old man Modern is too strong!"

"Hand them over to other troops, and hand over this street as well."

"But those guys can't defend it at all! Just handed it over the previous second! The street was lost again the next second!"

"That's none of our business. We are only responsible for suppressing the rebellion, and guarding the street is not our responsibility."

Just as these soldiers were looking at the captives and whispering, a dull sound of footsteps suddenly came from the side, and at the same time, a whisper came.

"Let's let them all go, and don't worry about the street. Where's your commander? Take me to see him!"

The sudden voice startled the soldiers who were talking in a low voice, and they turned around and aimed their guns at the same time.

After seeing that the people who walked out of the ruins were not wearing rebel uniforms, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

"Stop! Who are you? Tell me your identity!"

The leading captain looked at Qin Ming who was still approaching, and couldn't help but growl with his gun raised.

Qin Ming stopped when he heard this question, but his face turned black.

"Who am I! Who can I be? I'm your boss!"

Qin Ming took out the satellite phone and threw it over, hitting the captain's helmet.

The huge force hit him on the spot and made him fall on his back, which frightened the soldiers around him and pulled the bolt together.

Even the light tank next to him quickly turned the muzzle to Qin Ming.

But before everyone surrounded him, the captain who struggled to climb up with his helmet in his hand had already reacted.

"This voice... General? General?! Is it really you! General!"

Picking up the satellite phone and looking at it, and then looking at Qin Ming opposite, the captain finally recognized Qin Ming's identity, and his face couldn't help showing excitement.

Qin Ming, who strode over, snatched the satellite phone and glared at him fiercely.

"It took you so long to recognize me! How did you get away with it!"

"General, I haven't seen you a few times. When we met before, I was at the end of the team. How could I see your face?"

"Who is the officer in charge here? Shuke or Beta?"

"Neither. The one in charge here is Major Claude!"

"What is Claude?"

"Major Claude! A company commander under Adjutant Shuke! The commander-in-chief in charge of this area!"

"Company commander? Claude? I haven't heard of him. What's your position?"

"I'm the platoon leader of the third platoon! Platoon leader Colum!"

"Colum, right? Take me to see your company commander."


Raising his hand and saluting, Platoon Leader Colum commanded his squad to quickly escort Qin Ming to retreat.

He also drove out the machine gun operator in the tank and cleared a position for Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who boarded the tank, raised his hand to take the military coat and military cap handed over by Platoon Leader Colum.

After patting the dust off the hat, he put the hat on his head and turned his head to look at the prisoners in the distance.

Looking at the more than 30 prisoners who were looking up at this side, mainly the squad leader who had talked to him before, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly narrowed and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"What did you call my army just now?"


"Demon Legion? Not bad! I like this new nickname! But you call me Demon General, which makes me very unhappy."

Straightening the military cap and wearing it crookedly on his head, Qin Ming, who was wearing a military coat, raised his eyebrows.

"Next time, remember to call me by my full name. I'm not a general. I'm the youngest three-star major general in the Federation, the future five-star emperor, the commander-in-chief of the hound troops, and the hyena corporal. My rank is much higher than that of a general. You should call me the Demon Marshal!"

He raised his hand and patted the tank, signaling the tank soldiers to set sail.

He retracted his gaze and turned to look at Qin Ming in front of him, with a hint of a grim smile gradually appearing on his face.

"Let's go! Tell those rubbish in the Federation! Their emperor is back again!"

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