Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 505 Blood Buddha Stops Killing

After throwing Takashi away who was seriously injured by a kick, Akuma strode towards the Steel Fist with a straight face.

Gang Fist, who was directly hit by a special move and was seriously injured, knelt down on one knee with his chest covered, and blood continued to flow from his mouth and nose.

Seeing Akuma approaching, he raised an arm without hesitation and prepared to continue attacking. Gouken's pupils suddenly shrank.

The next second! A huge wave of power surged out of the body! Take him and jump up! All you have to do is throw an uppercut!

The Secret of Assassination Gate! L Dragon Fist!

Akuma had already guessed that his senior brother would still have the energy to resist, but he didn't expect that the other party's energy would be so strong!

Suddenly, he was thinking that it was too late to defend himself. He was punched in the jaw on the spot, his expression became extremely distorted for a moment, and he was shot out instantly!

After flying a full dozen meters, it landed suddenly and lost all movement.

Seeing this scene, Gang Fist, wrapped in blue air waves, hung his arms and gasped, blood dripping down his chin.

Stumbling on his feet, he knelt on the ground weakly again.

There are two brothers, Akuma is good at the whirlwind kick, and Gouken is good at Shoryuken. Each has its own unique skills. It can be said that Shoryuken is Gouken's strongest skill.

But the reason why he was able to burst out with such terrifying power this time was mainly because he chose to use his body to resist the instant prison kill without mobilizing the energy in his body to resist.

Although he was severely injured by the blow, the majestic wave power that had been prepared for a long time was able to hit Akuma at this moment and successfully defeated him with one blow.

Kneeling on his knees, with blood flowing from his mouth and nose, Gangquan kept breathing heavily, even coughing violently, and at the same time, he looked extremely miserable.

No one would be able to survive if he hit such a vital point as his jaw, his most powerful sure-kill, or the one he used with all his strength.

After hiding from Akuma for so many years, I finally had to do it myself...

Just when Gouken was melancholy, he suddenly felt the ground trembling. Feeling this scene, Gouken raised his head in shock.

As a result, he saw that the Akuma who had been hit by him was slowly getting up like a normal person!

Raising his hand to move his chin, Akuma looked at Goken, who was looking at him with wide eyes, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"Not bad strength."

"You! What are you doing!"

Looking at Akuma in disbelief, Gouken's pupils shrank while he was kneeling on the ground.

Akuma moved his shoulders slightly and grinned.

"If I were a human, I would have died under your punch, but unfortunately I am not a human, I am a ghost, an Asura who controls the fluctuations of murderous intent!"

He raised his hand and clenched it tightly, with black energy boiling all over his body. Black lines even appeared on his skin, and veins popped out on his forehead.

"I have transcended the realm of the mortal body long ago! Goken! Your fist can't kill me!"

The Akuma, who has been fused with the fluctuations of murderous intent all year round and has a human body, is actually no longer human on the inside.

If placed in the nightmare space, his situation is equivalent to relying on a kind of power! Forcibly fused with his own special bloodline! The murderous intention fluctuates the bloodline! Or maybe it should be called Asura bloodline!

With the power of mortals! It is beyond ordinary people! Became a monster!

But even so, Akuma was still not satisfied. He also wanted to collect more killing intent to make himself stronger.


He looked away from Gouken, who had no strength to fight anymore and had completely lost his value, and looked up at the cave behind. Akuma's eyes flickered, with an excited look in his eyes.

"My way! My mortal enemy! There!"

Stepping forward, striding forward, Akuma headed straight for the cave, with only the cave in his eyes.

Seeing this, Gouken struggled to get up and tried to stop Akuma's footsteps, but Akuma knocked him away with a sweep of his arm.

The strength of the two is actually almost the same, but unfortunately their bodies are no longer on the same level.

Gangquan is not defeated by martial arts, but by the body.

With a bang, a punch shattered the stone wall, revealing the cave behind. Akuma closed his eyes and took a greedy breath, trying to breathe in the extremely rich killing intent of the ancients inside again.

Then the next second, he opened his eyes again with a look of astonishment.

Because he discovered that there was no trace of murderous intention in the cave at this moment! It completely turned into an ordinary cave!

Sensing this scene, Akuma frowned and looked up into the depths of the cave.

But in the innermost part of the cave, a burly figure was sitting cross-legged, still emitting golden light, like a Buddha.

Seeing this scene, Akuma twitched his eyebrows, showing some surprise.

He thought that what he saw would be a similar person who had also embarked on the path of Asura, but he never expected that he would actually be a monk.

What does it mean? This kid has purified all his murderous intent? Is it possible that you still want to purify yourself?

Seeing that the ultimate showdown between Asura and Asura in his fantasy would probably never happen again, Akuma's expression couldn't help but become ferocious.

He took a step forward and was about to speak. However, at this moment, Qin Ming, who was sitting cross-legged across from him with his hands still holding the Buddha's seal, suddenly opened his eyes.

The next second! An extremely violent killing intent spurted out! The attacking Akuma's red hair flew backwards in random directions! Even his expression was slightly distorted!

The murderous intention materializes!

Qin Ming stood up slowly across from him. His eyes were red at the moment, and he still looked like a Buddha. Instead, he looked more like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

Seeing this, Gouki couldn't help but show a happy expression on his face.



"You want to purify me?"

"No, I'm not good at helping people go to the Western Paradise. I'm only good at sending others to the Western Paradise. It takes a little effort to purify you, but physical salvation is still okay."

With his hands hanging down, the murderous intent in his body raged wildly, rendering the surroundings blood red, and Qin Ming spoke in a cold voice.

Transform the Buddha with blood! Stop killing with killing!

Other Buddhist monks convert evil people by letting the other party put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot.

But Qin Ming is different, because he is not a regular Buddha, but a blood Buddha.

His way of conversion is! Stab the other party to death with the knife! Then take the knife away! No matter whether the other party becomes a Buddha or not!

Others purify the killing thoughts! He stores the killing thoughts in his body! Take it for himself! Simple and crude!

If everyone in the world hates me, I am a Buddha! If everyone in the world is kind, I am a demon!

Qin Ming, with a calm expression but extremely ferocious eyes, stood in the blood-red murderous intent, staring at Gouki opposite him, and spoke coldly.

"Gouki, your murderous intent, I like it."

Gouki grinned when he heard it, and his smile was extremely ferocious.

"That's right, me too, monk, I will kill you, devour your murderous aura, and enter the Asura Road!"

"Then let's rely on our own abilities!"

"Okay! Monk! Rely on your own abilities! Until death!"

"………… No, why do you always call me a monk?"

"Ah? Because you are a monk."

"Is my blood so obvious? Others can see it at a glance... Fuck! Where's my hair!!!"

Qin Ming, who subconsciously stretched out his hand to scratch his head, suddenly screamed in the next second.

Because he suddenly found that he was bald!

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