Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 499 Street Fighter!

It is not difficult to escape from space. As a fellow lamp god, he can do it at any time.

But he is not in a hurry to escape, because Qin Ming still has things to do, such as improving his abilities to the limit.

That is, he should get enough wool before leaving. After all, after leaving here, when he starts from scratch with the lamp god, he can't eat these meats, and can only eat bran and vegetables.

So he has to eat more fat before leaving.

With his return, Qin Ming's killing intention wave ability has been integrated. Next, he did not hesitate to integrate the tracking wave fist into S level.

After doing all this, he began to collect points on a large scale and resell items to prepare for the subsequent escape.

He is not going to run alone. He is going to take everything he can with him.

For example, the soldiers in the world of the Knights of the Round Table, the soldiers in the world of Metal Slug, oh, yes, the people in the world of King of Fighters cannot be left behind.

There are also equipment, resources, and various messy space items, all of which must be saved.

Qin Ming has a lot of things to do, so he probably won't be able to leave in a short time.

And during this period, he must be careful. After all, if the nightmare space finds something wrong, Qin Ming feels that he will be dead based on its attitude towards other spaces.

In the blink of an eye, several months have passed. Qin Ming, who successfully integrated the S-level tracking wave fist, has upgraded his blood control skills to SS.

And today, he started a new round of tasks.

And this time the mission world is: Street Fighter!

[Mission World: Street Fighter]

[Number of people entering: 100]

[Mission Difficulty: Grade A]

[Main Mission Requirements: Kill a fighter]

[Mission Completion Reward: 10,000 points, 10 free attribute points]

[Mission Failure Penalty: Deduct 2,000 points]

[Optional Mission Requirements: Have a favorable impression of a storyline fighter of 500 points or more]

[Mission Completion Reward: 10,000 points, 10 free attribute points]

[World Introduction: The fluctuation of Qi is widely spread, and those who practice Qi are the so-called fighters. The story of fighters has just begun...]

With a flash of light, Qin Ming has entered the Street Fighter world.

And this time he is a little-known fighter.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Qin Ming found that he was actually in Japan. He frowned, quickly put one hand in his pocket and walked forward, and at the same time took out a golden oil lamp from his arms.

The lamp god, or should be called the god of fantasy, has very powerful abilities, and can also be used in the nightmare space.

It's just because the upper limit of energy that can be stored in the body is not much now, the ability is effective, and must abide by the rules of the nightmare space.

In each world, Qin Ming can make a wish to her, and it will definitely come true.

As for the way to achieve it, she dare not guarantee it.

For example, if Qin Ming wants a meteorite, then there is a high possibility that a meteorite will fall from the sky and hit him, or there may be a meteorite escorted in a passing police car.

Anyway, he can definitely see the meteorite, but whether he can get it depends on himself.

The same is true if he wants the world to be destroyed. He may see a notice in the news that the world will be destroyed after so many years, or when playing games, he plays the ending of the world being destroyed.

Anyway, the ability of the lamp god will help Qin Ming fulfill his wish in various ways within her ability.

If the energy is not enough, then the way to complete it will be very perfunctory.

But once the energy is enough, Qin Ming wants the world to be destroyed, then the world can really be destroyed, and the Big Bang can be made for you.

The power of the lamp god can only be used once in a world, so Qin Ming did not use it recklessly.

He quickly put away the lamp and took a taxi to a direction, which was the suburbs, deserted.

But Qin Ming knew that there should be a master living here, a master who almost killed him with one punch before.

That was the leader of the assassination sect: Gang Quan!

The S-level power in his body has increased from one to four now, and one has been upgraded to SS level.

Qin Ming even knows the move of killing intention fluctuation, so Qin Ming feels it is necessary to visit Gang Quan.

Didn’t that guy say that he could help him restrain his evil thoughts and prevent himself from being eroded by power.

In this case, let’s go and visit him. If he can help him learn to control his power, it would be the best.

But if not, then Qin Ming thinks it’s time to talk to him about the hatred of being almost killed by one punch before.

Taking a car to the suburbs, thinking back to the address given by Gang Quan before, Qin Ming strode forward.

After walking around twice, he finally arrived in front of a wooden courtyard.

He raised his hand and knocked gently on the door. Seeing no response from inside, Qin Ming frowned and suddenly raised his hand to push it open.

Looking at the silent courtyard, Qin Ming glanced around and walked in.

Heavy footsteps continued to sound in the courtyard. Qin Ming, who quickly crossed the front yard, just walked to the atrium, and suddenly heard the sound of wind in his ears.

Qin Ming's pupils shrank when he heard the movement, and he swept his hand without thinking.

Along with the energy ball shooting out, a small blood ball containing the wave of murderous intent shot out, drawing an arc and colliding with the wave fist shot from the side.

While knocking away the wave punch on the spot, with a bang, it hit the chest of the person behind it without slowing down, knocking the stunned person several meters away.

Looking at his junior brother Ken who broke through the wooden board with a bang and was embedded in the wooden board, Long, who was wearing a white training robe, frowned, gathered his hands without thinking, and suddenly condensed a ball of blue energy in his hands.

The secret of the assassination sect! Vacuum wave punch!

Feeling the power contained in this ball of energy, Qin Ming's pupils shrank, and his face finally showed a serious look, and he also gathered his hands at his waist.

With the boiling of the killing intention wave, a ball of blood-red energy rotated at high speed.

The secret! Killing intention wave punch!


Two energy cannons fired at the same time! Hitting each other directly!

Just at the moment of collision! Qin Ming's killing intention wave punch suddenly split from it! Transformed into two small wave punches! Forcibly avoided the frontal bombardment of the opponent's wave punch!

In the next second or so, it drew an arc! In the shocked eyes of Long on the opposite side! It hit him hard!

With a loud bang, Long, who did not expect that the wave punch could actually split or even turn, was directly blown away more than ten meters away by a cannon, crashing into the wall and breaking through the wall.

But otherwise, how can we say that the people in the Street Fighter world are tough enough? They are all beef cattle, and their body grids are not grown for nothing.

Long, who took this fatal blow, actually struggled to get up in the next second. Not to mention being killed, he was not even seriously injured.

Pulling off the torn clothes on his body, looking at Qin Ming who was looking at him from the opposite side, Long gritted his teeth and suddenly roared.

Raised his hand! Angry! Five consecutive wave punches!

Qin Ming also raised his fist and raged when he saw this! He took the same posture!

It was also five consecutive killing wave punches!

The energy cannons collided in the air! The shock wave was scattered!

Before the wind dispersed, Long, who had taken the opportunity to rush over, had already leaped up and used a whirlwind kick from the assassination sect! Going straight to Qin Ming's face!

Just waiting for him! But it was Qin Ming who accumulated power with one hand! A heavy blow with all his strength!

Change! Blood Fist!

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