Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 63 Special Items! Game Coins!

He strode forward, bent down to pick up the blood key, and Qin Ming, holding the key, quickly turned around and left.

When he returned to the house where he lived, he quickly took off his coat, gloves, mask and boots in the courtyard, buried them together, and prepared to destroy them later.

After doing all this, he breathed a sigh of relief, entered the room and took out the spoils of this time to examine them carefully.

He got two spoils of war this time, one was the legacy of the intermediate adventurer mentioned by the nightmare space, and the other was the key of the female adventurer who took the initiative to come to the door to seek death.

The other party was also skilled and bold, ready to play a mantis catching cicadas and the oriole behind.

It's a pity that he didn't expect that the mantis this time was a bit big, and it ate her in turn.

Touching the four wounds on his chest, Qin Ming quickly chose to open the two keys in his hand.

Just listening to the nightmare space prompts ringing in his ears, he couldn't help but feel troubled.

Because the adventurer's blood key is opened in a special way, you need to choose it yourself.

Opening method 1: Get 50% of the other party's storage points.

Opening method 2: Get a piece of equipment from the other party at random.

Opening method 3: Get three items from the other party's inventory at random.

Looking at the three options in front of him, Qin Ming rubbed his forehead with a headache and frowned for a while.

He has no shortage of equipment, and he doesn't believe that the other party can have better equipment than him.

After all, his talent is not a joke.

As for the points, the key of the female adventurer can be used to open this. After all, judging from the other party's fighting skills, she should not be a rookie, and she also has skills, so the points should be a little stock.

But the legacy of the intermediate adventurer cannot be opened in this way! The reason is very simple! This guy has messed himself up! Do you still expect him to have money?

After hesitating for a moment, Qin Ming finally decided on the opening method.

The female adventurer opened the points, and the legacy opened the inventory.

And soon, he got the feedback prompt of the nightmare space.

The female adventurer gave him 4522 points! Although it is not too much! But it is definitely not too little!

As for the legacy...

Item name: Game coin

Category: Consumable (blue quality)

Effect: After opening, you can directly summon a protagonist in the mission world.

Introduction: Insert the coin! Start!

Item name: Honda's loincloth (Street Fighter World)

Category: Pants (green equipment)

Equipment requirements: None


Constitution +2

Defense +1

Introduction: Sumo wrestler Honda has countless loincloths, and this is one of them stolen by a pervert.

Item name: Big chicken leg (Three Kingdoms World)

Category: Consumable (green quality)

Effect: Restores own status by 25%

Introduction: After defeating a powerful enemy, Shu Kingdom held a big eater competition to celebrate, and this is one of the chicken legs used in the competition.

Three items, two consumable props, plus one equipment.

How to say these three things, the value should not be low, but Qin Ming is a little bit dismissive.

Apart from the game coins with some strange effects, which seemed to be quite good, the other two things were just so-so, especially the big chicken leg. Qin Ming had no shortage of high-level consumables.

As long as the points were enough, he could make you a green big chicken leg, or even a silver big chicken leg!

Sitting on the bed, he played with the game coin with the word "arcade" engraved on it, and caught it casually after it bounced up.

He quickly stuffed the game coin into the inventory and took out the green loincloth.

Picking it up and shaking it with disdain, Qin Ming suddenly took out his original equipment pants and quickly merged the two green pants.

With a flash of light, a pair of blue combat pants appeared.

Name: Percival's Combat Pants (Round Table Knights World)

Category: Pants (Blue Equipment)

Equipment Requirements: Strength 5


Strength +4

Constitution +4

Introduction: Even Percival didn't know that he had a pair of pants of such good quality.

The level of another piece of equipment was upgraded, and the points increased to more than 8,000, which could be spent well.

Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction and lay down on the bed to rest. In the early morning of the next day, after confirming that no one came to visit and that his identity was not exposed, he chose to enter the nightmare space.

With 8,000 points, he quickly went to the market to purchase some consumables and put them in the inventory for emergency use.

All the points were spent by him, and the low-level consumables were also merged.

In the end, after piecing together, he had four more green-quality consumables in his hand, three to restore physical status and one to restore mental power.

The first three can be used for emergency healing, and as for the special consumables in the latter, they can replenish mental power at a critical moment, allowing him to burst out another wave of skills and turn defeat into victory.

Counting the chicken legs he got before, he already had five consumables in his hand.

Just looking at these consumables and the game coins in his hand, Qin Ming suddenly fell into hesitation.

After a moment of hesitation, he took out two of the four blood-replenishing items and fused them. After upgrading them to blue quality, he used them as consumable materials to upgrade the blue consumable item, the game coin.

Special consumables that can summon the protagonist to appear are rare, and they may not be something that low-level adventurers can obtain.

Qin Ming really wanted to see what special effects this thing could have after upgrading it to silver quality.

In the dazzling light, the two items merged with each other and finally became one.

When the light completely faded, there was only a game coin shining with silver light in front of Qin Ming.

Upgrade! Success!

Name: Rare game coin

Category: Consumable (dim silver quality)

Effect: After use, you can specify a plot protagonist to appear, and this character comes with 100 points of initial favorability.

Introduction: I want to play her! What do you mean you want to play too? Go play something else! My joystick is broken and I can't choose anyone else! I want to play her... A 82-year-old video game uncle from B station said so (I would like to thank the B station up master: 82 video game uncle's arcade video, which provided me with a lot of game information)

Looking at the upgraded silver game coin, Qin Ming raised his hand to bounce it up, and then quickly caught it.

Looking at this glittering currency, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Oh! Designated characters and with built-in favorability! This effect is awesome! Much more useful than the original game coins!

Plus another consumable in his hand, the Honor Certificate that can forcibly increase favorability, and his damn charm that has nowhere to go.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk! I don't know if I have any hope! Bump up the favorability of the designated character on the spot!

Good stuff! Save it for later use!

Quickly put away the game coin and put it next to the Honor Certificate.

He had spent all his money and prepared everything, so he began to recuperate.

And at noon on the first day of a month, his fourth mission officially arrived...

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