Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 488 The Federation’s Big Pie

After just a few days away, the Modern Army returned and suddenly found that the world had changed and became unfamiliar.

The people in the desert city seemed to no longer reject the government army, and the nearby government army suddenly became very capable.

Without the help of the locals, the Modern Army, which was already unable to defeat the enemy, was even more unable to defeat it, and was very anxious for a while.

The local leader immediately sent people to search for intelligence, and when the intelligence was collected, he looked at the intelligence in his hand with a confused expression.

What the hell! What is this!

What do you mean the government army is distributing supplies to the people! Where do they get such kindness!

Besides, even if they have good intentions! Where do they get so many supplies! Can they make money out of thin air!

Oh, the money was robbed from the homes of the wealthy families nearby.

As long as someone points out and confirms that the wealthy families who have been bullying the locals have been raided by them... No! Did the other party make a mistake! They were sent here! Aren't they here to protect these wealthy families!

Bringing people to raid the homes of these wealthy families! It should be their job! Why are they doing it!

They are the rebels! They are the government army!

They stand on the side of the people to resist oppression! They stand on the side of the wealthy families to suppress! This is the normal situation!

Why are they fighting their own people!

Looking at the intelligence in their hands, the rebels were completely confused for a while.

Not only were they confused, but the wealthy families who were robbed were also confused at this time, extremely confused.

The Hounds were the ace bodyguards they called through their connections to ensure that their assets would not be taken away by the rioting people.

In order to invite this ace force, they also spent a lot of money.

Now the Hounds, who came to suppress the rebellion, suddenly wanted to use their money to please the people. Why did the wealthy families call them here! Isn't this another group of rebels!

Why did the rebels come and beat them! The government army came and beat them too! Which side are these guys on!

Finding that something was not right, this group of rich people hurriedly made a phone call.

And the federal officials who were called up in the middle of the night and had interests with them also quickly figured out the cause and effect.

Then they were also dumbfounded.

The people who quickly convened an emergency meeting were very upset at this time.

The news that three legion commanders, together with their subordinates, committed suicide with more than a dozen shots in the back had already reached their ears.

Of course, they would not believe this kind of ghost news, after all, you shot me with more than a dozen shots in the back and committed suicide!

The other side is clearly too lazy to conceal it! They are too lazy to even disguise! Just throw an excuse and it's done!

And after killing people, they actually turned around and moved their own industry! Killing their own partners! Isn't this going against the sky!


"Hey! Admiral Jamie Fox! This hyena is your man, right? Can you please take care of him? Don't let him cause trouble everywhere! His behavior will cause social unrest!"

Several senior officials turned their heads to look at Jamie Fox, while old Admiral Jamie Fox, who was bored and fixing his nails, replied without raising his head.

"I can't take care of him."


"I really can't take care of him. That little bastard even dared to hit me. I can't take care of him. How about you take care of him?"

Jamie Fox said, while raising his head happily.

Hearing this, the other senior officials showed embarrassment on their faces and lowered their heads together.

Take care of him? How to take care of him? Now everyone knows that this hound unit is very good at fighting.

They dare to kill even the highest commanders of other legions, and they just find an excuse to deal with them and report them, without fear of being exposed.

Faced with this kind of stuff, if they insist on taking care of it, what will they do if they are shot in the back and commit suicide!

And they are really desperate! What should they do if they rebel!

It's hard enough to deal with a modern here! What if a hyena pops up over there! Will they survive!

If the Hound Corps used to only make them feel timid, then the Hound Corps, which is becoming more and more unscrupulous, has begun to scare them.

The other party is already too big to shake off and is completely beyond their control.

They dare not forcibly take back the military power. They have tried to take back the power this year, but no matter what excuse they use, they will cause a strong counterattack from the other party.

They sent people over and were forced to commit suicide.

They sent troops over and were assimilated into the group.

This group of rolling meat does not listen to them at all, and the most important thing is that they are still extremely loyal.

The senior officials who knew that the hyena major general had special powers really didn't know how to deal with this incident for a while.

It's just that everyone can climb to this position, and it's impossible for them to be a group of iron waste.

They may be old, or they may have been corrupted by money, but their IQ is still online.

With his eyes flickering, one of the senior officials suddenly raised his head and spoke in a deep voice.

"If he wants to manage that area, then let him manage it, but it is impossible to give him the management rights of the area for no reason, right, Admiral Jamie Fox."

Hearing this, Admiral Jamie Fox couldn't help but frown.

"What do you mean?"

"Let him deal with Modern! Deal with the rebels! As long as he can deal with Modern's troops! We will give him the autonomy of that area! And grant him the position of a five-star general! But let me be frank. If he can't do it, he must withdraw from that area and completely obey the government's command in the future. After all, without military merit, you can't get rewards. This is the rule."

The high-level official made a reasonable statement, which made Admiral Jamie Fox frown.

He was also an old hand, so he naturally heard the meaning of the other party's words.

Since both sides are difficult to solve, let them fight on their own.

Killing one less trouble, if both sides can fight to the death, it would be even better.

Anyway, if the federal high-level officials win, they will make a profit, and if they lose, they will not lose.

Looking up and taking a deep look at the people in front of him, Admiral Jamie Fox had no way to object to this suggestion.

After all, the other party did follow the rules. As a soldier of the federation, it was natural to help the federation fight, not to mention that they were not unwilling to give benefits.

The pie in front of this group of people is really big! A five-star general title! Regional autonomy! If you can really get it! Then you will be a local emperor! Just like them!

That's right! Including Jamie Fox, these senior officials present have their own autonomous regions! And their own private troops!

Once this mission is completed, Qin Ming can really be on an equal footing with them.

But no one can be sure whether this big pie can be eaten or whether it tastes good.

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