Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 514 Soldier Gu Lie

In the early morning of the next day, several people were striding down the street.

Chunli was walking in the front wearing her extremely classic training uniform and her hair in a bun, chatting and laughing with Mai Shiranui.

Qin Ming was followed behind him, and with a stern face, he was holding an unknown object in his hands.

Qin Ming clamped his neck with his arms, causing his legs to hang in the air, completely hanging on his arms. Miles Kasamoto desperately slapped Qin Ming's arms, begging for mercy while slapping them.

"Boss! Boss! Click! I was wrong, boss! Let go quickly! I'm going to die!"

Listening to the begging for mercy from Miles Kasamoto, the expressionless Qin Ming didn't even pay attention, but instead increased his strength.

"If you don't come to Taiwan, you'll betray me, right? You've developed a conditioned reflex! You are such a good little brother! Kasamoto Miles!"

"Boss! Boss, spare your life! Boss!"

"Are you afraid now? What have you done! I really want to grab your legs! Just tear you apart from the middle!"

"Ah? This doesn't work, boss! You still have to use it!"

"Shut up! If you talk again, I'll break you into pieces!"

While scolding, Qin Ming shook hard.

Miles Kasamoto, who was being swung around with his neck clamped and his legs completely dangling, was so choked that he rolled his eyes for a moment.

As for Chunli, who had already noticed the situation behind her, she turned around several times and opened her mouth to give some advice, but was stopped by Mai Shiranui.

Once again, she couldn't help but turn her head to look at Chunli, looking at Miles Kasamoto being tossed around like a rag doll, her eyebrows furrowed, and finally she whispered to Mai Shiranui next to her.

"Do you really don't need to take care of it?"

Mai Shiranui, who didn't even look back, waved her fan after hearing this.

"No, you don't have to worry, they are just joking."

"Are you kidding? Is this such a joke?!"

"Oh, it's so rare that it's weird, isn't it? This is already considered mild. You haven't seen anything as serious as this, especially those two guys Mai Zhuo and Wei Si. I can guarantee that they are definitely mentally ill! No wonder they always follow each other. Let’s play together with my junior brother!”

"Weisi? Mai Zhuo?"

"Oh, the two of them are my defeated ones, but they are quite good at fighting. They are also a pair of good friends. They are basically inseparable. They are so bad. Remember to stay away from them when you see them in the future."

When she said this, Mai Shiranui suddenly lowered her head and glanced at Chunli, especially at her big legs. She couldn't help but clicked her tongue and added another sentence.

"Otherwise, with your legs, they can play for a year."

Seeing that she lifted her legs again, Chunli instinctively pulled the hem of her skirt to cover it up. She quickly showed an awkward yet polite smile on her face and quickly changed the subject.

"We will be arriving soon. Then I will introduce to you my partner, American Special Forces Gu Lie."

As she spoke, Chunli led several people into another hotel, and after finding the room, she pushed the door open.

As the door opened, a big Western man wearing short sleeves, showing off his strong muscles, and most importantly, a strange broomstick on his head, with his hair standing on end, appeared in front of several people.

And him! Just another major character in the Street Fighter world! Similarly, there are basically military masters appearing in every generation! Private Gulie!

[Name: Gu Lie]

【Strength: 60】

[Physique: 60]

[Agility: 30]


[Skills: Military fighting skills (A level) Sonic hand knife (C level) Supersonic hand knife (A level) Gulie whirlwind (B level)]

[Introduction: The famous broom head! The man who once tried to confront the Wave Ken head-on with a sonic sword! Defeated by not being able to accumulate energy! 】

Seeing Chun Li arriving with many people behind her, Gu Lie stood up with a puzzled expression.

Seeing this, Chunli hurriedly came over and began to explain the situation to him and told him what happened yesterday.

Qin Ming, who was standing at the door, observed Gu Lie's attributes through his sunglasses, and a nostalgic smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Sonic Hand Knife, he was very familiar with this skill. This was the first skill he relied on to get started.

I didn't expect that one day, I would be able to see the true owner of this skill.

At this time, Gu Lie had already understood what happened from Chunli's mouth. After learning that Baroque, one of the four shadow kings, was actually dead, his eyes suddenly lit up and he quickly walked towards a few people and extended his hand warmly. hand.

"Several experts, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Gu Lie. I have been ordered to cooperate with Interpol this time to investigate the secret organization hidden here."

Seeing this, Qin Ming reached out and shook his hand with a smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you."

Gu Lie was born in the military, so he has a very straightforward personality and does not know how to hide his emotions.

This character led to conflicts between him and Chun-Li when they first started working together.

Because Gu Lie believed that Chunli was just a vase sent by Interpol and could not help him. Instead, it would only hinder him.

He is anxious to find traces of his good brother, so his attitude towards Chunli can be said to be very bad.

Gu Lie's attitude is not good, and Chun Li's attitude is naturally not good either. The two are like fighting cocks every day, fighting against each other whenever they meet.

It wasn't until they solved several secret bases of the Shadow Luo organization in succession, helped each other many times, got to know each other formally, and even saved each other's lives that the two sides finally put aside their prejudices and officially became friends.

Qin Ming and the others who had just joined did not need to go through this process, because Gu Lie trusted Chun Li and would naturally trust the people Chun Li brought with him.

Those who could be considered by Chun Li were definitely masters.

Turning around and taking the laptop, Gu Lie pointed at the information on it with a serious expression.

"The headquarters of the Shadow Luo Organization is here. I can basically confirm the location and attack them at any time. I just don't know if Chun Li's missing father and my missing friend are there."

When he mentioned this, Gu Lie couldn't help but sigh, and Chun Li also showed a sad look on her face.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, who was standing next to him, twitched his eyebrows and didn't know how to comfort him.

What could he say? Tell Gu Lie and Chun Li the truth directly? Give them a spoiler in person?

Oh, you don't have to think too much, especially Chun Li, give up your fantasy, your father died a long time ago, beaten to death by the twelve crazy women code-named December in a round-robin battle, and died miserably.

Guilie, your teammate Nash is not dead, but he has been brainwashed into a killer. He has helped Vega do a lot of bad things recently.

If this is said, Guilie and Chunli will go crazy on the spot.

But Qin Ming is not worried that the two will not be able to bear this stimulation. After all, Guilie is a fierce general in the army, and his willpower is extremely amazing. This blow is nothing.

Although Chunli is not a soldier, this woman is very tough, and in terms of willpower alone, she can even be ranked in the top five in the entire Street Fighter world.

Just one second ago, she just knew the revenge of her father's murder and learned of her father's death. The next second, she met the enemy head-on and beat the other party to lose his combat effectiveness. She was able to find something wrong through clues and forcibly stop.

Then, after finding out that the other party was also brainwashed, she actually chose to forgive the other party and help the other party get out of regret and welcome life again.

Indecisive, saving everyone is called a saint.

But Chunli is definitely not! Because she fights villains! She was really ruthless!

She is just a pure righteous person! She has a clear distinction between love and hate! If she were in ancient times, she would definitely be a female hero!

Do you want to rely on emotional suppression to make such a person unable to recover? That's definitely overthinking.

Unless you kill her directly! Otherwise, she will definitely be like the hot-blooded protagonists that often appear in anime! She will get up again and again and continue to fight you! She is indomitable!

Think about it, a female fighter with only second-rate strength has been involved in major events, and she can always survive unscathed, and most importantly, she can save people and even the world.

Who would believe that this woman didn't have some special skills!

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