Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 496: Boss appears!

In the tunnel, with the sound of footsteps, a figure strode in with hands behind his back.

The experimental subjects that were constantly climbing around tried to attack him, but before they even got close, the harsh sound of wind suddenly appeared.

Two balls of blood were as fast as lightning, drawing various arcs in mid-air, and actively collided with these experimental subjects.

After violently blowing up the experimental subjects, he turned around and shot to the other side, frantically moving through the crowd, killing one experimental subject after another.

Qin Ming strode forward, his murderous intent wavering blood cells to kill all around, and in the blink of an eye he cleared all the monsters in the passage.

When there were no more living creatures, Qin Ming raised his hand and grabbed it. Two balls of blood flew into his palm and were absorbed by him.

Looking at the wreckage all around, Qin Ming nodded slightly. After personally testing the effect of the tracking wave fist, Qin Ming felt very satisfied.

His ability to control blood was originally powerful, but the only flaw was that it was not flexible enough.

But now the tracking wave fist has successfully made up for this flaw, allowing his power to reach the level of arm-like control.

In this way, his last shortcoming was made up for, and he became a hexagonal warrior through and through.

Of course, it's just perfect. If all skills can be upgraded to the top level, that is, SSS level, then it can be called true perfection.

It's just that this takes time. Although the blood of the Blood Buddha can be stably fused, it can only be fused one at a time, so he has to wait.

When he came to a laboratory and looked at the dead scientists and soldiers lying on the ground, Qin Ming frowned.

After observing the surrounding situation, he found that there should be a problem with the experiment, causing the experimental subjects to go berserk. After killing everyone, he raised his hand and blood suddenly flew out in the form of a knife.

Following a harsh cutting sound, and with the blessing of the wave of murderous intent, the bloody blade cut open the closed door just like cutting tofu.

Qin Ming walked in along the gap, looked at the cave leading directly to the outside world, and twitched his eyebrows.

Rebel headquarters! found it!

The exit of the cave is a blanket of white snow and is completely suspended in the air, connected only by a suspension bridge.

Nowadays, with the strong wind blowing, these suspension bridges are rippling wildly. People who get on them may not even be able to stand, let alone walk away.

In addition, at regular intervals, there will be a bunker on a fixed stone pillar, which can not only attack incoming enemies, but also blow up the suspension bridge at a critical moment.

It can be said that the only road leading to the rebel headquarters can be described as a natural hazard.

Of course, this is only for ordinary people and is of no use to Qin Ming, because Qin Ming does not need to leave at all.

As soon as his figure turned around, Qin Ming turned into blood mist and exploded, rushing towards the distant military base under a hail of bullets.

A large number of hound warriors followed from the tunnel, and after looking at each other, they also turned into blood mist and rushed out.

In the wind and snow, blood mist floated all over the sky, forming a torrent rushing forward. No matter how bullets were fired, there was no response, and it was completely immune to physical attacks.

By the time everyone turned into human forms again, they had already arrived at the base.

Before Qin Ming, who was holding his hands behind his back, led his troops to walk in, a harsh crunching sound suddenly sounded.

The next second, the heavy door slowly opened, and the internal situation of the military base standing on the top of the mountain appeared in front of everyone.

What's inside is an army! A large army!

The leader was none other than the modern general who had met once before!

At this moment, he was riding a circular aircraft with a very sci-fi shape. He leaned half of his body from the upper exit with a serious expression and looked at Qin Ming.

After seeing Qin Ming, his pupils shrank sharply.

"It's you?"

"it's me."

"I remember you and have heard of you, the commander of the Hound Force, the three-star Major General Hyena!"

"He will be a five-star general soon."

"I have heard about what you have done during this time, hyena. Being able to choose to help the people shows that you are not completely corrupted. So why are you still going against us? Can't we cooperate well?"

With his eyes widened, General Modern became a little emotional when he said this.

"You and I join forces! Solve the federal government! You can be whatever general you want! Isn't this good! Why are you still fighting for the rotten federal government!"

Qin Ming was slightly startled when he heard Mo Deng's words, and then shook his head after thinking for a moment.

"Your proposal is very tempting, and I really don't care who I fight for, but I have to consider my soldiers. Their families survive in the Federation, they have federal official positions, and their lives are considered satisfactory now. Modern, I can't Because I destroyed everything for them. I am a general. I can not care about the life and death of others, but I cannot care about the life and death of my own soldiers! "

Qin Ming's words made Mo Deng smile bitterly and shake his head, with a look of understanding on his face.

"Understood, we are a group of people who have been forced to have no way out, but you still have a way out, and you really don't need to join us. In that case! Let's rely on our strength!"

With a wave of his hand, the surrounding soldiers immediately controlled their weapons and pointed them in the opposite direction.

General Modern showed a look of determination on his face.

"Let me show you! The technology provided by our new allies! Mars technology!"

With a buzzing sound, the sci-fi aircraft below General Modern lit up on the spot and slowly flew into the air.

The technology level of this black technology product that flies completely upright is obviously higher than that of the federal army. There are even some square mechas with special shapes among the rebel rear troops!

Seeing these things, Qin Ming couldn't help showing a look of astonishment on his face.

General Modern, who got into the aircraft, laughed out loud.

But before he could finish laughing, a beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and hit the aircraft accurately.

The next second, the entire aircraft exploded on the spot, and General Modern in the ruins floated up uncontrollably and flew into the sky.

And at this time in the sky! As the clouds dispersed! A huge flying saucer slowly fell!

The overall area is more than ten kilometers! A flying saucer like a floating island! The lights below are flashing!

Through the transparent glass-like object! You can also see a group of strange creatures that look like jellyfish! They are controlling this huge aircraft!

The rebels have just found an ally recently! The Martian force! They are on the scene!

However, this ally can only be regarded as a former ally, because their real purpose has never been to help Modern, but to obtain the technological level and combat style of this planet by joining them.

Now that the data has been counted and it has been confirmed that they can defeat the enemies on this planet, the Martians finally took action!

And they! Are the final BOSS of Metal Slug 2!

Looking at the huge flying saucer falling from the sky, the rebel soldiers below were frightened and screamed, and the soldiers on Qin Ming's side were also stunned.

Only Qin Ming could not help shaking his head and smiling after reacting.

"Fighting aliens to save the world, an old-fashioned plot."


As soon as he finished speaking, a beam of light fell from the sky! It bombed him accurately!

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